
Hi there i'm new here! i have some qns regarding AFF

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Hi there, I have a few question hope you guys could help me out. I might going for AFF course end of july this year at Aus Perth but I'm not sure which school I should go to. and should I take the level 1 course first and the rest later cause I'll be in there for only a week and I don't know roughly how long would a AFF full course takes. what cert will I get after I've completed my aff at aust ? USPA cert? will that cert allow me to jump at different dropzone internationally? i hope someone could help me out. thanks in advance blue skies!

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Dunno much about how it works in Australia, but if you have the money, the mental fortitude, the dropzone has the instructors available and the weather holds out you can finish AFF in a couple days. People here have done it in that time, and some people took years to finish their training. Most people talk themselves out of it and quit before finishing AFF.

There are currency requirements with skydiving, so if you do one jump and then go away for several months you'll probably have to do that first jump again (And possibly ground school too.) So you want to be able to jump at least a couple times a month and more if you can.

In the USA, once you get through the AFF program you need to do some supervised jumps until you get your A license. Where I jump that means hiring a coach to jump with you until you fulfill the requirements on the A license proficiency card (Which you can download from the USPA web site.) All the licenses still carry a currency requirement so if you have a gap of a couple of months, the dropzone will most likely require you to do a jump with a coach to verify that you still know how to do all that stuff.

That's the general gist of it, though I've glossed over a bit. Since you're in a different country and may still have more questions, I suggest that you search for the parachutist certifying authority in your country and contact the dropzones you're interested in, personally.
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I'll try to help however I can :)
Apparently Skydive the Beach and Beyond York is the most popular dropzone. I also know of Jurien Bay but there's a full listing of dropzones on dropzone.com or here (including tandem only).

What do you mean by taking the rest later, generally it's better to do everything at one dropzone though, but if you're there for a week you should be able to complete in a week assuming sport jumpers preparing for nationals don't kick you off the load. York should have that problem, other DZs probably less.

No cert after completing AFF, but you work towards an Australian Parachute Federation A Certificate (aka A license). Without your A license, you can continue training at different dropzones (might have to repeat levels). With an A license, I think you have to take temporary membership for say USPA or BPA or whichever federation

Hope it helps :)

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