
new jumper,being impressed

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I'm a newbie, 4 lvls 4 jumps. I've been really impressed with the focus on training for safety,but I see, disturbingly, that most accidents involve jumpers with 100's or even 1000's of jumps. Usually low turns or collisions. Experienced jumpers making bad decisions. In regards to the incident in Fla. Experienced jumpers discussed the option of cutting away at 100'to 200' feet for 3 pages! The injured jumper (Mark) summed it up best. The best option was for this collision to have been avoided completely. (best wishes,get well soon). I'm a student-YOU GUYS are my ocean,I'm a sponge. Teach me well!! Blue Skies,soft landings............;)
I'm fine...crazy people don't know they're crazy...No,Really!

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The best option was for this collision to have been avoided completely.

Which is true, but useless if you don't succeed there. So still need to think about what to do if it happens - I don't think it's realistic to say that one person can completely prevent another from hitting him on final approach. Best I can suggest to you there is to get the LZ briefing when you visit a new dropzone, and know where the swoopers are going and avoid that vertical space. Then look at where the other crowds are, and what your alternatives are if it looks too crazy.

Experienced jumpers are more likely to be in these accidents than students for a lot of reasons:
1) doing high risk jumps and landings
2) landing at the same time as everyone else - unlike students and tandems that exit last, open higher and have slower descending chutes.
3) no longer under supervision, so can get sloppy or complacent.
4) have done hundreds or thousands of jumps rather than 10. Low probability events become more likely with more trials.

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I'm a student-YOU GUYS are my ocean,I'm a sponge. Teach me well!! Blue Skies,soft landings............;)

Learning is an active, not a passive thing. Seek out answers and ask questions. Try to find the people who know the most about what you're trying to learn.

Believe it or not, many experienced jumpers do not care whether you learn things or not. It's up to you to make people teach you. And..Oh yeah, your survival depends on it. ;)

Seasons don't fear the Reaper,
nor do the Wind, the Sun, or the Rain...

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Experienced jumpers are more likely to be in these accidents than students for a lot of reasons:
1) doing high risk jumps and landings
2) landing at the same time as everyone else - unlike students and tandems that exit last, open higher and have slower descending chutes.
3) no longer under supervision, so can get sloppy or complacent.

IMHO 3) is the number one factor. Do your utmost to stay humble.
Too many of our brothers and sisters get hurt every year.

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Experienced jumpers are more likely to be in these accidents than students for a lot of reasons:
1) doing high risk jumps and landings
2) landing at the same time as everyone else - unlike students and tandems that exit last, open higher and have slower descending chutes.
3) no longer under supervision, so can get sloppy or complacent.

I second that!!! Although it is very hard sometimes!!

IMHO 3) is the number one factor. Do your utmost to stay humble.
Too many of our brothers and sisters get hurt every year.

Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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I'm a student-YOU GUYS are my ocean,I'm a sponge. Teach me well!! Blue Skies,soft landings............;)

Try not to absorb too much from this forum at your level... there's lots of bad info here, and it can be hard to determine what's good and what's bad when you're new. Your instructors are a far more reliable source of information.

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