
How does a student know...

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Skydive Chicago used to do a large classroom environment of about 30+ minutes of instuction to an entire group of about 15-20 students at a time. This would repeat nonstop through out the day so in the end of the day they had done 125-200 tandems in a single day. I was extremely impressed by the level of knowledge their students were able to carry over to thier first skydive. I was there for probally 4-5 weekends and I never saw any potato chipping on a student. They also had a 1st jump to return jump ratio far higher then anyplace else I've ever seen. I think that says something there...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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If I had to send my loved ones somewhere and I knew that they were doing 'flocks of tandems' which was noticable through the lack of 'instruction' and the casual attitude they had, I would be a lot LESS worried about their safety than if I saw 45 minutes in the classroom to begin with, followed by tandemmasters and students fully geared up doing extensive briefings on al procedures...

I'm exactly the opposite. I would never recommend to a friend or loved one a tandem at any drop zone where tandems are treated as carnival rides with minimal instruction.

I have seen both methods for a lot of students. One method is great for making short term money for the DZ. The other method is great for training students, offering training opportunities not available through AFF, S/L or IAD.

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