kansasskydiver 0 #76 March 3, 2006 QuoteObviously the key to doing a shit load of paid jumps is to become first a coach, then an AFF or Tandem Instructor and if possible a vidiot. But just so that newer jumpers are aware of this, you don't just show up at the DZ one day with camera gear and say I want to fly tandem videos. You need to build the appropriate skills. It's likely easier to become a vidiot at a smaller DZ, but thanks to a fatal tandem/camera incident last year. The DZ in CO where I was at last year started a new policy that in order to fly tandem video you either needed to be an existing rated AFF Instructor or a rated Tandem Instructor (they had a few existing vidiots which had been flying camera for years and were understandably grandfathered in towards this policy). It's totally understandable why they would ask for this requirement as nobody wants to see Tandem accidents due to inadequately skilled video fliers. So I just wanted to point this out to the newer jumpers that you can't just show up one day and say pay me money to jump without building the skill set first and you'll need to spend some of your own money to build this skill set. So either get a good job outside of the industry or become a packer/rigger at the DZ and watch where you spend you money elsewhere in the world (this last part is not directed at Kansasskydiver since he's doing a better job working in the industry than I am). Dude you are SO right on. We're a small club, there's one tandem master and one vidiot (me), but by no means is it a monopoly. We do maybe 100 tandems a year and of course as we all know, not every tandem gets video, so it varies. I started jumpnig video with about 400 jumps, the previous TM was a vidiot and taught me the ropes. We had rules, how close I could be, when I would break off and even I set some as well for my comfort level. Before even doing tandem videos I'd been jumping with a camera on my head for about 200 jumps, and by no means was I "good" at it. It's a learning process. About 200 jumps into the vidiot progression I spent time in the tunnel, getting belly time, transitions etc. I worked exits and got good at chasing on the hill etc. After that I got MORE tunnel time, trained more and when I'm uncurrent (no video within a couple weeks) I'll film a tandem for free just for the training. There's a lot to be said about being a vidiot or working the skydiving business to pay bills. You run into a lot of people at boogies, everyone exits differently, everyone has different rules and you just have to follow them. What scares me are the 200 jump wonders who slap a camera on their heads and want to start chasing tandems out or video them. A) the quality isn't good and you're selling a product for the dropzone, not YOUR product, but for the dropzone. If it's shitty quality then the next guy down the line might hear from them that it's not worth the $85 bucks. B) it's not just about flying video, getting the exit etc. Tandems move, A LOT, and you're a perfect target for that student or an accident. If all of a student the TM pulls, where are you? Where you ready? Were you in the way? Example, 9500 ft TM throws out the drouge and his main comes out. Student dislodged the handled on exit and pulled it out... A newbie leaving late, on top of the grouge, could have been much much worse. So yes, it scares me. I've had a couple people come out to the dz who want to start flying video and tandems. I say I'd rather they fly with me, exit before and stay out of the way to get some time in the air, but it takes a lot of jumping, regardless if you're getting paid or not, you HAVE to stay current. So that's my rant, don't think you can make a fortune in the industry just by smacking a camera on your head. It too a lot of work, dedication and f*ck ups to get to the point I'm at now, and every other camera flyer can tell you the same thing. I for one weight 290-300 out the door, just one of the things I have to overcome and keep myself and the TM safe. Don't think the vidiot at teh DZ telling you you can't jump is cause he wants the money, it's for his and your safety and you can't just jump into the industry either, it doesn't work, you have to sell yourself and be GOOD at it and what your package is.<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dolph 0 #77 March 3, 2006 Man. All you guys make me feel like an old slacker. I started at age 28. Late start. Jump all I can (weather and aircraft types are limitations here) and have basically cut non essential costs (no car etc.). And still I'm lagging behind. I'm paying for every jump. Am in a club where all work is done for free, so no money to be made there. I'll just hope I get a raise. Seems I got a lot of catching up to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alw 0 #78 March 3, 2006 QuoteMan. All you guys make me feel like an old slacker. . Remember when 7MPH winds kept you on the ground? --------------------------------------------- Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dharma1976 0 #79 March 3, 2006 QuoteQuoteMan. All you guys make me feel like an old slacker. . Remember when 7MPH winds kept you on the ground? No I am from the ranch :-P Davehttp://www.skyjunky.com CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #80 March 5, 2006 There are two ways: be born into a wealthy family or work on the DZ. Being born wealthy is by far the easier route. Ideally your older brother takes over the family business and pays you a stipend to do dangerous sports. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattmais 0 #81 March 5, 2006 Back when the earth was still round...... and i was Studying Engineering. 1) Find the Cheapest Rent possible (i was paying 90/month plus utilities....just turn the heat and ac off! 2) Pack at the DZ.... i used to do about 10-20/day @ $each to pay for jumps. Didnt like throwing students out much....they are not safe! 3) Ive never had a car payment. Drive the most fuel efficient auto u can find , 50 mpg vw rabbit at the time. fixed everything myself. Hithhike when possible... (Tom Pirus gave me a ride on the way to the the boogie at Us Nationls once..they yr the Air Bears Won 4-way) 4) Eat Ramen noodles, pb&J. Mac/cheese. Hot dogs. 4.5) Camping is cheaper than a hotel at a boogie. If you dont have a tent...sleep in ur canopy. 5) When going out to eat/drink ...... just eat the leftovers on ur friends plate:) or eat before u go.... sneak in a beer... to fill ur glass:) 6) Do anything u can at the DZ for a free jump.... I cleaned the restrooms in the morning for a free jump or two. 7) Demo Jumps were free too! 8) move in w/ mom:) when possible. Married now so i cant:( 9) u dont need a tv etc. (never owned one till 28... and i still have it) 10) work for a buck or two when u have the time..... 11) all these can be done today..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
packing_jarrett 0 #82 March 6, 2006 I wanna be just like you when I grow upNa' Cho' Cheese Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ernokaikkonen 0 #83 March 6, 2006 Deal drugs. Seems to work well for some people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
badtempered 0 #84 November 8, 2015 I've just begun. Recently completed my AFF and have 5 solos since. I'm 20 but I can afford it because I'm military. I don't really have to pay for housing and utilities(it comes out of my paycheck though) but I don't physically pay for it so all the money I get goes towards food, gas, insurance, jumps and of course wifi. I paid off my used car in 5 months and now I have jump and travel money. Im stationed in Italy so cost of living is a little more expensive so they compensate as well. Not in the thousands jump club yet but hopefully soon enough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites