
FAI and tunnels. WTF?

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Maybe I'm too old, but for the life of me I can't see why the FAI sanctions a tunnel flying competition.

Why not trampolining or springboard diving into swimming pools?

What has body flying in a ground based, enclosed space got to do with aviation?

What has tunnel flying got to do with skydiving? There are no parachutes, no sky, no diving. They've adopted some skydiving manoeuvres, but thats all.

BASE jumping is more related to skydiving....does the FAI sanction that?

"Indoor skydiving" is a misnomer, and a complete contradiction of reality.

Am I the only one who doesn't get it?
My computer beat me at chess, It was no match for me at kickboxing....

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The same question can be asked about the wind tunnel forum in the skydiving section here.

Well, its there so people would know where to find them, and new ones are getting built as I type this. And people get to bitch and complain about customer service and whatnot. ;)

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Lol does it really matter? Someone could come up with a new sanctioning body if they really wanted to. With FAI doing it you get all the backing of the FAI. The FAI is also about air sports and aeronautics. Flying your body around in air kinda falls under their jurisdiction.

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But tunnel cracks don't mess up air traffic controllers .... nor do they awake neighbours from their Sunday morning hang-overs .... nor do they land in spectator-seating ....
Wait a minute!
If we remove a few Plexiglas panels .....
It would be as exciting as catching fly-balls at baseball games ....

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I missed the point in your rambling, or missed your sarcasm.


I was rambling, but my point is "no blood, no sport."
If spectators were at risk of being struck by random tunnel rats falling out of the tunnel, it would make tunnel flying more interesting.
..... sort of like being splashed by the trained mammals at the aquarium.

That's it!
We allow spectators to sit along the edge of the swoop pond at the next Canopy Piloting Competition. Minor fails would see spectators splashed, while major fails would see spectators suffer the same concussions, cracked femurs and drowning a as competitors!
Any less blood would be as exciting as watching paint dry!

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I was rambling, but my point is "no blood, no sport."
If spectators were at risk of being struck by random tunnel rats falling out of the tunnel, it would make tunnel flying more interesting.
..... sort of like being splashed by the trained mammals at the aquarium.

That's it!
We allow spectators to sit along the edge of the swoop pond at the next Canopy Piloting Competition. Minor fails would see spectators splashed, while major fails would see spectators suffer the same concussions, cracked femurs and drowning a as competitors!
Any less blood would be as exciting as watching paint dry!

Kind of... "Let the hunger games begin" ;)


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