
Traveling with a rig out of the country

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What can I expect when traveling out of the United States with a rig containing a AAD?

I see on the uspa website they have tips for traveling within the USA, or traveling to the USA, but what about going from the USA to Europe, or Africa, Asia, ect.???

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This topic is very well covered in past threads. A search should get you a lot of info...

I've traveled all over the US, Europe, Canada and to Puerto Rico with rigs and have had minimal issues, both as checked/carry on. The wallet card that comes with the AAD can be your friend or induce more questions.

If you choose to carry on, pull any hook knives on your rig off, have the card handy, don't broadcast that you have a rig (unless asked), plan on spending more time going through security. Being polite and courteous will always get you places as well...

I had a couple of overeager TSA guys in Vegas call me back through security (with one carry on rig that raised no flags), to inspect my second rig (which I had checked). They were bored and wanted to see what a parachute looked like. I wound up unpacking the main next to the ticket counter so they could pat it down. Big thing that saved me time was firmly but politely refusing to open the reserve because "only a FAA rigger can repack it" (I neglected to mention I was a rigger).

I had a guy on one flight watch me stow my rig in the over head bin and ask me if "I knew something that he didn't"... I winked and responded that something important on the plane was guaranteed to be secured with duct tape;)

Good Luck,


"Sometimes you eat the bar,
and well-sometimes the bar eats you..."

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