gowlerk 2,220 #126 September 25, 2015 QuoteJust do everything except belly flying. That's for old and uncoordinated people, along with Stiletto 170. Yup, that's me. And 58 years old too! But how did you know about the Stiletto 170?Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #127 September 25, 2015 I packed for SOS or POP's record couple years back, and all I packed for the 3-4 day was ST 170 and 190. General color scheme was Teal, Blue, and some other awful color. Think ST with 4-5 different colors in and non of them matches. They all say, "It has great visibility." Ya, color so ugly that it just stands out and can't never look away.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #128 September 25, 2015 TARGET FIXATION, yay!!!“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,220 #129 September 25, 2015 2 cells lemon, 2 tangerine, 2 red, one burgundy, 2 blackberry. Inspired by a Mexican blanket in '94. First Stiletto at the DZ. People thought I would die because, well, I only had about 200 jumps on my Cruiselite before that. Some things never change.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PixieUK 0 #130 September 25, 2015 enta Hi Pixie, thanks for answering. Sounds absolutely right what you are saying, i decided to keep my 150, already fast enough :) Did i get that right, you have a 150 reserve and you jump a 190 main? I would have gotten a 135 reserve, atm. i am jumping a 160 optima reserve in my rig. I got told, that your reserve should be ca. as big as your main, so hanging on a much smaller chute with totally different characteristics. Maybe this is a too small reserve. Glad you think the 150 is still ok for you Reserve parachutes are generally much more docile than main canopies and as I weigh 145lbs and it's a 150, my wing loading is still very conservative. I've already had a reserve ride (19th jump) and I am comfortable with the size of my reserve canopy. I could land it safely if I was uninjured, and hopefully it wouldn't break me too much if I was unconscious. Like I said, I could choose to downsize and no-one would object (I'd keep the same size reserve) but I'm still learning how to handle a canopy well and prefer to make any mistakes on a very forgiving parachute. It also gets me back from deep spots when on big ways and I've had to track the wrong way from the landing area A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingbunky 3 #131 September 25, 2015 i didn't write this, and i don't know who to credit, but i thought it was good advice so i saved it: QuoteLanding straight in is easy. Basic maneuvers aren't too exciting until things start getting wrong but that's exactly what you're sizing your canopy for - a down-wind landing on pavement following a low turn to avoid power lines you didn't see until it was almost too late due to low light on the sunset load where you are landing out due to a bad spot because some cute girls flashed the pilot, everyone got extra altitude, and your hypoxic friend got his foot stuck on the seatbelt so your climbout took too long. glad to hear you're sticking with the 150. rule of thumb was start at no more than 1:1, then add a max of .1 per hundred jumps after that."Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart." MB4252 TDS699 killing threads since 2001 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowcrash 0 #132 September 25, 2015 entaI realized a lot of things, so I changed my plans. #¤%$ bro, you pussying out on the SoFPiDaRF community? How are you ever going to make sub-100 at that pace? C'mon, femurs heal right? I guess you can always go for more rotations though... Just remember, no video, shoes on = no t-shirt. Sorry for the harsh jokes, but seriously, glad to hear that you decided to stay with the 150. A 135 is a small canopy... I just downsized to a Sabre2 120 at about the same wing load as you would have had on the 135. First landing I almost broke my wrist 'cause I was just that little bit to late on my flare. I have twice the number of jumps you do and still wasn't really ready (and I also tick all the same boxes, focusing on canopy progression, taken all the courses etc. etc.). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #133 September 25, 2015 Did you consider the mad skillz? :D Yeah now i really think it is a good decision and the larger container size doesn´t bother me at all, because i can stay at my 150, after that to the 135 and then i still can consider something like a crossfire 2 which packs pretty large and should fit. I wasn´t concerned about having a larger looking container, i was concerned the rig wouldn´t last long due to downsizing. But now i think i will jump the new rig for ages :) Now i just have to wait 20 weeks to try it on Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #134 September 25, 2015 Good choice :) I hope your in the sport long enough to understand all the post you think were "bouchebaggery". It isn't because of a lack of caring and if you really do stick around you'll understand~Blueskies MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ridestrong 1 #135 September 25, 2015 With 200+ jumps you have enough experience to make an educated decision. If you feel comfortable stepping down to the 135 on a canopy that's not too aggressive for you, then that might be a reasonable move. You've taken some canopy courses and sought out the advice of your instructors, riggers, etc... Sounds like you're taking the right steps toward making a good decision. You're first mistake was asking the opinion here. While you can get some good advice on dz.com, unfortunately there are a lot of posters here that want to post the same drivel over and over and they think it applies to everyone. They also like to do this on virtually any/every post about downsizing, not always because it's in the best interest of the poster, but because they like the controversy. Be smart, plan ahead, think fast, do your research, listen to your gut, don't progress too fast, don't panic, know your mals.... and so on. It's not that difficult to downsize in a safe manner.*I am not afraid of dying... I am afraid of missing life.* ----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.---- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmytavino 16 #136 September 26, 2015 depending on the size of the dz...I have noticed that some "instructors, riggers and DZOs " might have a Financial interest in selling gear.... or in filling video slots,,,, and so they MAY.... " encourage " new gear purchases, and may "steer"... those with that MAGIC 200 jump minimum... to Press ahead with downsizing.... donning a camera, etc. etc...for motives Not fully understood by the novice/intermediate level jumpers who sometimes feel "special" because of it.... Being Carefullllll is a great survival tool... just sayin' Upsize ??? Downsize??? why can't we just stick with the Right Size????jmy A 3914 D 12122 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FreefallingCari 0 #137 September 26, 2015 Considering that I jumped a .85 to 1 wing loading for 185 jumps, you KNOW my answer is going to be no. BUT I am a 216 jump wonder, so take my advise with a grain of salt-I guess. A good time to downsize is: -You can land that canopy ANYWHERE. You need to land off? No problem. You can land in a backyard, hell, you can land anywhere you need. -ACCURACY. You land where you want to land-You are not going for a ride, you are flying to your LZ. -You have experienced everything you can under your current canopy. Downwind, cross wind, up wind, you can do it. Maybe a downwinder is not 'pretty', but you can do it. Land on rear risers, again, no pretty, but you can do it. Max out every possible skill before you downsize. But then again, I am cobservative. At 185 jumps I went from .85 to 1 to 1 to 1. Cheers.Skydiver Survivor; Battling Breast Cancer one jump at a time. DX June 19th 2014 I have been jumping since October 5th 2013. https://pinkribbonskydiver.wordpress.com/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #138 September 26, 2015 FreefallingCariConsidering that I jumped a .85 to 1 wing loading for 185 jumps, you KNOW my answer is going to be no. BUT I am a 216 jump wonder, so take my advise with a grain of salt-I guess. A good time to downsize is: -You can land that canopy ANYWHERE. You need to land off? No problem. You can land in a backyard, hell, you can land anywhere you need. -ACCURACY. You land where you want to land-You are not going for a ride, you are flying to your LZ. -You have experienced everything you can under your current canopy. Downwind, cross wind, up wind, you can do it. Maybe a downwinder is not 'pretty', but you can do it. Land on rear risers, again, no pretty, but you can do it. Max out every possible skill before you downsize. But then again, I am cobservative. At 185 jumps I went from .85 to 1 to 1 to 1. Cheers. [sarcasm]Silly girl..... how the heck will you ever get COOL Video with your GO-PRO for your u-tube channel like that. You can't be one of the cool kids if you don't have cool sketchy video[/sarcasm] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoHuskers 0 #139 September 27, 2015 enta Yeah now i really think it is a good decision and the larger container size doesn´t bother me at all, because i can stay at my 150, after that to the 135 and then i still can consider something like a crossfire 2 which packs pretty large and should fit. This thread definitely went to tar and feathers. I read: Want a smaller container because I take freeflying seriously; Want a container I can make many downsizes with. I don't fly my canopy radically and may start HP landings next season. How that turned into Sangi 2.0 is really posters feeding off of posters comments and not really what the OP was saying. What size did you end up buying? Are you considering going to a low bulk main? etc. Hope it works out for you. Sadly, one of the most important questions people ask (Should I downsize?) is always responded to with tar and feathers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #140 September 27, 2015 it always turns to sangi 2.0. sangi busted 360°'s with 150 jumps until he got busted. and posted EVERY (questionable!) video. no courses. no mentoring. just one bad decision after the other. at one point he's had a sub-100 katana, was it a 90? i dont remember. he smacked in with about 180 jumps, pretty much right after he went back to his 129 safire2, from hard pressing from side, public naming and shaming and even calling his dz about his katana.“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
likestojump 3 #141 September 27, 2015 I'd like to give some more "in-date" advice. Get a G3 helmet with a tinted mirror visor. It looks way cool in the pictures. And an extremely tight fitting suit. This way no one will have any doubt that you are cool as fuck. Don't worry about tunnel coaching, it's too expensive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #142 September 27, 2015 I feel like Sangi should've stayed on Katana. The ground hungriness of Katana would have let him hook higher thus giving him more chance to abort the turn. It is not really safe to learn how to swoop with super short recovery arc canopy. Had he made same choice of low turn with no intention to abort with Katana, Sangi would've been dead. I think I rather wanna be dead than be paralyzed like Sangi.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FreefallingCari 0 #143 September 27, 2015 No one is tar and feathering, we are being honest. I gave honest advice. I have never met an instructor that believes a 1:1.5 WL is okay for someone with 180 ish jumps.Skydiver Survivor; Battling Breast Cancer one jump at a time. DX June 19th 2014 I have been jumping since October 5th 2013. https://pinkribbonskydiver.wordpress.com/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FreefallingCari 0 #144 September 27, 2015 HAHAHAHA! I am too cheap to buy a GoPro ;) THAT, and I do not want to wear a GoPro since I just downsized. I want to focus on one thing at a time. Sadly, I will never be teh Coolz kidz.Skydiver Survivor; Battling Breast Cancer one jump at a time. DX June 19th 2014 I have been jumping since October 5th 2013. https://pinkribbonskydiver.wordpress.com/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #145 September 27, 2015 FreefallingCari No one is tar and feathering, we are being honest. I gave honest advice. I have never met an instructor that believes a 1:1.5 WL is okay for someone with 180 ish jumps. BUT I have heard some of them utter the absolute stupidity from their pie holes when someone dies. "He made an informed decision when he bought his new Canopy" a highly loaded elliptical canopy under 150 jumps with that wing loading Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #146 September 28, 2015 ridestrongWith 200+ jumps you have enough experience to make an educated decision. If you feel comfortable stepping down to the 135 on a canopy that's not too aggressive for you, then that might be a reasonable move. You've taken some canopy courses and sought out the advice of your instructors, riggers, etc... Sounds like you're taking the right steps toward making a good decision. You're first mistake was asking the opinion here. While you can get some good advice on dz.com, unfortunately there are a lot of posters here that want to post the same drivel over and over and they think it applies to everyone. They also like to do this on virtually any/every post about downsizing, not always because it's in the best interest of the poster, but because they like the controversy. Be smart, plan ahead, think fast, do your research, listen to your gut, don't progress too fast, don't panic, know your mals.... and so on. It's not that difficult to downsize in a safe manner. Jup, i think this was really a mistake in the first place, even though they might be right, overreacting is strong in this forum as well as Drama. At the end some fellow travelers joined the conversation and just started throwing poop and repeating what was already said. Now i know what the drama section is thinking (thanks dz forum) and what the people from my dz are thinking (i asked a lot of people at my dz over the weekend). Not in order to change my mind, just because i got curious about others opinions. But still i got some good information i can work with. The range i got was from 500jumps velo with a wl of 1.7 (still alive) up to 800 jumps xf2 wl 1.2 Very different opinions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ghost47 18 #147 September 28, 2015 QuoteVery different opinions. One thing you might want to consider is the consequences of one side being wrong. If the people telling you not to downsize, and to stay on your current wing for a lot longer, are wrong, then that means that you will have several hundred jumps on a more boring canopy. Packing might be a little harder. If the people telling you downsizing is fine are wrong, then you increase your chance of injury, paralysis, or death. So, at this point in your skydiving career, do you feel qualified to decide which side is right or wrong? If so, then do as you believe is right. If not, then decide whether you're willing to incur the risks (not only to yourself, but to your DZ, friends, and family). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #148 September 28, 2015 sigh...your still missing the point. It was never about going from a 150-135...your reasons why you wanted to were the flags. I was hoping you had realized that. If you came here and said i've been on my 150 for 100 jumps and have really took it to the limits and think I'm ready to move down is there anything I am missing before making the move? Everything would have been different but no that's not what you did. The size of your rig should have ZERO to do with your decision to downsize. The size of your rig unless your wearing a tandem rig has nothing to do with you freeflying. These are the reasons not drama not douchebaggery or any other excuse you want to look for to not take responsibility and if you cant take responsibility for something as simple as that I think i'll go back to my original BB square.. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enta 0 #149 September 28, 2015 You´re the kind of person, who would think ZERO about the new rig. You would buy a complete new rig just for 1 Jump and then downsize, because you stopped thinking. Is it that what you are telling me? You only deal in absolutes, but you ain´t no fucking Sith. If i would think i need 20 jumps more on my 150, i fucking do them and buy a rig 2 weeks later, because you should consider things like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #150 September 28, 2015 ghost47QuoteVery different opinions. One thing you might want to consider is the consequences of one side being wrong. If the people telling you not to downsize, and to stay on your current wing for a lot longer, are wrong, then that means that you will have several hundred jumps on a more boring canopy. Packing might be a little harder. If the people telling you downsizing is fine are wrong, then you increase your chance of injury, paralysis, or death. So, at this point in your skydiving career, do you feel qualified to decide which side is right or wrong? If so, then do as you believe is right. If not, then decide whether you're willing to incur the risks (not only to yourself, but to your DZ, friends, and family). You are a disrespectful piece of shit. Many people gave you their honest opinion and all you can do is come back to shit on them. If this is how you feel then this should be your last post here since no ones experience or opinion is worth anything to you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites