
Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor

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21 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Not sure why you are arguing about a non-member of the royal family to show being a monarch is not a job. Silly.

I don't know why you think there's nothing to choose betwwn Harry and Cadet Bone Spurs.  While both were born into privilege,  one chose to dodge service when called, the other served when not required and put himself in harm's way (Afghanistan).  One does real charitable work and service, particulary for disabled veterans worldwide, the other chose to be a con-man, ran a fraudulent "university", and stole from his so-called "charity". 


I see a huge difference between them.

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7 hours ago, kallend said:

Apparently he qualifies for POPS, SOS and JOS.


How many other world leaders have jumped?

Retired U.S. President George Walker Bush did a few jumps, but his first was the most spectacular: from a flaming Grumman TBM Avenger torpedo bomber. It seems that he had been bombing Japanese positions, but the Japs replied with AAA.

Circa 1997, Pres. Bush was the keynote speaker at a PIA Symposium and expressed an urge to do an AFF jump. All the various PIA members tumbled over each other to donate equipment: Airtec donated a Cypres, Precision donated a reserve, Flight concepts donated a couple of mains and Rigging Innovations donated a Telesis I harness/container. Since I was working at R.I. I got to assemble and pack the system, then sent it off to Yuma, Arizona where Mr. Bush jumped it onto the front pages of newspapers. 

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