BASE1375 0 #1 October 19, 2015 Here is why you shouldn't vote for Rich Winstock or Shauna Finley. Boy the truth hurts. Please check Marko Markovich public figure page on Facebook to see the original message Winstock sent online regarding USPA's rules. :)10,000 jumps, with a log for every single jump. Unlike some USPA National Directors with 14,750 Fake jumps with the flying skills to prove they are fake jumps.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #2 October 19, 2015 Where are the video's sent? RD or to headquarters or full board? Is it only the RD that decides their fate? This has ALWAYS been an issue with the USPA, lack of consistency in dishing out/or not punishments. Everything they put in their manuals are vague and I believe they are opening themselves up for many lawsuits when they suspend one and not another. For me, it's not just coming down to who should I or should I not vote for but do I even want to remain a member of this organization. I am not in the eastern region but hope they pick a good one this time (as with every region). JudyBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckakers 426 #3 October 19, 2015 jlmiracleWhere are the video's sent? RD or to headquarters or full board? Is it only the RD that decides their fate? Everything you ever wanted to know about disciplinary actions. Section 1-6. Akers D-10855 Houston, TX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #4 October 19, 2015 SECTION 6: DISCIPLINARY ACTION A. Any member may be censured, suspended or expelled by the USPA Executive Committee, with such action subject to review by the BOD, for causes including but not limited to transgression of basic ethical principles of USPA as detailed in the Constitution, By-Laws, and policies of USPA. If requested, the member shall be granted a hearing before the BOD at its next scheduled meeting. Notice in writing shall be given the individual at least 30 days in advance. A majority vote of the BOD shall decide any action on the matter. So the problem is the Executive Committee. We not only need to replace Winstock but also President: Sherry Butcher Vice President: Randy Allison Secretary: Ray Lallo Treasurer: Albert Berchtold Member at Large: Tom Noonan Chairman of the Board: Jay Stokes JudyBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #5 October 19, 2015 If I read the text correctly you continued to do tandem 180's and risked the safety of unsuspecting tandem customers in your political pissing match?"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ufk22 33 #6 October 19, 2015 jlmiracleSECTION 6: DISCIPLINARY ACTION A. Any member may be censured, suspended or expelled by the USPA Executive Committee, with such action subject to review by the BOD, for causes including but not limited to transgression of basic ethical principles of USPA as detailed in the Constitution, By-Laws, and policies of USPA. If requested, the member shall be granted a hearing before the BOD at its next scheduled meeting. Notice in writing shall be given the individual at least 30 days in advance. A majority vote of the BOD shall decide any action on the matter. So the problem is the Executive Committee. We not only need to replace Winstock but also President: Sherry Butcher Vice President: Randy Allison Secretary: Ray Lallo Treasurer: Albert Berchtold Member at Large: Tom Noonan Chairman of the Board: Jay Stokes JudyI am familiar with some of these people covering for their friends (personal experience and second-hand stories) but I will say I have NEVER heard this said about Tom Noonan or Jay Stokes. In fact, just the opposite, but they are only two votes and both have enough integrity to not go "outside the system" with any information.This is the paradox of skydiving. We do something very dangerous, expose ourselves to a totally unnecesary risk, and then spend our time trying to make it safer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #7 October 20, 2015 The problem is that the peons who work at the bottom of the USPA hierarchy are subjected to punishment, yet all the higher ups get away from everything. I too have gotten suspension for doing big turns with tandems, yet this person who is in charge of safety of USPA gives me a suspension, but he proceeds to take over $50K from USPA pool for the injury that he created during his swoop accident. None of his ratings got revoked, warning after warning, proof after proof vidoes questioning his behavior as a tandem pilot, but the USPA or UPT doesn't do anything... Because he is part of USPA and the UPT. The problem is that USPA enforces rules on the peons and the higher up does exact same thing over and over again with proof and yet all of their rating in intact. I have personally gotten message from this person saying that although he wants to be elected and running for it, but this person doesn't give a fck about the good ol'boy gay club(whatever that means, I guess something happens at the meetings at Reno), or its safety policy, I can send you a PM if you wanna see it. After this election he will be a director again. No questions asked. Fck USPA and "good ole'gay club" Edit by cpoxon: if you want PMs, turn on your PMsBernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpoxon 0 #8 October 20, 2015 We already have one election thread. Please keep it in there.Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites