
would weights help with arching?

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#1. Ask an Instructor. There are people on here qualified to answer...And people who are not. You don't know enough to know the difference yet. Marks, BillVon, BodyPilot are all qualified IMO...some say I am. We all have AFF ratings...But you know who is even MORE qualified than all of us? The Instructor that jumped with you. Anyone else (including us) is just quessing. People without ratings are really guessing.

If you have a question and your instructor is not around...Write it down and ask the next time you see them. DZ.com can be a good place for advice...But some of it is really bad advice.

That being said, weights will not help you arch. They can help you fall faster and I have put them on later level students that insisted on jumping with me. (after I put on a big floppy suit first).

But arching is a life saving skill and must be learned. I would not allow any student to use them as a replacement for arching.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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