
Packing in Australia

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Hi guys,

One question.
I'm a packer since beginning of 2012. I worked on 5 DZ's in Czech Republic, Gemany, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. I'm 28 years old and I want to apply for a working visa in Australia. I'm a BPA packer since 2 years, so I have my certification too. The fact is I'm a Romanian citizen so the idea Work and Holiday visa is quite hard to get due the fact Romania have no agreement with Australia for Work and Holiday visa.
I need a visa how allow me to work there, maybe a visa based on my certification. I asked already the Embassy from London about this and they didn't haved a clear answer because they don't have cases like this.

Please an advise about this ??Pirate

Many thanks guys.

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Many thanks for Info's. I will have a look there.
The problem is Skydiving Packer is not in SOL or CSOL so I'm more than confused how I supose to apply for a working Visa. I heard a rumor like Skydiving jobs in Australia are considered High Qualified Occupation but I don't or they don't give the info's how to apply when you are High Qualified.


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