
Looking for skydiver to jump with company flag

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I am a small business owner located in Toronto. I am looking for a skydiver to jump while holding a company flag that will be provided. I'm also looking for this to be captured on video and preferably done somewhere with nice scenery such as Dubai, Las Vegas, Miami or anywhere else with nice scenery below. Please contact me if this is something that you are interested in. Thanks!B|


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These are the people you'd probably want to call.


They are a local dropzone with people experienced in flag/demo jumps. There are a few guys on here that will probably see this, but I'm pretty sure they'll hook you up with a guy named Peter.

On a sidenote, I sent you an email with a direct contact for Peter.
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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what's wrong?????
with the scenery around
Toronto??? :P
Lots of nice shorelines.
... and plenty of capable and safe jumpers...
are you ready to cover costs??? for slots. and for video work & post production ?

good luck

Agreed. The OP doesn't say what kind of business it is, but if most of its main customer base is located in the greater Toronto area, then the natural target audience of the ad ought to respond well to an ad with the scenery of their home city in the background.

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Another skydiving group, if you want to go with someone local rather than in all those nice sunny warm places, is http://www.dicenzo.ca/descenders/. They have experience with flag jumps.

Clearly one will have a rather different video background depending on the location and time of year! Depending on the size of the flag and location, you could go with anything from some regular skydivers with video gear, to professional demonstration teams experienced with jumping large flags and qualified to jump into tight landing locations. There's a lot of options.

It can be a bit of a challenge to find a spot or get permission to jump in a place that's right near or over a big city. Dubai is unusually fortunate in that way, what with a dropzone and airfield right out in front of the skyscrapers...

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Dear FineDesign,
Do you want the flag to be hand held in freefall, or do you want it suspended below a canopy in flight?

Tips: Get a couple of flags, make some friends from all over the world right here, and ask them to do a jump, and post footage, you post the flag. Compile a nice vid, and give a copy to all your mates to become famous with. lol.

If you are in the design business, why not just edit it into vids, or pictures.

Anyways, I am willing to do a flag jump for you....for free (Remember, it must be a strong flag)
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