
Question for USPA instructional rating holders

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As you may know, USPA has an email list that you can sign up for called "The USPA Professional - a newsletter for the USPA professional training community". Email updates are sent periodically, updating instructional rating holders on various topics that will affect instructional rating holders and their students.

I was talking to Jim Crouch, USPA headquarters Director of Safety and Training yesterday, and he told me that only about half of the people on the email list even open this email to see what it contains. WTF! Only half? (My exclamation, not Jim's.)

(Granted, this information about whether you opened it requires that you allow email in HTML format. If you accept/convert the email to text only there will be no information about this.)

(Edited to add: I'm pretty sure this is being done via "web beacon" or "web bug" and not via a email response.)

My question is why? Why would someone not want to at least skim the email for information that they might want or need?

Bonus question: What changes to the "A" license occurred at the beginning of this year that is going to affect many people?

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I open mine 95% of the time and read through it.

My guess is that most people don't open it for the same reason they don't open many emails, communication overload.

It isn't that the USPA email unimportant, it is that it is sitting in an inbox that gets 300 emails a day!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I generally don't choose to have my email client show images, so I'm probably counted as a non-reader even though I read all of them. Also, GMail automatically files the email in the "Promotions" folder, which I bet a lot of people don't check very often.

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Same here.
I was unaware that there was one for instructors.

Furthermore, if you're not an instructor, you can't get this mailing. I signed up once and explained that while I was not currently an instructor, I was looking forward to being an instructor in the future, and wanted to start receiving these mailings to stay on top of the knowledge towards that end. They sent me one issue, then I was cut off. That doesn't exactly encourage new instructor dreamers to start getting up to speed on what they need to know.

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My question is why? Why would someone not want to at least skim the email for information that they might want or need?

Perhaps USPA should look to its own criteria for certifying rating holders.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How do we sign up for this newsletter? I can't find it on the USPA's website.

I think the offer to sign up for the newsletter is somewhere on the web site because I think I saw it somewhere.

Quicker would be to email Jim Crouch or the Safety and Training email address.

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My question is why? Why would someone not want to at least skim the email for information that they might want or need?

Perhaps USPA should look to its own criteria for certifying rating holders.

Uh, oh ... Sorry John, you lost me there. Can you explain that?

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They sent me one issue, then I was cut off.

Unless someone told you that was the reason, I would not assume you stopped getting them because you were not an instructional rating holder. More likely would be that your email address fell through the cracks.

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"Bonus question: What changes to the "A" license occurred at the beginning of this year that is going to affect many people? "

We finally got it in as a BSR now that once they get an A stamp they have got to buy beer! Now everyone can enjoy a frosty cold one eh...
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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***They sent me one issue, then I was cut off.

Unless someone told you that was the reason, I would not assume you stopped getting them because you were not an instructional rating holder. More likely would be that your email address fell through the cracks.

Especially considering that it can be read online (at the link normiss shared above) and easily forwarded. There's hardly any state secrets in there. :D:D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Using a simple read receipt is a poor way of getting the data you seek is my thought.
I tend to read most emails in a preview window that does no confirmations, nor do I intend on any receipts being returned in the interest of protecting my email.

Register here for the USPA Professional

Thank you for the link.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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My question is why? Why would someone not want to at least skim the email for information that they might want or need?

Perhaps USPA should look to its own criteria for certifying rating holders.

Uh, oh ... Sorry John, you lost me there. Can you explain that?

Verified participation in continuing education is mandatory in a number of professions for renewal of credentials.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Verified participation in continuing education is mandatory in a number of professions for renewal of credentials.

OK, now I get it. Well, actually, USPA does require participation in an "Rating Renewal Seminar", and there is a signoff on the ratings renewal part of the membership renewal form.

The seminar consists of instructional rating holders getting together and discussing instructional issues. I emphasize them quite a bit. They are interesting and you can learn a lot from other instructors. (And no one says you can't have a beer or two while you're having this meeting at the end of a jump day.)

Some DZs have good ones, others, not so much. I asked S&TAs in my region for topics they discussed in their seminars, and listed them here for others to learn from. (The spaces between bulleted lists separate the DZs): http://www.skydivestlouisarea.com/USPACentralRegion/SpecificTopics.htm

(OK, folks, don't let this little distraction derail the thread. I initially asked why people don't even open the email "The USPA Professional - a newsletter". And what about the bonus question?)

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I don't open the emails because I work for him at his DZ and have to listen to him blabbing about whatever it was, I don't know, wasn't really listening.
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The A license now requires that candidates complete the USPA-developed 40-question written A-license exam.

For students with partially completed A-license cards going into 2015, simply add a line for the written test score and instructor initials. There is no need to start over with a new A-license card.

Do I win beer??B|

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The A license now requires that candidates complete the USPA-developed 40-question written A-license exam.

For students with partially completed A-license cards going into 2015, simply add a line for the written test score and instructor initials. There is no need to start over with a new A-license card.

Do I win beer??B|

Yes, see me at the Symposium for your beer!

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My question is why? Why would someone not want to at least skim the email for information that they might want or need?

Perhaps USPA should look to its own criteria for certifying rating holders.

Uh, oh ... Sorry John, you lost me there. Can you explain that?

Verified participation in continuing education is mandatory in a number of professions for renewal of credentials.

Your efforts should go more towards DZs not taking an interest in their staff's skill and knowledge.

Edited from: rubber stamping their staff's paperwork to keep their ratings. (Kind of silly to talk about people who obviously are not actually jumping with students enough to be regular staff.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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