NeoX 0 #1 June 4, 2014 I've seen some skydiving vids of skydivers doing some crazy things like: Jumping while holding onto their parachute in their hands, deploying it while only holding on to the straps and then hanging off the leg straps by one hand or by their feet (upside-down) and swigging a drink from a bottle. Rolling out of the back of a plane sat in a convertible car and pretending to drive it while freefalling before eventually leaving the car and deploying. Setting their canopy on fire and waiting till it fully disintegrated before dropping and pulling their reserve. Jumping out of a plane without a parachute then being ridden by someone else rodeo before being strapped to them as a tandem while in freefall before deploying. Receiving a phone call on a hands-free headset and talking for 30 seconds to someone while under canopy at high altitude. Chasing a glider while in a wingsuit and catching and holding on to the wing. Jumping out with various inflatable objects like sharks and dinghies. Having sex while leaving the plane and continuing during freefall. Jumping off a building, antenna, bridge or cliff. Flying a wingsuit down a mountainside so close to the ground they were lower than the treetops at some points. These all seem like really cool/fun/dangerous things to do. How do dropzones get such stunts sanctioned by the authorities (BPA/USPA/CAA/etc.), and is it really that dangerous to jump out of a plane without a parachute and hang off it by one hand if the person doing it has the right level of experience and the jump is planned well with the proper safety measures in place? I've put the above list in a poll - please vote which ones you think are more dangerous than playing Russian Roulette regardless of level of planning and experience. The reason I'm asking this is because I find it astonishing that such stunts can get sanctioned in a sport where even forgetting your goggles can get you grounded for the day by the CCI. Safety is very important and some CCIs and DZOs are anal about it. What would they say about some of these stunts if one were to ask if they could try it? Skygod: "Hey DZO dude, do you mind if I roll out of the plane in a car while having sex, then get out the car, get a parachute out of the boot then hang off it by one hand before setting the canopy on fire and then pulling the reserve while upside-down hanging from the rig by my left foot?" DZO: "Yeah, sure - just make sure you do everything safely." Skygod: "Of course! No probs."He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #2 June 4, 2014 For you; all of them.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #3 June 4, 2014 BIGUNFor you; all of them. You missed the bit that says "regardless of level of planning and experience". However, I'm coming up to my 100-jump wonder soon and want to do somefink CrAzY.He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #4 June 4, 2014 Your agenda is obvious: a backdoor entrance to re-open a discussion on a thread that you started (the 5th option on your "list"), has been utterly exhausted, and was eventually locked by the moderators. You're being a pain in the ass. Let it go already. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #5 June 4, 2014 as you wrote, they are stunts. Many of them are very well planned, and the "holding the rig by the hand" one is not what it seems scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #6 June 4, 2014 Andy9o8 Your agenda is obvious: a backdoor entrance to re-open a discussion on a thread that you started, has been utterly exhausted, and was eventually locked by the moderators. You're being a pain in the ass. Let it go already. Actually, it's a serious question, but I thought I'd throw in the back-reference for fun. However, it wasn't the main agenda. I really have been wondering how such skydives get sanctioned since watching the Greg Gasson video. piisfish as you wrote, they are stunts. Many of them are very well planned, and the "holding the rig by the hand" one is not what it seems Yes, I'm aware he had a rig under his clothing. Still nuts though!He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiggerLee 61 #7 June 4, 2014 Actually he didn't. That was his only rig. Care to take another guess? LeeLee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #8 June 4, 2014 RiggerLeeActually he didn't. That was his only rig. Care to take another guess? Lee It wasn't a guess. I read that he was wearing "another harness under his clothing". I thought it was just bad terminology and the writer meant "rig" not "harness". But I stand corrected. I also read that he was connected to the rig by a strap. So, I guess that's what makes it "not what it seems"? This is still nuts though because he unhooks himself after deploying so he can hang by his feet. That's crazy enough just on its own!He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #9 June 4, 2014 What? No low pull contests? You really are a noob... "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #10 June 4, 2014 Trolling again huh? Slow day? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #11 June 4, 2014 I love how people cry 'troll' just because I include some banter in my otherwise serious post. Stop being so serious, people. You're only big-paunch skydivers.He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ridebmxbikes 0 #12 June 4, 2014 Wheres the musical parachutes option? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yoink 321 #13 June 4, 2014 NeoXI love how people cry 'troll' just because I include some banter in my otherwise serious post. Stop being so serious, people. You're only big-paunch skydivers. I'm just waiting until you start bringing your wit and sarcasm into the conversation again and then cry about us being unfair to newbies. Answer me this - what's the POINT of your question? What lessons or value does it bring to other posters to belong in this forum? If it's just discussion for discussions sake, that's fine. Put it in the Bonfir - not in here. If you're asking HOW certain stunts got done, why not ask that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
champu 1 #14 June 4, 2014 NeoXJumping off a building, antenna, bridge or cliff. ...I find it astonishing that such stunts can get sanctioned in a sport where even forgetting your goggles can get you grounded for the day by the CCI. Skydiving and BABC jumping are not the same sport. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #15 June 4, 2014 yoink ***I love how people cry 'troll' just because I include some banter in my otherwise serious post. Stop being so serious, people. You're only big-paunch skydivers. I'm just waiting until you start bringing your wit and sarcasm into the conversation again and then cry about us being unfair to newbies. Answer me this - what's the POINT of your question? What lessons or value does it bring to other posters to belong in this forum? If it's just discussion for discussions sake, that's fine. Put it in the Bonfir - not in here. If you're asking HOW certain stunts got done, why not ask that? Stop being boring and negative and dictatorial. You don't own the forum. If you don't like this post, ignore it and move on. If you missed the POINT of my question, read it again (to spell it out for you, not how stunts get done, but how they get sanctioned). I asked a serious question with some banter added in and some have answered sensibly. You're the only one making an issue because you're a "SkyGod". champu *** Jumping off a building, antenna, bridge or cliff. ...I find it astonishing that such stunts can get sanctioned in a sport where even forgetting your goggles can get you grounded for the day by the CCI. Skydiving and BABC jumping are not the same sport. Cool. And the other options?...He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DougH 270 #16 June 4, 2014 Can we make the troll go back under his bridge? What about the extreeeeeeeeeme stunt where you STFU and JUMP."The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall" =P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #17 June 4, 2014 DougHCan we make the troll go back under his bridge? What about the extreeeeeeeeeme stunt where you STFU and JUMP. See my earlier post. The only people making this topic seem "trolly" are those replying negatively and polluting it with nonsense. I actually want to know more about how these stunts are sanctioned and all it yields are the usual bozos trying to "protect their forum". Get off the Internet already and let my question be answered by those wanting to properly answer it (such as piisfish and RiggerLee)!He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #18 June 4, 2014 You are far too superior with your British wit and insight for me to even begin to have an opinion in this matter. Sir, I beg of you to no longer waste your wisdom in this forum of your inferiors. Please, take your your gifts, your pearls far away from us, we are unworthy.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #19 June 4, 2014 Russian Roulette = 1 in 6 chance of dying. Hard to think of any skydiving thing that dangerous. Well planned skydiving stunt = Big Hollywood paydays and multi-decade careers. I'm not being sarcastic. I've known quite a few people to do just that. The trick is preplanning and practice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #20 June 4, 2014 They're not sanctioned. They don't need to be. Where in the FARS does it talk about sanctioning? The vehicles are dropped over private land, with permission from the land owners (in the couple of events where the DZO doesn't own the land). Obviously the DZO is good with it, he's allowing these props to be loaded into his aircraft. Who would be responsible for sanctioning these professionally executed stunts? Most of the stunts you're talking about are just that; "stunts." Having been involved in a few of the ones you've listed, they're all well-planned, rehearsed, and all have been executed without incident. You're missing quite a number of really great stunts, BTW. The only thing that needs sanctioning is an exhibition/demo jump, and that's something you'll learn about when you've got enough experience to know the right questions to ask. Whether you could execute the same stunts performed at Taft, Eloy, or Elsinore while in the UK....that's likely an entirely different question. Perhaps ring up the Queen, get her take on it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ridebmxbikes 0 #21 June 4, 2014 NeoX I actually want to know more about how these stunts are sanctioned I think they are all really stupid and wouldnt do any of them except for maybe #'s 2,3,4,6,7,8,9 and 10. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoX 0 #22 June 4, 2014 DSEThey're not sanctioned. They don't need to be. Where in the FARS does it talk about sanctioning? The vehicles are dropped over private land, with permission from the land owners (in the couple of events where the DZO doesn't own the land). Obviously the DZO is good with it, he's allowing these props to be loaded into his aircraft. Who would be responsible for sanctioning these professionally executed stunts? Most of the stunts you're talking about are just that; "stunts." Having been involved in a few of the ones you've listed, they're all well-planned, rehearsed, and all have been executed without incident. You're missing quite a number of really great stunts, BTW. The only thing that needs sanctioning is an exhibition/demo jump, and that's something you'll learn about when you've got enough experience to know the right questions to ask. Whether you could execute the same stunts performed at Taft, Eloy, or Elsinore while in the UK....that's likely an entirely different question. Perhaps ring up the Queen, get her take on it. The list wasn't meant to be exhaustive. I've heard of jumpers get banned (membership cancelled) by the USPA for certain stunts, though. So, surely, approval should be sought from USPA/BPA in some cases to prevent risk of being banned? And would the CAA (and the US equivalent) not be interested in someone dropping a car out of a plane if a DZ is only licensed to drop people normally? Queen is busy today btw - she's been doing a speech.He's doing his Superman thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gowlerk 2,218 #23 June 4, 2014 Quote DZ is only licensed to drop people normally? DZs are not licensed to drop anything. They are approved to fly airplanes commercially. No license is required to run a DZ unless you are in a nanny state.Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #24 June 4, 2014 Read... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christelsabine 1 #25 June 4, 2014 Re-read your own posts - that'll be your most courageous stunt. dudeist skydiver # 3105 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites