Drago 0 #1 January 5, 2015 Here's another one of those "that guy" stories, from this weekend. The young kid shows up with his pretty girlfriend and shiny new gear. He introduces himself to multiple people as the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company. He's proud of that title. He tells his pretty girlfriend all about his gear, how it works, the AAD, etc. She's impressed. So he's on the same plane with me on the ride to altitude. He spends most of the time listening to tunes on his electronic music gizmo. As jump altitude approaches he starts stuffing his gizmo into his jumpsuit, and has trouble getting the wires running up to his ears set right. He asks me to help with his collar which is rolled under to the inside. Sheesh. Does he need his momma to help him get dressed in the morning? Now his music is all set, because you know, you wouldn't want to do a solo freefall without music. Gosh, that would be just so darned boring. Next he sets about to fiddling with his Gopro camera. He puts on his helmet and seems to finally have settled down. The door opens, and as I'm moving to the door to spot, he taps me on the shoulder. What is it this time? He can't communicate, of course, because of his fancy full face helmet. But through his hand signals, I understand him to be asking to verify that his Gopro is turned on. Because, of course, you can't miss recording momentous events on a solo jump. I shrug my shoulders and ignore him, and concentrate on the priority - spotting. I never did see him check his parachute gear. But hey, the music and video were working! I jump, he jumps. I land, he lands - downwind! Gee, with all his gizmos and music, he never thought to figure out which way to land. Didn't look at the windsock before boarding the plane. Didn't watch anyone else land to follow them. Must have been some really good music that had all his attention. Back in the packing room he impresses his girlfriend again with how rad he carved the sky. And hands his rig to a packer so she can pack it for him. Apparently the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company is too big a hot shot to pack his own rig and already knows everything. Except figuring out how to make a safe skydive before getting on the plane. God help him... Don't be that guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PixieUK 0 #2 January 5, 2015 Where are you based that you are allowed to jump with headphones on playing music???? Pretty sure he wouldn't get through a UK flight line check with that!A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
michaelmullins 81 #3 January 5, 2015 PixieUK Where are you based that you are allowed to jump with headphones on playing music???? Pretty sure he wouldn't get through a UK flight line check with that! Any place on earth other than the UK, where they have never met a regulation that they did not like. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yvanpec 1 #4 January 5, 2015 i saw one guy doin that in FL. i thought it was quite a selfish and dumb thing to do. I wouldnt mind some tunes playin in the aircraft, for everyone to enjoy thoBetter be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 811 #5 January 5, 2015 I'm guessing you won't be buying a Neptune N3 Audio then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #6 January 6, 2015 yvanpecI wouldnt mind some tunes playin in the aircraft, for everyone to enjoy tho The problem is, no matter songs you play, some of the jumpers aren't going to like them, and others will want quiet so they can concentrate on thinking about their dive. If you want music, I'd prefer it be individualized through ear plugs, so no one else has to hear it. But I also think that's a distraction from vital communication and other things going on that involve safety. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #7 January 6, 2015 normiss I'm guessing you won't be buying a Neptune N3 Audio then. I have no idea what that means. Does it play music when it's not giving altitude warning alarms? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joellercoaster 6 #8 January 6, 2015 Drago***I wouldnt mind some tunes playin in the aircraft, for everyone to enjoy tho The problem is, no matter songs you play, some of the jumpers aren't going to like them I once spent a week in Spain jumping out of a Porter that had a stereo, but apparently only a single Jamiroquai CD. I think even if you started that week liking Jamiroquai, it would have tested your love.-- "I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan "You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yvanpec 1 #9 January 6, 2015 Drago ***I'm guessing you won't be buying a Neptune N3 Audio then. I have no idea what that means. Does it play music when it's not giving altitude warning alarms? I'd like my hard deck tune to be the intro to Still by Dr DRE. Is it possible !??? Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimjumper 25 #10 January 6, 2015 I was thinking Blue Oyster Cult, "Don't Fear the Reaper"! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stayhigh 2 #11 January 6, 2015 How good was he downwinder? Did he come back dirty? If not, you are just jealous. Don't be that guy either. That guy that I hate, is the guy that forces you to go downwind, "uh, everyone is gonna land downwind, what are you a pussy? I only have 1000 jumps and you have like 5000, you should go downwind with us." Or that guy that forces you to go barefoot. "Everyone on this jump is barefoot, what are you a pussy?" it happens to be the same guy as well. I fall for that one every single time. I fucking hate that guy. That guy makes a valid point tho right? Since I have way more jump number than that guy, and if he is taking downwinder at 10-15 mph. I have to go downwind at that point. Same with barefoot jump. The group's lowest jump number was 500 ish, and I had 5000+ at that pont. Can't be labeled pussy in this sport. This is how people start base jumping off some bullshit antenna in San Diego. "What are you scared?" Add little bit of alchohol on top of it. Bam!!! First base jump.Bernie Sanders for President 2016 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
craddock 0 #12 January 6, 2015 I don't understand the music thing personally. I chewed a guy out I saw pull in to a place on a crotch rocket wearing ear buds and an ipod. Blows my mind. Now I love the music in a fairing on baggers but ear buds seal the outside world off. Not a big deal in freefall I guess but I still don't get it. But are you certain the downwinder was unintentional? I have done plenty of downwinders and they were not because I forgot to read the windsock. Obviously there is a time and a place but that is for another discussion. I am just saying don't assume. That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #13 January 6, 2015 It's up to the dropzone culture to either allow all that you described or run the fucker off. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dqpacker 7 #14 January 6, 2015 Don't be "That Guy" that doesn't say anything to him after the jump or to the S&TA about it and post it anonymously online thinking that will fix the problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #15 January 6, 2015 I think you should read and re-read what you wrote. Sounds extremely envious. Now if you tell me you never showed anyone one of your videos and tried to impress a girl with how cool skydiving is then i'll apologies but I don't know any jumper that didn't tell everyone they know when they first started jumping. As for the ear buds and gopro. Did you take the time after to talk with him about why he was using them? Me Id much prefer someone use earbuds on a solo then on a jump with me. As for video of a solo why not? if you want to show people the view you see what better way then on a solo where you can scan everything from every angle and not worry about anyone else. Handing his gear to a packer. I haven't packed in over 1000 skydives. Does that make me that guy? I know I am "that guy" that pays his packers well and anywhere I travel I have no problem having the best packers willing to "squeeze" me "that guy" in even if they are already swamped. Down wind landing. Raise your hand if you have never been there..Did you land way out with his down wind or did he cross traffic. Big difference. Now even though this post was dripping with envy doesn't mean this guy wasn't or couldn't have been a douche but he might be just need someone to point out a few things and have a discussion about them instead of a envious post on dizzy that he will probably never see. So to use your title...Don't you be "that guy" :) MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #16 January 6, 2015 catfishhunter Down wind landing. Raise your hand if you have never been there..Did you land way out with his down wind or did he cross traffic. Big difference. So to use your title...Don't you be "that guy" :) You make a good point, John, to educate, not denigrate. Hopefully this post has educated many jumpers, not just the original one, though. The downwind landings, depending on the DZ policies and size of the landing area, can be from no problem to and extreme hazard. Opposite direction traffic in the landing area is prohibited at my usual DZ. If you don't want to land in the prescribed direction, head out to the student field. Hey, quick tip for checking your gopro yourself? Get some adhesive mirror labels, available at office supply stores. Put a square on the side of your altimeter. Use that as a mirror to check your own camera light. Works great. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #17 January 6, 2015 craddock But are you certain the downwinder was unintentional? Indeed it was. Someone talked to him about it, and he remarked something like; "Man, I knew I had screwed up when I made that last turn and realized I was downwind". Of course, he turned so low he didn't have time to turn back around to get back into the wind. Did he check the wind before getting on the plane? No. Did he follow the giant wind arrow in the landing area? No. Did he land in the same direction as the first guy down? No. When enough things like this pile up, one on top of the other, you start to wonder about their judgement. At least I do. On the other hand, some people here think that this makes Drago the bad guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #18 January 6, 2015 dqpackerDon't be "That Guy" that doesn't say anything to him after the jump or to the S&TA about it and post it anonymously online thinking that will fix the problem. It's not my job to tell kids they shouldn't listen to music. It's not a violation of any BSR. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #19 January 6, 2015 catfishhunterI think you should read and re-read what you wrote. Sounds extremely envious. Incorrect. QuoteAs for the ear buds and gopro. Did you take the time after to talk with him about why he was using them? Because that's what all the cool kids do. QuoteHanding his gear to a packer. I haven't packed in over 1000 skydives. Does that make me that guy? Negative. It wasn't the hired packer in itself, but in combination with several other things that already showed his knowledge in the sport isn't up to snuff yet. Call me old fashioned, but I think a new jumper should pack his own chute the first couple of hundred times, so he learns how to do it, and learns all about the canopy construction. QuoteDown wind landing. Raise your hand if you have never been there..Did you land way out with his down wind or did he cross traffic. Big difference. The point is, he got to final approach altitude and didn't know which way the wind was blowing. That's a problem. QuoteNow even though this post was dripping with envy Incorrect. Again. None of these items taken individually, are really a problem. It's the collective whole, combining all of them together, with the the fact that he proved himself lacking in awareness of the priority item - landing, which makes them worthy of note. If he had done everything correctly in the skydive while playing with all his gizmos, that's fine. Many people can handle all that. This guy didn't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
3mpire 0 #20 January 6, 2015 Quote Drago wrote: I'd like my hard deck tune to be the intro to Still by Dr DRE. Is it possible !??? Cool kenny loggins highway to the danger zone hands down Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catfishhunter 2 #21 January 6, 2015 DragoHere's another one of those "that guy" stories, from this weekend. The young kid shows up with his pretty girlfriend "ENVY" and shiny new gear. "ENVY" He introduces himself to multiple people as the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company."ENVY" He's proud of that title. He tells his pretty girlfriend "ENVY"all about his gear, how it works, the AAD, etc. She's impressed. So he's on the same plane with me on the ride to altitude. He spends most of the time listening to tunes on his electronic music gizmo. As jump altitude approaches he starts stuffing his gizmo into his jumpsuit, and has trouble getting the wires running up to his ears set right. He asks me to help with his collar which is rolled under to the inside. Sheesh. Does he need his momma to help him get dressed in the morning? Now his music is all set, because you know, you wouldn't want to do a solo freefall without music. Gosh, that would be just so darned boring. Next he sets about to fiddling with his Gopro camera. He puts on his helmet and seems to finally have settled down. The door opens, and as I'm moving to the door to spot, he taps me on the shoulder. What is it this time? He can't communicate, of course, because of his fancy full face helmet. But through his hand signals, I understand him to be asking to verify that his Gopro is turned on. Because, of course, you can't miss recording momentous events on a solo jump."ENVY?" I shrug my shoulders and ignore him, and concentrate on the priority - spotting. I never did see him check his parachute gear. But hey, the music and video were working! I jump, he jumps. I land, he lands - downwind! Gee, with all his gizmos and music, he never thought to figure out which way to land. Didn't look at the windsock before boarding the plane. Didn't watch anyone else land to follow them. Must have been some really good music that had all his attention. Back in the packing room he impresses his girlfriend again with how rad he carved the sky. And hands his rig to a packer so she can pack it for him. Apparently the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company "ENVY" is too big a hot shot to pack his own rig "ENVY" and already knows everything. Except figuring out how to make a safe skydive before getting on the plane. God help him... Don't be that guy. Now whether or not you meant it that way that is exactly how it sounds to ME.. What was the point of mentioning any of those things? Every girlfriend is pretty but there was something about this one that made you envious or you wouldn't have made a point to emphasize her being pretty. Also what does being a regional sales manager mean so much to you that you make it an integral part of your minimalizing of this person? Since you only have a picture of a half naked dude and no info on your profile and made it a point to call out another jumper, how many jumps do you have? What's your license and ratings? Where do you jump? Would like to know a little about you and where your basing your calling out of this person is coming from. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,526 #22 January 6, 2015 Drago***Don't be "That Guy" that doesn't say anything to him after the jump or to the S&TA about it and post it anonymously online thinking that will fix the problem. It's not my job to tell kids they shouldn't listen to music. It's not a violation of any BSR. Yeah, but it's not your job to bitch about it on the web either - and the one is certainly more useful than the other.Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #23 January 6, 2015 catfishhunter***Here's another one of those "that guy" stories, from this weekend. The young kid shows up with his pretty girlfriend "ENVY" and shiny new gear. "ENVY" He introduces himself to multiple people as the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company."ENVY" He's proud of that title. He tells his pretty girlfriend "ENVY"all about his gear, how it works, the AAD, etc. She's impressed. So he's on the same plane with me on the ride to altitude. He spends most of the time listening to tunes on his electronic music gizmo. As jump altitude approaches he starts stuffing his gizmo into his jumpsuit, and has trouble getting the wires running up to his ears set right. He asks me to help with his collar which is rolled under to the inside. Sheesh. Does he need his momma to help him get dressed in the morning? Now his music is all set, because you know, you wouldn't want to do a solo freefall without music. Gosh, that would be just so darned boring. Next he sets about to fiddling with his Gopro camera. He puts on his helmet and seems to finally have settled down. The door opens, and as I'm moving to the door to spot, he taps me on the shoulder. What is it this time? He can't communicate, of course, because of his fancy full face helmet. But through his hand signals, I understand him to be asking to verify that his Gopro is turned on. Because, of course, you can't miss recording momentous events on a solo jump."ENVY?" I shrug my shoulders and ignore him, and concentrate on the priority - spotting. I never did see him check his parachute gear. But hey, the music and video were working! I jump, he jumps. I land, he lands - downwind! Gee, with all his gizmos and music, he never thought to figure out which way to land. Didn't look at the windsock before boarding the plane. Didn't watch anyone else land to follow them. Must have been some really good music that had all his attention. Back in the packing room he impresses his girlfriend again with how rad he carved the sky. And hands his rig to a packer so she can pack it for him. Apparently the regional sales manager of XYZ Widget company "ENVY" is too big a hot shot to pack his own rig "ENVY" and already knows everything. Except figuring out how to make a safe skydive before getting on the plane. God help him... Don't be that guy. Now whether or not you meant it that way that is exactly how it sounds to ME.. What was the point of mentioning any of those things? Your interpretation does not match the reality of why I mentioned those things: Pretty girlfriend: distraction Emphasis on job title: mind-set - thinks he's a hot shot Impressing whuffos: mind-set - know-it-all Music: distraction Fumbling with wires and asking for help: can't solve a simple problem Gopro: distraction Paid packer: mind-set - can't be bothered with details Now, does this perspective reveal a problem to you? Do you think any of those items might have been the weak links in the chain of events which led this jumper to not knowing which way to land into the wind? Is it possible that if he hadn't spent so much time talking to his girlfriend, bragging about his job, explaining his gear, messing with his Gopro, and listening to his music, that maybe he would have had time to walk outside and look at the windsock? No, I'm the bad guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drago 0 #24 January 6, 2015 jakee******Don't be "That Guy" that doesn't say anything to him after the jump or to the S&TA about it and post it anonymously online thinking that will fix the problem. It's not my job to tell kids they shouldn't listen to music. It's not a violation of any BSR. Yeah, but it's not your job to bitch about it on the web either - and the one is certainly more useful than the other. If other people who behave as this guy did, examine their jump habits with some introspection because of this thread, then perhaps many more people will become safer jumpers. Why is pointing out something unsafe categorized as "bitching"? Is it your job to bitch about my bitching? No, I, Captain Ivan Drago, I am the bad guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yvanpec 1 #25 January 6, 2015 Drago Pretty girlfriend: distraction Emphasis on job title: mind-set - thinks he's a hot shot Impressing whuffos: mind-set - know-it-all Music: distraction Fumbling with wires and asking for help: can't solve a simple problem Gopro: distraction Paid packer: mind-set - can't be bothered with details appart from the music part that I agree with, he was just an outgoing guy who makes money and bangs a hot chick. and since he had a hot chick with him he prefered to hangout with her big tits than to pack his rig himself. sounds like a good dude to me !Better be on the ground wishing you were up there than being up there wishing you were on the ground. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites