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Viso 2 Altimeter Broken Help

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I recently ordered an almost brand new Viso 2 altimeter off site. When I got it it would not turn on, so I took it out of its rubber case it was covered in sticky glue. I looked it up online and apparently the glue that binds the plastic pieces together can seep out. Does anyone have any tips for fixing it and getting it to turn on? I ordered new batteries to try and put that in since those are way cheaper than a new unit. 

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You can clean the sticky plastic with a few drops of Windex applied to a microfiber cloth and gently rub it off. I just got done cleaning a Quatro that way but my original Viso needs some new glue to bind the plastic pieces back together. I'm about to make some phone calls and send some emails to find out the brand of glue/contact cement they use.


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I called L&B's US service center. The cases of the Viso are held together with small clips not glue. Over time the clips wear down. The stickyness has something to do with the plastic. I thought it was something to do with the heat and humidity here in Texas. Anyway I cleaned it with a small drop of Windex applied to a microfiber cloth and wiped the sticky residue off but very gently. Hope this helps.

Edited by freakyrat

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