
I'm back this season-can I use my rig?

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I had my baby girl this winter and i'm ready to get back in the air this season. I've gained a little weight:(
My boyfriend thinks I should start off with the training rigs. I used to be a little lighter than my sabre 135, now i'm a little heavier. I know it's been a year and I only have 50+ jumps but to start jumping 250+ chutes seems a little much. Any thoughts?

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A 135 at 55 jumps seems a little aggressive to me. But I don't know your exit weight. Still a 135 is not a forgiving parachute.

Can you give some more details? Exit weight? PM if you don't want to share that detail.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I think I weigh about 145 now, still trying to lose a few pounds.

***Free bird Forever

It's always better to err on the side of caution. I jump a Vengeance 120 and when I get back into it later this season or next... no way in HECK am I jumping that thing. I've got 350 jumps and I currently weigh about 135. I'll be jumping my Sabre 135 until I'm comfortable again (and I lose 15 more lbs).

What about renting a canopy from Square 1. That's what hubby did after he broke his ankle and didn't want to go back to his Vengeance. You can rent a 150 and get comfy again.

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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A wing loading of about 1.33 (30 lbs. gear and clothes), on a 135 is not to bad. If you have a bunch of jumps. You should get a little more current and comfy before you get back on the Sabre. A few jumps on a bigger canopy, while you loss a little weight, would be a good idea. When you do get back on the Sabre (after your back to or near the old .93), a couple of jumps opening high would be a good plan as well. Going from a .93, to almost 1.4 will make your canopy fly a lot different. Don't do that. Take some time be safe.

Now, if your 145 is exit weight, forget all that. Make a few jumps on big stuff then jump your stuff, Open high, get back to it.

conservative advice, from me. Hmmm. I jumped a 63 VX with my comp lead a couple years ago(exit 209). Do the math. My wife did and she was mad. But thats a different story. I am getting old. I guess it's better to take it slow then get right back to it and get hurt. Plus you have the kid to think about. That was kinda the trump card, That will slow you down. Take it easy have fun.
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In my opinion a 135 is a bit aggressive even if you were current. How many jumps did you have on it?

This sport is all about confidence. Without it, you waist precious decision time. Indecision hurts/kills.

I've been on a maternity break before. The biggest thing that I remember is feeling as though I had a bit less awareness than when I was current. It's nice with a bit bigger parachute to have some more time under canopy and in the pattern.

Talk to your instructor about maybe jumping a 150 or a 170.

Most of the girls at our DZ start off with 170 main parachutes. After about 100 jumps, go to a 150. Then progress from there. There is a lot of trial and error in that first 100 jumps. Landing out. Obsticle avoidance. Negotiating pattern. Etc.

It is my beleif that if you take a conservative approach in the begining, you will be a better canopy pilot in the end. Mastering a canopy gives you great confindence.

We have some great female canopy pilots at Byron. I'm so proud of each and every one of them. I really think that first 100 jumps on the conservative wing boosts confidence and keeps us safe in the learning curve.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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You've had a child, meaning you've been off for nearly a year or so. To put it bluntly, don't jump the 135. It's already an aggressive canopy for you this early in your skydiving career. Your first currency jump will, or should, undoubtedly be after a refresher, a good dirt dive and with an instructor. The reason for that is if you’re backsliding like crazy or something similar, you may not realize it since you are new and not current. The instructor will be there to give you signals or dock on you for that matter. Some folks fly like they never stopped, but at 55 jumps, and a year off, it sure wouldn’t hurt to have the instructor there as a coach.

The parachute does not need to be a 260 but something closer to 200 would be reasonable. After a jump or 2, you’ll get your "wings” back. Then drop down to a 170. I'd be hard pressed to suggest something smaller until you have another 50 or so jumps in a reasonable amount of time.

There’s a good chance your instructors will tell you something very similar. Try not to be in a rush to get back on that 135 and believe it or not, you’ll progress faster.

Good luck!
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A few thoughts.

1. See if you can borrow a 150 or a 170 for the first few jumps back; it will give you a bit more margin for error.

2. Check your reserve size to make sure you are comfortable landing that. Reserve rides don't wait until you're more comfortable before they happen; you don't want to find yourself under a PD126 on your first jump back.

3. If you do have to borrow a rig, make sure it has the same sort of system you are used to (handle locations mainly.) You'll have enough to worry about on your first few jumps back without learning new handle locations.l

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