
Closing of the Green Beret/82nd(aka Fort Bragg) sports parachute club

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i know from first hand by working with the club that is has been on the edge of closing for a few years now.
we all now that we are the last club around and at this point we need t stand together and support whats left and what we can save. im not sure who we need to call or mail but as soon as i do i will post it. but at this point it might be hopless. i know for a fact that it was said it would take 100+ thousand to keep it up for one year. the present manager seems to differ. if he can prove it to the the big wigs we may stay open for a while. the closing of the club will not hurt raeford dz. its all we as soldiers have left and i will not let the soldiers be denied a sport such as this. i love this sport and will do what ever it takes to keep it in and around FT BRAGG the home of he airborne.... i know i have the support of the reaford parachute center and all in its community...any one thats thinks they can help support in any way e-mail me and i will forward it to the club manager... ratboykevin@aol.com
life is to short not to try almost everything once.

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That place has a lot of history behind it. The first thing that I noticed when I walked in there, was a sense many many skydivers had gotten their start with the club. I was bummed when they did away with the GB club and made it the 82nd sport parachute club. But this is really sad.

I used to rent a rig for $30.00 for a WEEKEND! Not per jump, but I would pick the rig up Friday afternoon and return it Monday for thirty dollars. Greg, Arlo and Rat Boy helped me buy my first rig. Rat Boy put it together for a case of beer. It was alot of fun. At the time we were jumping at The Skydiving Place.

I guess even the military clubs are being taken over by bean counters. It will be a sad day if the club gets shut down. The purpose of the MWR program is to help soldiers expand their minds and find something productive to do with their time. I guess the commander of the 82nd is trying to make his resume look a little better by saving the U.S. Army 15k a year.....

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NO military Golf course makes money ANYWHERE in the world... and yet MILLIONS are spent to maintain them..

but ofc the General's use the Golf courses, and we all know that the Brass is the most important part of any military :|

Everyone gets to use the golf courses, officers and enlisted men alike. And cheap recreation is one of the benefits they get in exchange for their piss-poor pay for serving their country. I don't begrudge them their golf courses one little bit. After being in harm's way to help keep you safe, they deserve to have someplace to relax.

care to make a wager on % of participation by Officers vs Enlisted?
Ive been to more than a few exercises that were front loaded by useless strap hanging brass who's sole REAL reason for being there was to play the local course and collect TDY money.. infact i've been chewed out more than once for 'modifying' my briefings to see who cared and was actually paying attention vs who were simply there for the 'beni's'

so while your point is valid it doesnt come close to the reality. 'Officer' activities get FAR more attention and funding than those enjoyed by primarily grunts..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I think when you apply a business model to what are supposed to be morale building activities, the soldiers lose out...and that's really sad. Why don't we start making the soldiers pay out of pocket for the numerous fitness centers on military installations while we're at it? :S

"The beatings will continue until morale improves."

we do have to pay to use the pool at my current installation... :|
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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the same thing happend to the royal marines parachute school in england where a general was told to cut back on cost he decided either the parachute school or the dragon boat team had to go. he no intrest in parachuting but with the dragon boat team he got a free trip to hong kong every year so the parachute club was closed:(

....because, after all, everyone knows that dragon-boating is a skill with clear potential military application...:S

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we do have to pay to use the pool at my current installation... :|

That sickens me. When I was in the AF, I had full and unrestricted use of the pool, fitness centers and tennis courts without having to pay. But I've watched the things that keep service members active and entertained get pruned away gradually over the years.

Larry, Ratboy and the rest, let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I was just suggested to call Chris Needles and others of the USPA.

I would ask others to call or email ASAP!
Phone: (540) 604-9740
Fax: (540) 604-9741
Hours: 9- 5, Eastern Time


The Mid-Atlantic Regional Director is
Ed Dixon
4233 Byrnes Blvd.
Florence, SC 29506
843) 615-2023

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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DAMMIT!!!..... I guess some commander of the Fort Bragg Sports Parachute Club (aka Green Beret/82nd combined) is trying to make his resume look a little better by saving the U.S. Army 15k a year.....

fixed it for you, though I "believe" it to be the under takings of an upper management civilian official with ulterior motives...
(this is my personal unofficial thought of course)

But all this posting isn't doing anything! Don't think that someone else is going to call. Make a call, Be that someone.
Never give up, Never quit!!!

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Who is the civilian???

Anyway, I am going to call some of these numbers that have been posted. Having that club shut down would be a huge loss to young skydivers. Maybe we should have a Boogie or something to "Save the GB parachute Club".
glad to be here!!

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I was just suggested to call Chris Needles and others of the USPA.

I would ask others to call or email ASAP!
Phone: (540) 604-9740
Fax: (540) 604-9741
Hours: 9- 5, Eastern Time
Does someone have the direct email for Chris Needels?


The Mid-Atlantic Regional Director is
Ed Dixon
4233 Byrnes Blvd.
Florence, SC 29506
843) 615-2023


I like Beans

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What is MWR?

Army MWR exists because the U.S. Army is committed to the well-being of the community of people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.

Army MWR is a comprehensive network of support and leisure services designed to enhance the lives of soldiers (active, Reserve, and Guard), their families, civilian employees, military retirees and other eligible participants. Over 37,000 MWR employees worldwide strive to deliver the highest quality programs and services at each installation -- from family, child and youth programs to recreation, sports, entertainment, travel and leisure activities.

Their mission is to serve the needs, interests and responsibilities of each individual in the Army community for as long as they are associated with the Army, no matter where they are.

MWR contributes to the Army’s strength and readiness by offering services that reduce stress, build skills and self-confidence and foster strong esprit de corps. MWR services also help the Army attract and retain talented people. MWR is proof of the Army’s commitment to caring for the people who serve and stand ready to defend the nation.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Go to this page and look up your state reps. It also gives links to other gov. sites....including white house. I'm calling now.

When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before

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The last place that I worked, hired a Super-Duper new CEO. He was supposed to be a cost-cutting management genius.

A week after he was hired, he closed the fitness centers at all company sites.

The concept of fitness centers could be proved in reduction of healthcare costs, both short-term and long-term. The intangible benefits were employee morale, better person networking, and company identity.

People talked to each other in a non-stressful environment and got balance in their associations.

Most of the benefits for healthcare are long-term, but most companies aren't interested in long-term employees.

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im not sure who we need to call or mail but as soon as i do i will post it. but at this point it might be hopless.

I hope it's not hopeless. It looks like people are starting to rally.... Maybe together we can save the GBSPA!!!!

-Hopeful :)

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LeRoy (and others),

Tony Thacker is still the Mid-Atlantic Regional Director until February second. That is when I take office. I am however kept appraised as to what USPA is doing. Ed Scott is on the case and he is as good as they get at what he does. Right now he is in contact with the leaders of the program. I am hopeful that something can be done, but not realistically encouraged. This is not an airport access or airspace issue, it is purely militarily political.

One thing that I have not heard mentioned in this thread is that soldiers can learn to deal with their fears and learn to think under stressful conditions when learning to skydive. This seems to me to be a paramount issue when this objective can be achieved under controlled conditions and then the skill transferred to combat conditions. This training alone should be worth the pittance of expense when compared with other programs.


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910-486-3587 or via e-mail at maurerk@fayettevillenc.com

Ed contact this guy Kevin. He is with the Fayetteville Observer. I contacted him today, hoping if he did a story it would rally enough local support that Bragg would be forced to re-evaluate their decission to close the club.

I will send your contact info to him also
When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before

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