
What are your thoughts on Pilatus Porter aircraft?

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Just a simple post on the Pilatus Porter plane. Can anyone give me their opinions about this craft? Would it be a viable asset for a DZ? Please post... all comments are taken seriously, thanks.

I'd have to say the Caravan wins hands down on simplicity of ownership and operation. They are available. Their parts are available. Pilots are available.

That said... I only fly tail draggers and the reason for that was to be able to fly Porters. Very cool a/c. Parts are getting very hard to find and are getting more expensive too.

Otters are like comparing apples to oranges here. What are the proposed loads? Are they seasonal? Do you expect to always fill an Otter? Would you have to take it up with 8-10 aboard? Would it have to sit while waiting for a load to build at manifest? OR... Would a smaller a/c just keep flying back to back all year?

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Lots of european DZs use Porters.I have jumped from Porters at avariety of DZs in Germany, France, Canada and the USA.
Porter cabins may be tight with more than eight skydivers on board, but they climb so quickly that you don't have time to develop cramps. The sliding door is huge and the "dance floor" is even bigger.
They are just right for DZs too big for Cessnas, but not busy enough for a twin.
Yes, spare parts cna be expensive and insurance can be too unless your pilot has a million hours flying tail draggers.

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Porter cabins are and cramped (8 to 10 jumpers)compared with Caravans (14 to 18 jumpers), but they climb much better.
Otters have cabins (up to 18 jumpers) as big as Caravans, but miserable climb rates with stock radial engines. If you retrofit your Otter with a Garret, Walter or Pratt & Whitney turbine, they climb much better, but still not as well as Turbine Porters.
Caravans' greatest advantage is their tricycle undercarriage which vastly reduces insurance rates.

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it's like playing Tetris to put 10 inside... But we have Tetris experts at our DZ :D

Our Porters have
-1 on the copilot seat,
-5 on the left side bench (seating varies if tandems or "regular skydivers")
-2 on the small bench
-2 on the floor

Oh yeah and a pilot somewhere behind the turbine too :D:D:D
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Expensive to buy, expensive parts, expensive to repair, expensive to insure, easy for a novice pilot to ground loop.

Think about a PAC750. For not too much more than the purchase price of a used Porter, you can have more capacity, less overhead costs, less operating costs, and a larger payload.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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but can someone do me up a picture like in paint of something of a seating arrengment.

The attached is based on talking to someone I know who jumps one in the Netherlands and
what piisfish said.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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I have a lot of jumps from the Porter in the picture. That one had no seats, and we put 9 jumpers in it with the co-pilot's seat removed - it was PACKED! It can take off and land on a dime, climbs well, and has a huge step outside. The seating arrangement in one of the replies is more efficient than sitting on the floor, although I have never jumped it that way.
Arrive Safely


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With no benches, 8 is packed.

With a left side bench, and bench at the rear, 10 is OK, especially if you put the small ones on the floor.
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I've seen a bench across the rear, not on the right side as you show, but I've only been in one that had benches.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Jumped from miss Polka Dot, only seat is 1) Pilot's and 2) the small seat across the back from starbord to port side. We don't usually have a seat per say in the C/P spot, just floor space. We usually get in 9, but when it comes down to it, with any of us big guys in it, 8 is more prefered as it does get tight to even get the door closed. But again, as someone said, once the door is open, its huge, and easily one of the better side door exiting aircraft around. But that is IMHO.
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POPS #9344

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Expensive to buy, expensive parts, expensive to repair, expensive to insure, easy for a novice pilot to ground loop.

Think about a PAC750. For not too much more than the purchase price of a used Porter, you can have more capacity, less overhead costs, less operating costs, and a larger payload.

ding, ding, ding, we have the answer
also you get tricycle gear and a new aircraft

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I'm not a fan of porters at all. They're terribly uncomfortable when there is a full load. The only time i enjoyed jumping from a porter is when we only had 4 people on the load.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Expensive to buy, expensive parts, expensive to repair, expensive to insure, easy for a novice pilot to ground loop.

Think about a PAC750. For not too much more than the purchase price of a used Porter, you can have more capacity, less overhead costs, less operating costs, and a larger payload.

ding, ding, ding, we have the answer
also you get tricycle gear and a new aircraft

That's assuming the PAC750 is approved for flight with the door oper/removed.

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