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looking for info on sunpath javelin pilot chutes and deployment bags

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2 hours ago, calarmynavy said:

I recently acquired a lot of new sunpath javelin pilot chutes and deployment bags they appear to be new they were used in the military the pilot chutes have part number J-003 and the deployment bags have part numberJR002-10 ARE THESE STILL BEING USED AND IS THERE ANY VALUE IN THEM thanks guys for your help 

Hi navy,

Just my thoughts:

1.  How many do you have?

2.  Date of mfr; should indicated on them?

3.  Condition - perfect, slightly used, etc

4.  IMO figure on getting about 35%-40% of new price when you list them for sale in the Classifieds on this website.

Jerry Baumchen

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Have a look here:  https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/6373343/military-javelin-mj-complete-parachute-solutions

I think you have stuff that is not in use by civilians.  Not that it couldn't be used by civilians, I just don't know of any MJs in civilian use.  Equipment identical to this is in military use, except that the most likely reason it's available to you is because it has exceeded its military shelf/service life.  Also, if I were a military buyer, I would reject it because I couldn't be sure of its history.

In other words, the value for jumping  is roughly $0.  The value to a wannabe or a collector is, of course, whatever you can negotiate.


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Glancing through that manual suggests that those military Javelin free-bags are sized for reserve canopies in the 281 to 385 square foot range.

Some civilian Student Javelins contain 280 square foot reserves, so you might be able to sell those military-surplus free-bags to a skydiving school. At the large end of the scale 385 gets into tandem weight ranges, but since Javelin never certified a civilian tandem, those sizes are not relevant for civilians.

Sometimes you can substitute the next larger size of free-bag, but consult your local Master Rigger or the Javelin factory to confirm compatibility.

With 500 pound bundles, military free-fallers get into tandem weight ranges, but again not relevant for civilian sales.


Selling military surplus Javelin reserve pilot-chutes is easier because all Javelins use the same size of (rigid) pilot-chute cap. Double-check with the Javelin factory to confirm that military pilot-chutes are compatible with civilian Javelin containers.

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Thanks guys what we have is new and 

On 4/14/2022 at 4:12 PM, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi navy,

Just my thoughts:

1.  How many do you have?

2.  Date of mfr; should indicated on them?

3.  Condition - perfect, slightly used, etc

4.  IMO figure on getting about 35%-40% of new price when you list them for sale in the Classifieds on this website.

Jerry Baumchen

they all appear to be new the depoyment bags are 2014 and the pilot chutes are  2005 id be happy to get 25 %  on them we have a bunch 

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