
How do young skydivers get to do so many jumps/tunnel time?

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see loads of young (early 20's) skydivers who have made thousands of jumps,

I don't think they really are. Alot of people are not logging or guessing on their jump number.

1000 jumps in year at $20 each is $20,000, I really don't believe its happening.

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I'm 20.

I'd like to thank the National Guard, ROTC, my riggers ticket and tandem rating.:P

Also, my parents for still allowing me to live in their very nice home.B| Which is 5 min. from the DZ!

And my grandparents...for that large sum of money to get me started with school...that I spent on skydiving. It WAS an investment in my future.;)

I wouldn't say I live my life too cheaply either. Go out quite a bit, make trips, new gear. Just lucky I guess...livin the dream.

However, I don't have any tunnel time, yet.

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Live with your parents, have a decent job, live on noodles, don't go out.

Exercise for the interested: spend a month chronicling your expenses. Every one. You'd be amazed at how much money is spent on beer, coffee, and expensive sandwiches. At $30k for a car? Why?

You can live life surprisingly cheaply if you try :P.

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Well... if they're anything like me (I'm 27 now)... its credit card debt.

Working on paying off $15k and it'll hopefully be done by May... including the loan I took out to get gear (stupid stupid stupid :S)... but I'm also not jumping right now, so I have the extra money to put toward debt - which in reality is a better goal than tunnel time and jumps (for me anyway).

I will never use a credit card for recreation again...

Arianna Frances

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...I will never use a credit card for recreation again...

Me? I plan on going out with my card maxed, any income tax way overdue and as many bank loans in arrears as I can get.

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Ive been jumping out at Lillo in Spain, One of the guys there Pablo is an AFFI, tandem master freefly coach, world champion in Canopy piloting has 3,000+ jumps and is an all round nice guy. He is 19 years old!
How did he do it? His father is one of the DZ founders / owners also tandem master etc. There are pictures on the wall in the DZ bar of Pablo doing his first skydives aged 12. Allright for some.

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to each their own I guess... personally, I'm looking to get rid of them totally - and save up 6 months of expenses for emergencies. But then again I have my family to think of should something happen to me and they lose my income for 6 months (or longer [:/]), and not everyone has other folks to think of. I just know I'd hate to be like my husbands great aunt and leave my family with $30k in back taxes to have to pay, after the sale of her home. B|

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to get their finances under control.

Arianna Frances

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see loads of young (early 20's) skydivers who have made thousands of jumps,

I don't think they really are. Alot of people are not logging or guessing on their jump number.

1000 jumps in year at $20 each is $20,000, I really don't believe its happening.


I'd guess it would be at least a few thousand cheaper... as you'd be stupid not to have some kind of bulk jump package set up when jumping that much.

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All UK university students get ~£3k pa if the want it. Paid back as 9% of yer gross salary once you earn over £15k and the interest is pretty much = inflation rate.

That buys 150j a year, but knock off getting your A, BPA membership, DZ membership, gear...and thats not so many. Knock off rent, tuition, 'life' and it's dick all. Probably negative! B| Stil nice though.

500j a year can only be 'working jumps' for most people. Thats £10k +all not ticket expenses. On new-graduate money, thats nearly impossible unless you eat baked beans on Tesco economy bread all year. Unless you're a banker, but the you never see daylight, nevermind get free time!

Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club

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Does anyone know any young and very experienced skydivers and know how they have funded their jumping careers

1. Start when you are not old enough to drink (19).
2. Don't drink a bunch or smoke. (Say a pack a day and two beers from the bar at night 8.00 X 365 = 2920.00/18 = 162 jumps a year.
3. Live in a trailer on the DZ. 2000.00 for the trailer. 200.00 per mth rent, live there for 4 years = 11600.00 vs 650.00 per mth rent on an apartment X 4 years = 31200.00....So 19,600.00 saved or 1088 jumps or 272 jumps a year.
4. Drive an old car that you own...Save 400.00 bucks a mth or 266 jumps a year.
5. Get ratings..That way your jumps are paid, and you GET paid. Tandem or AFF pays say two fun jump tickets and you do 100 work jumps a year. Thats 300 jumps a year.

So without a good job, just one that gives you food money....
Don't drink or smoke 162
Live in a trailer 272
Drive a beater car 266
Get a rating 300

1000 jumps a year.

Starting at 19 and by the time you are 25, you will have plenty of jumps. However, some of that time is better spent in school.....Just ask a guy that has been jumping a long time and just went back to move forward in his career....Number of jumps is not everything.

Anyone that askes the question...fun now, or a future will get the future answer from me everytime.
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I've been packing for a few years and have been saving my money. My 14th spring was when I started static line and got through that in less than a month. I have 120 jumps in 8 months. I just kind of live weekend by weekend. For my gear I get hand-me downs from my dad, but other than that I pay for my helmet, camera, altimeter, etc.
Na' Cho' Cheese

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Working on paying off $15k and it'll hopefully be done by May... including the loan I took out to get gear (stupid stupid stupid :S)... but I'm also not jumping right now, so I have the extra money to put toward debt - which in reality is a better goal than tunnel time and jumps (for me anyway).

I will never use a credit card for recreation again...

The math is a bit funny for the first rig purchase. Opportunity cost is all over the map, determined by rentals costs and future income stability.

4000 on 10% card paid equally over the next 12 months will run ~200 in interest. Or 10 rentals in my parts (at the lowest rate) At 100 jumps, rentals would equal 50% of a new rig, and 10x the cost of the interest.

The catch, of course, if you either have to pay on schedule, or you have to be jumping enough to make the savings outweigh the interest.

I get a lot of balance xfer offers that are 0% for a specified time, or 3.9-4.9% for the life of the balance, which improves the ROI even more.

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that explains nothing as to how a 20 year old kid can have racked up $50,000 worth of jumps over a couple of years. Not every young person on the dz can afford that.

With a pen and a logbook you can make a lot of jumps in a very short period of time. I know one guy that racked up over 1500 jumps in less than two years even though he was a full time college student and rarely ever came out to the dropzone.

Or, if you don't log at all you may think you have more jumps than you really do.

I am not saying it is not possible. When I was 24 I made 350 jumps in about six months but I was living at the airport in a tent and working everyday packing and training students at a busy DZ. I didn't even have a car. It got old and I haven't made that many in a single year ever since.

But nowadays there seems like too many weekend jumpers are piling up the jump numbers in record time even though they have real jobs, school, or other interests.

It don't add up.

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Well I am a 22 year old skydiver. I have very few bills granted I have not made 500 jumps in a year. But consider this I started jumping April 30th of 2005 (Tandem) now I have 114 jumps. I also own 2 jump suits, brand new vector 3 custom made container, new cypress 2 AAD, used saber 1 190, used tempo 210 reserve, 1 new oxygen 3 helmet, 1 new altimaster 3, 1 new protrac. I believe that I have spent nearly 9K this last year on skydiving alone. Some ways that I afforded this is.

1. Military (single)
2. Used some of my GI bill to pay for skydiving
3. college tax credit
4. Working at DZ for free jumps

I have not run up any credit card debt. Granted I did re-finance my car to buy my new container. My credit rating is just as good if not better then when I started. Hope this helps you out.

O yea plus 1 hour tunnel time

Also nobody in my family has ever skydived and I started in the sport from scratch. Went to the DZ by myself and did not know anybody for at least the first 3 visits. I did start camping at the DZ at Tandem 3.

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I did 350 this year although granted I was uneployed for half the year and did spend my 401k from the previous job...it just became an interesting game on how to hide from the creditors...of course now I am cleaning up that mess...that and paying for my titanium ankle finally...


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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I'm 24, have 1000 jumps, am a full time college student living off campus (not with parents) and receive not financial support from the family. Up until end of Jan I was unemployeed for 2 years, in those 2 years I made 400 some odd skydives. I am on my 2nd rig and 3rd canopy, 2nd rig and 3rd canopy were bought new, a birdman suit, flat top with digital cameras, 5 hours in the tunnel and will be making 50 jumps in perris in 2 weeks.

I haven't paid for a jump out of my check book for close to 4 years...IT's all about how dedicated you are and where you can cut costs in your life and come up with ways to make money. My advice, get your ratings and shoot some f*cking killer video

edit to add: I didn't start jumping till I was 19 and saw a flyer on my campus. I'm not a dz baby and didn't pay my way packing
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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