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Clarence Thomas

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When you thought the Supreme Court couldn’t get any worse…

Clarence Thomas fails to declare millions of dollars worth of gifts from Republican mega-donor

But what could they possibly be getting in return?


ProPublica said it reviewed a record showing that “during just one July 2017 trip, Thomas’ fellow guests included execs at Verizon and PricewaterhouseCoopers, major GOP donors, and one of the leaders of the conservative American Enterprise Institute thinktank”.

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Be it guns, Wall Street, concealing wrongdoing during the nomination process. Making false or misleading statements about Roe v. Wade.

Nothing new here.According to Clarence Thomas's majority decision last year on gun rights:

"Under the Supreme Court's new standard for determining whether gun laws are within constitutional bounds, the government is required to show that the measure is consistent with the nation's historical tradition of gun regulation.

"We hold that when the Second Amendment's plain text covers an individual's conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct," Thomas wrote. "To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation. "

See emphasized sentence above. Which is almost verbatim what the conservative judges stated during their confirmation hearings. What conservative justices said — and didn't say — about Roe at their confirmations from a NPR story.

So on gun rights history is important. For abortion rights. History is important during confirmation hearings. Then for conservative justices, once confirmed  History and precedent goes out the door.

Imagine the posters in SC who think that changes in gun control have a chance before this banana(corrupt) conservative court.                                                        


Edited by Phil1111

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And in a recent documentary, produced by none other than the guy who paid for his vacations, Thomas said this:  "I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it.  I come from regular stock, and I prefer that—I prefer being around that.” 

Did you get that?  No $500,000 vacations for him!  He takes his vacations in Walmart parking lots, like all good conservatives.

And the two funny things about that are of course 1) how much he is lying and 2) that he is so out of touch with "regular stock" that he thinks people vacation in parking lots.

Up next - he explains that he likes to go to movies in bowling alleys like everyone else.

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1 hour ago, billvon said:

 Did you get that?  No $500,000 vacations for him! 

Could be true - maybe on that $500k yacht trip round south east Asia he never got off the boat. Those beaches just weren’t doing it for him.

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8 minutes ago, normiss said:

We should have listened to the women.

Hillary Clinton

Anita Hill

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

E. Jean Carroll

Dr. Bandy Lee

We would be much better off right now.

As a general rule we are all much better off when we listen to the women.

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Oh my. 

Thomas' 'sugar daddy' has a brother.

Who has been accused of sex trafficking. 




Admittedly, nothing has been proven. These are just accusations.

From the article: 


It is important to recognize that, while accusations can be made, nothing is proven until the legal process has concluded. Wealthy individuals and celebrities are often targeted by lawsuits to garner publicity. Whether Crow was involved or not has yet to be established.

However, for anyone who claims this is happening because of the revelations about Thomas, the original suit was filed back in November of last year.


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2 minutes ago, billvon said:

One only wonders what might happen if this case makes it to the Supreme Court.

Oh, please.

Thomas wouldn't recuse himself.

Thomas would be able to maintain his independence and impartiality.
He would rule on the facts and merits of the case, not on any personal involvement.

xDxD:`D :rofl::rofl:

We REALLY need a 'sarcasm' font on here.

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3 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Oh, please.

Thomas wouldn't recuse himself.

Thomas would be able to maintain his independence and impartiality.
He would rule on the facts and merits of the case, not on any personal involvement.

xDxD:`D :rofl::rofl:

We REALLY need a 'sarcasm' font on here.

Rather like Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, a totally impartial jurist who stated clearly at his confirmation that personal opinions wouldn't affect his legal rulings.

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Just now, kallend said:

That's what my wife tells me.

And she's right. You posted you're playing with ChatGBT. Of course we're now being told we need to be afraid, very afraid, of "machines" that are smarter than us. Of course, as Skydivers we're keenly aware, as demonstrated by modern AAD's (and for too many of us VCR's), that even simple machines are smarter than us. In any case, if there is anything the human race can use it's more intelligence artificial or not. Hopefully the Mandarins in charge of AI will base it on the way females think not males. Truly we've had a turn in the barrel and it ain't pretty.


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8 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

And she's right. You posted you're playing with ChatGBT. Of course we're now being told we need to be afraid, very afraid, of "machines" that are smarter than us. Of course, as Skydivers we're keenly aware, as demonstrated by modern AAD's (and for too many of us VCR's), that even simple machines are smarter than us. In any case, if there is anything the human race can use it's more intelligence artificial or not. Hopefully the Mandarins in charge of AI will base it on the way females think not males. Truly we've had a turn in the barrel and it ain't pretty.


ChatGPT is not that smart.  It doesn't know how to find the antipode of a location and still gets it wrong even after I told it how to do it.


It also is easy to catch out with the old "is it correct to say 'seven nines is fifty six', or 'seven nines are fifty six'".

Edited by kallend

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20 hours ago, billvon said:

One only wonders what might happen if this case makes it to the Supreme Court.

Considering he issued a ruling that made it near impossible to convict a bribery charge, while taking bribes, we have some precedent. The fact that ruling was 9-0 may make for more uncomfortable discussions in the future.

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13 hours ago, kallend said:

ChatGPT is not that smart.  It doesn't know how to find the antipode of a location and still gets it wrong even after I told it how to do it.

1. The little one tested it with High School algebra. It failed. 

2. It could not write a 500 word essay on six sigma without blowing itself up.

3. It has no information on a prominent skydiving professor in physics. 


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16 hours ago, kallend said:

ChatGPT is not that smart.  It doesn't know how to find the antipode of a location and still gets it wrong even after I told it how to do it.

Well, it's not a traditional computer program.  It's a large-data approach to training neural networks, based on material found on the net.  And it's only as smart as the material it was trained on.  (In fact they are intentionally limiting its short term memory so that it doesn't realize it can start Nigerian finance minister types of scams on people it interacts with.)

In other words, it was trained by material from Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and also from material by Slim King.

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27 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

So no "deep learning" capacity then. Surely it found SC?

I'm not sure it has shallow learning capacity either.  It claimed to learn how to find an antipode, but still failed every time in the same session.  And that was the first test I thought of giving it.  (Incidentally, it is woke and prefers to be called they/them rather than "it".

It is, however, smarter than Eliza. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA

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