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al-Zawahiri taken out by Biden

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2 hours ago, Slim King said:

There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction but you guys ate that lie hook line and sinker. 

No, we didn't.  You may have.  That was a right wing lie to get us into a war that the republicans really, really wanted.

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46 minutes ago, billvon said:

No, we didn't.  You may have.  That was a right wing lie to get us into a war that the republicans really, really wanted.

Ah, the neo-con dream to bring order and Christian conduct to the eastern heathens. And secure their resources at the same time at the cost only a few thousand lives.

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1 hour ago, billvon said:

No, we didn't.  You may have.  That was a right wing lie to get us into a war that the republicans really, really wanted.

Yes " The Iraq War is a study on how a superpower defied the opposition of the United Nations Security Council and failed miserably. It was a war of defiance where a new breed of politicians, such as Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, under the idealistic ideology known as neoconservatism, advocated for the proactive use of America’s military might to pursue what they believe to be America’s national interests. These neoconservatives believe in the promotion of democracy through the force, if necessary. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the moment the United States (U.S.) had reached the apex of its unipolar reign was also the moment that it reaped the collective hatred of much of the world."


It never ceases to amaze how the conservative republican mind can re-write history to suit their agenda. To stroke a bottomless ego.

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24 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld, under the idealistic ideology known as neoconservatism...

Now there is a word I haven't heard in years. It makes me nostalgic for a dumb idealogy that isn't as stupid as the QAnon believers or the Trump worshipers.

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