stayhigh 2 #101 September 24, 2015 There should be a new policy when it comes to canopy advice. Don't Ask, Don't tell.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #102 September 24, 2015 entaHello, i wan´t to give an update. So I received a lot of messges about my topic from really nice and experienced people and i am really thankfull for that. I don´t regret opening this thread,because i got a lot of input, but i wasn´t aware of the fact, that i get offended from the first second on, espacially with the fact, that this is my first active try to get advice on this platform. It escalated pretty quickly and it seems to me, almost everyone who posted in here had very bad experiences and is just freaking out immediatly. But again, maybe i am wrong but i think i am a very rational person and i don´t think I take important decisions easily. I had the possibility to tell everyone how a freak of safety i am and never would consider a decision like that, but i decided to be honest and tell you, that i think i am talented at the canopy. I don´t say i am a fucking beautiful snowflake out of thousands, i say i think i am just a bit more talendet than some others (and i believe that) I definitly get your reaction, no one likes arrogant people, but either i am honest or i am not. That doesn´t mean i think i can progress super fast and come away with it. I wasn´t aware i would meet a bunch of angry people predicting my death just because of a question i ask. Especially because i think the skydive community is a very chilled out scene and everyone is trying to help each other. I know things escalated a bit and i am not innocent to that. The main reason i post again, is that i think most of the reactions are really really dangerous to newer skydivers, because some of the reactions are so harsh, that most will think you are complety nutts and won´t follow your advice because of this. If you really want to help people new to this sport and new to this forum, don´t fucking freak out, nobody is helped with that. Quoted just so it stays. In a later post you say you understand why people are overreacting . If you understood, you wouldn't think people were overreacting. I don't think anyone here is angry at you or thinks you are stupid. If you knew how many times this thread has played out here you might begin to understand why some people are harsh. As for not taking the message because you don't like the delivery or the messenger....well...that makes someone a bit of a child. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #103 September 24, 2015 stayhighThere should be a new policy when it comes to canopy advice. Don't Ask, Don't tell. I like that.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #104 September 24, 2015 catfishhunterenta this isn't tiddly winks in kindergarten. No one is going to be nice and sweet and hold your hand. That isn't how skydivers are. Don´t speak for the skydive community, i met the nicest people at my DZ and found a lot of good friends. I know, skydivers have a very unique sense of humor, but to be an asshole has nothing to do with being funny. All this uuuuh dude you gotta be a insane manly neckbeard to skydive, is so stupid, idgaf Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #105 September 24, 2015 whats idgaf? I know IDDQD, IDKFA, IDSPISPOPD.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jbscout2002 1 #106 September 24, 2015 Enta, I'm on board with you bro. I was jumping a Silhouette 230, and my exit weight was 275. The max weight on a Silhouette 230 is 276. I did some looking around and found that the Valkyrie 103 has a max weight of 288. So if I go to that, I can go fast, and it gives me an additional 12 pounds of safety margin, right? Now, I'm sure there will be doubters, but what they don't understand is that I usually jump in Canada. They are on the metric system there, so that translates in my favor, plus they have free health care. On the surface, it looks like I'm downsizing too rapido, but the numbers don't lie my man. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #107 September 24, 2015 QuoteI know, skydivers have a very unique sense of humor, but to be an asshole has nothing to do with being funny. Well, now you don't like what you are being told. So of course the people telling you are assholes. Only anonymous crybabies come here and talk like that. Man up. Who are you? If you are not too ashamed to say that is.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #108 September 24, 2015 Thanks Billvon for sharing your story with us. The Xaos part and similar explanations before are the main reason i will stick to the 150. I think i can handle the 135 with "slow and safe landings", but it is true, that it is not always my decision to do that. Pictureing a landing outside on a steep bumpy part with wind in my back or things like that, the chances to fuck up are extremely high. Can someone link me to threads similar to this one? Can´t find any with "downsizing" or "which canopy to get". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #109 September 24, 2015 your going from a 150 to a 135 isn't the problem. 15 sq ft big fucking deal. Your reasoning, because you want a tiny container, then your I'm better then the every other person even my instructor said so, are big fucking red flags. Not seeing that shows you ARE NOT BETTER THAN anyone, your exactly the person bounce bingo was started for because you do not see it because if you did you would have stopped this long ago. July 12th 2017 giving you and extra year because you got mad skillz brah... MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JWest 0 #110 September 24, 2015 CSpenceFLY In a later post you say you understand why people are overreacting . If you understood, you wouldn't think people were overreacting. I think people posting dates they think he is going to bounce and comparing him to sangi can be classified as overreacting. Sangi bounced because he started swooping before he was ready. Flying a basic pattern is not comparable. OP I am glad you have decided to stay at the 150. The canopy is more than capable of scaring the shit out of you. So will have fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #111 September 24, 2015 catfishhunteryour going from a 150 to a 135 isn't the problem. 15 sq ft big fucking deal. Your reasoning, because you want a tiny container, then your I'm better then the every other person even my instructor said so, are big fucking red flags. Not seeing that shows you ARE NOT BETTER THAN anyone, your exactly the person bounce bingo was started for because you do not see it because if you did you would have stopped this long ago. July 12th 2017 giving you and extra year because you got mad skillz brah... It´s a simple consideration. Example: Same Thread, same szenario, except i have 500jumps. In this szenario i maybe want a new rig too and think hmmm i think i am ready for a smaller chute. At this point i possibly be and everyone would say oh yeah no problem, you propably ready for it. Now this thread as it is, i need a new rig, I thought: Damn maybe i am ready for a smaller chute, the rig would last me longer. What did i do? I asked my instructor, he basicly gives me a go, I think hmmm he should know it, he knows my skills too. And then I decide to get more opinions in a forum because one wasn´t enough for me, even though i trust this man and realize, nope i am not really ready for a smaller chute and decide to take a larger container. You think that is not seeing red flags? Besides the fact you noticed that 150-135=15, I am not sure if you are literally retarded or you just troll me....brah Edit: Thanks JWEST, i´m glad too and i will shit my pants, promised :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sammielu 3 #112 September 24, 2015 I ask again: why do you want to downsize or go faster when you're not doing anything to go faster on your current canopy? For me the whole discussion boils down to this: you are asking a random selection of strangers on the Internet if we think you should downsize. If you have to ask... you probably know the answer is no. I downsized to a 150 at 1.3 wingloading at 800 jumps in 2.5 years, and the conversations I have about canopy flight are much more detailed and goal oriented than "how to not hurt myself when I fuck up". 220 jumps (4 months) later, I'm starting to get my landings dialed in. 100% of the time within 10 ft, 10% of the time within 3 ft, working on perfecting that flare after the plane-out to need to take fewer than the 2 steps I take now... oh, and I can land it in any direction, under any circumstances, including uphill in the dark during night jumps on an unfamiliar airport, and am ok wearing 16lbs of lead when I'm jumping with giants. If this was your starting point, the conversation would be much different. Set goals for yourself on your current canopy. Jump different canopies at that same size. Video as many of your landings as possible, watch the video over and over and get coaching. That is the way to learn - before you change everything by going smaller. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PixieUK 0 #113 September 24, 2015 enta Hello. I wouldn´t downsize if everyone would tell me that it´s a stupid idea :) So i asked my instructor and his answer in summary was like:"If you are carefull and take it easy at the beginning, it should be fine". After that i asked my Rigger who is extremely experienced and he said basicly the same. I would definitly go for another control course. And now i read in this forum for the first time and see so many ppl. really really taking it super slow and super safe and i ask myself, am i doing it too fast? I think i know most of you will recommend to stay at 150 and i will propably go for it anyways, but i´m still interested in your opinions and how fast/slow you downsized. Thanks for your comments in advance and sorry for my writing, i´m not a native english speaker. greetings. Ok, I've read the first couple of pages of responses and since they're all basically the same (with varying amounts of rudeness, lol), does that qualify as "I wouldn´t downsize if everyone would tell me that it´s a stupid idea :)" yet I have a similar number of jumps to you (nearly 180), have been jumping 2 years, have done 2 canopy courses and I'm still jumping a 190. I've had it for over 100 jumps and no-one I know would object to me downsizing to a 170 but so far, I'm not really bothered. I like knowing that I will land safely regardless of the conditions and what might happen during my landing pattern. On a 170, I might just about get to a 1:1 wingloading (apart from those big way jumps where I have a ton of lead on where my wingloading is already over 1) so being light isn't an excuse for downsizing. I have watched a friend smack into the ground on a 'conservative' wingloading (much lower than yours) and break her femur. One of the tandem instructors at my dz is just about to come out of plaster after breaking his femur on a tandem jump. Another friend is in hospital and is likely to be there for some considerable time after a low turn. I have been cut up on final and had to make adjustments at the last minute (thanks to canopy courses, those were harness turns or quick stabs on rears to 'move over' a few feet). I've had to land downwind in light wind conditions due to a fixed landing pattern for safety reasons. Any time my landing doesn't go quite according to plan, I'm confident I can land my canopy safely without needing to worry about "taking it easy" or being at the outside limits of my skill set. If I had to cutaway or had an accident in freefall and my AAD fired, my reserve wing loading is also conservative (150) so I am less likely to be badly injured if I can't control my canopy due to being unconscious (I do a lot of FS and big way jumping) or due to an injury. What size will your reserve be if you get a 135 as your main? What will your wing loading be on that? This sport is dangerous. Complacency in this sport is likely to get you hurt, possibly very badly. The smaller the canopy, the less your margin for error. I don't have enough personal experience to say don't downsize, but I've seen enough people get hurt to know that reducing the size of my life-saving equipment is not a priority for me at my number of jumps. Good luck whatever you decideA mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #114 September 24, 2015 Sammileu You may not noticed, that I said pages ago, that i will keep the 150 for a lot of reasons posted in this thread. This is one of the reasons, i thought 90° toggle turn to gain a bit speed in no wind conditions in combination with safe landings is enough to downsize (like i did with 230-210-190-170-150), but obviously this is not enough when it´s going into the higher wingloads and smaller canopys. I realized a lot of things, so I changed my plans. Btw: Sry i can´t answer everything, glad you asked again, i already feel like writing a book (that would be a shitty book) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #115 September 24, 2015 Hi Pixie, thanks for answering. Sounds absolutely right what you are saying, i decided to keep my 150, already fast enough :) Did i get that right, you have a 150 reserve and you jump a 190 main? I would have gotten a 135 reserve, atm. i am jumping a 160 optima reserve in my rig. I got told, that your reserve should be ca. as big as your main, so hanging on a much smaller chute with totally different characteristics. Maybe this is a too small reserve. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #116 September 24, 2015 enta***your going from a 150 to a 135 isn't the problem. 15 sq ft big fucking deal. Your reasoning, because you want a tiny container, then your I'm better then the every other person even my instructor said so, are big fucking red flags. Not seeing that shows you ARE NOT BETTER THAN anyone, your exactly the person bounce bingo was started for because you do not see it because if you did you would have stopped this long ago. July 12th 2017 giving you and extra year because you got mad skillz brah... It´s a simple consideration. Example: Same Thread, same szenario, except i have 500jumps. In this szenario i maybe want a new rig too and think hmmm i think i am ready for a smaller chute. At this point i possibly be and everyone would say oh yeah no problem, you propably ready for it. Now this thread as it is, i need a new rig, I thought: Damn maybe i am ready for a smaller chute, the rig would last me longer. What did i do? I asked my instructor, he basicly gives me go, I think hmmm he should know it, he knows my skills too. And then I decide to get more opinions in a forum and realize, nope i am not really ready for a smaller chute and decide to take a larger container. You think that is not seeing red flags? Besides the fact you noticed that 150-135=15, I am not sure if you are literally retarded or you just troll me....brah Edit: Thanks JWEST, i´m glad too and i will shit my pants, promised :D Once you have 500 jumps, you are not gonna be asking any questions regards to downsizing on a internet forum. You better be hitting gates and dragging foot by the time you have 500 jumps. Or otherwise you are just gonna end up flying something big and horribly slow for rest of your life. 500 is when you will decide to become a wingsuit guy or continue on a path and become a freeflier/swooper. If you are old and over 40, you may continue on doing belly jumps, like all the AFF students and the tandem instructors.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sammielu 3 #117 September 24, 2015 There are a lot of "I should be OK on xyz size reserve" opinions out there. The best way I've heard it is do you have a reserve to save your life or save your quality of life? A small reserve can still land you in a wheelchair. I'd rather have bigger everything, go slow, and jump for the rest of a long life. Thank you for responding. Please understand that everyone that has been around this sport for a while has seen friends get hurt or dead, and seen plenty of guys with similar questions as you head down the path of the hurt/dead. Sometimes yelling or forceful words seem like the quickest way to make an important point... and all that is expanded with a nebulous profile where none of us can put a name to a face, dz, canopy course, etc. I'm glad you are sticking with the 150. Ask questions, look up canopy drills to work on, get tons of coaching, and use this forum to ask for more ideas for canopy skills to work on if you need them. Use the wide variety of experience and jackassery around this website to your advantage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #118 September 24, 2015 Stayhigh I don´t know if you are serious or just try to talk me into fatality soon, but you are a pretty funny dude :) Sammielu I like your point of view and i think i can understand the douchebaggery more and more. Loosing a buddy is fucked up and i would get angry too if I read the same shit killing people over and over again once a week. I don´t have the experience in this sport and never lost a buddy, so i can´t imagine all of this. Hope the second part won´t change. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #119 September 24, 2015 Few gets my post without me having to put a sarcasm mark somewhere in the post. but on serious note. It is really up to you, no one here knows how you fly, no one here saw you flying a canopy. You might be that guy who was capable of flying x-brace at 200 jumps, or you could be that guy who should never downsize and stay at 1.1 wingloading. No one can tell you what to do. Do what your heart tells you to do. Know this tho.. Ground is very hard and unforgiving. If you take time and jump out of an airplane with the intention of getting better at whatever every single jump, you will get good. Skydiving is really easy, it just takes time, and shit ton of money. Don't rush to get good, once you are good, everything sucks from that point on. The funnest part of skydiving is seeing yourself progressing. After that you are just throwing money away for shits and gigs. (that takes about 2000 jumps) Just do everything except belly flying. That's for old and uncoordinated people, along with Stiletto 170.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #120 September 24, 2015 I´m having a hard time getting sarcasm in the written english language. yeyyy i found one. My heart tells me do it, my brain says no. Usually i am better of with my brain. Because it makes sense, gonna start to learn going faster and better with my 150, so i have better chances to survive and become a bored and broke Skydiver with 2000 Jumps+. Now that i know next logical step is to start gaining more speed i am really looking forward to my next jumps. But to be honest, i will stay safe, but i definately don´t want to be 500 jumps wl 0,7 tiptoe landing into barrel roll safe. Edit: Again not sure if last sentence sarcasm, goddamn i´m the sheldon cooper among the english readers. But if not, don´t worry, I started sitflying around jump 40 and train with my buddy, FF only. I agree with you, rw is a bit boring. Can´t wait to go head down the first time, but I don´t have to ask this in a forum, i know i have to get a lot better in sitfly first. Tunneling in the winter for sure. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #121 September 24, 2015 You bring up the desire for a rig to, "last you longer" which tells us that you figure on downsizing again and again - that it is expected, or natural to get to a quite high wingload. There are many very experienced jumpers that do not give in to that. Everyone would rather have a tiny rig if there were no downside, but there most definitely is. There should be an equivalent of the "Blood on the Highway" type of movies. Being happy to just have a nice, soft, easy to execute, no stress landing is a good way to still be jumping decades from now without a limp.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WickedWingsuits 0 #122 September 25, 2015 When selecting your main size you want to consider dropzones you might visit and not just your home DZ. It is a piece of cake to land a 150 over and over again at a sea level DZ with a big landing area, take a road trip to the mountain states and jump into a smaller landing area and you might be regretting a smaller canopy. Most skydivers end up hitting a few boogies and you will see a lot of injuries once people get away from what they know.Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month. Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfriverjoe 1,523 #123 September 25, 2015 enta Losing a buddy is fucked up and i would get angry too if I read the same shit killing people over and over again once a week. I don´t have the experience in this sport and never lost a buddy, so i can't imagine all of this. Hope the second part won´t change. That's why you are seeing the responses you are seeing. The same stupid shit killing or maiming people over and over again. Glad to see that you are deciding to "not be stupid." And I hate to tell you this, but you will lose friends. No way around it. Someone once said: "If you are stupid, careless or reckless, you stand a pretty good chance of getting seriously hurt or killed doing this. If you aren't, you will see your friends die or get seriously hurt from something stupid, careless or reckless." The really fucked up part about it is that you get used to it."There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy "~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #124 September 25, 2015 gowlerk Quote next step was a 119er safire2 with the shiny, custom-made micron to go with it. at 250 jumps. Maybe you're just having some fun? Because that would be very questionable. nope, no fun, it's what i did/got. unlike others, i'm still jumping it, and plan on doing it for a while. might get an XF3 once it hits the market and i've put another 200 or so jumps on it, will still keep it if i intend to go hardcore-wingsuiting, but probably i'll just keep jumping the safe¨, save my money and eventually buy another BASErig, as now my interest lays with fixed objects. still wanna leave certain people in the dust tracking. ted rudd's spot needs to be filled up again. maybe that's my destination. “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bdenny20 0 #125 September 25, 2015 DougH Hold on, be right back, want to get some popcorn before Michael Jackson gets it all. You called it. This thread has been invaluable, as I'm sure one day I will have the same thoughts and will be prompted to make a similar thread. At that point, I will pretend I am the OP here since the responses will be the same. Recycling threads like a b0$$. Can we get ice cream after this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites