
Bad Spots - Landing Strategy

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If in doubt, land out.

Might avoid that low turn up against the wind that get-home-itis sometimes produce.

Sure, your landing could be uncomfortable, given that it's hard to judge ground conditions from up high.

Still, a broken ankle beats a broken everything.

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Keep in mind that once you decide you are not going to make the LZ, your best landing area may be behind you.

Look straight down and check for hazards. Look between your current position and the LZ for any potential hazards. If it's clear, fly that clear path as far back as possible.

If it's littered with fences, powerlines, tree lines, buildings, etc, then look for a big clear landing area. Stay upwind of so you can use the wind to your advantage to put you in that desireable spot.

The biggest nugget I can offer is to remember that the cleanest landing spot may be behind you. Don't get fixated on "maybe" making it back.

What she said. Last fall I "fupped duck" and opened lower than I ever should've. After reaching over my back to be sure I hadn't popped my Cypres (yes, I was that low), I took one look and realized I didn't have a chance of making the DZ and that there was a sizeable pwer transformer station between me and the DZ (and anybody who's ever watched "Dropzone" knows what happens to bad skydivers in those kind of places).

My out landing zone WAS behind me. A big flat beautiful field just a little ways behind me, even just a little downwind from me. It even had a dirt road leading out to the paved street and no obstacles. I headed for the field and made a lovely soft landing in it, then walked out on the dirt road and soon got a ride back.

This is also something you need to do if you wind up under your reserve, because you will almost certainly be low and very possibly out.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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