
Will the USSC Push the Democrats to a Sweep?

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Midterms are coming. President Biden has not taken action to expand the supreme court to end the hegemony of conservative theology. The recent abortion ruling has upended health care in America. Now with the court returning from its summer recess. It's set to begin a new session of conservative overrule.

Is this going to be the final nail gun in the coffin of republican rule? The term of turning America into a christian worship state? Will the court delay its worst rulings till midterms are over?

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5 hours ago, Slim King said:

I'm not a republican but I can read and do basic math. The democrats are hemorrhaging voters while the republicans are expanding.

I will give you credit for being able to prove yourself wrong so quickly. It really is quite impressive.

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Then you should have mentioned that you were just including a portion of the chart. Independents are the real gainers for those years 

I’m an independent, at least as much as you  and I don’t even delight in Republican failures; generally they mean hurting individuals as classes, rather than as individuals. Offend, and then, yeah, sucks to be you: Just happen to be poor, then let’s try not to just assume “they’re all alike.”

Wendy P. 

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1 hour ago, Slim King said:

 In 2018, DeSantis won by about 33,000 votes even when the Democrats had over 100,000 more registered voters than the Republicans.. Because of that stat it would seem that 14,000 less Democrat voters and an additional 500,000 Republican voters would assure a landslide. Facts don't lie.

But you do, per your recent claim that democrats were losing voters.  And "It would seem that" is not a fact.  It is an unsupported assumption.

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