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QuoteI don't mean to be rude....but...Darwin?
Paging Darwin?
Hi gorgeous that spinning thing in front of the aircraft doesn't care how cute you are....
Well, you failed, and that was rude. There's nothing 'natural' about a spinning prop, especially at night. Implying that she was 'selected' to walk into it based on the theory of evolution is just dumb.
When we reference Darwin in explaining jump accidents, most of the time the victim had been warned or had previous knowledge/training with regards to what eventually 'got' them. In those cases, when someone isn't smart enough to heed the advice/warnings/training provided to them, in that case a snarky 'Darwin' remark isn't entirely inapropriate.
In this case, the young lady was inexperienced around aircraft and presumably had no training as to how to approach a running aircraft. You could say it common sense, but these accidents suggest otherwise. Even in bright daylight, a spinning prop is all but invisible, and at night is that much worse. The general public is not accustomed to being around running machinery with exposed moving parts. Most people are used to cars, which make noise but have all the moving parts safely inside of the body structure. You can safely walk all around a running car, and that's the association most people will make.
chuckakers 426
QuoteI don't mean to be rude....but...Darwin?
Paging Darwin?
Hi gorgeous that spinning thing in front of the aircraft doesn't care how cute you will kill you if you are lucky!
God. See we need to find all the cute girls in the world and hold them tight so they don't kill themsleves!
Yes, she walked into a spinning prop, just like many hundreds of pilots have.
Houston, TX
shah269 0
OK but look, it's a loud spinning hunk of metal!
Logic dictates one should now walk into LOUD SPINNING HUNKS OF METAL!
Well....I don't know. I do feel bad for her but....I can't help but wonder? Even in the dark you can hear right? So what now? Do DZ's have to install LED lights on the props to keep people from touching them when they are spinning?
I'll be honest with you, when I was doing my AFF jumps the one thing I worried about was sticking my head too far forward on the strut to have it taken off....yeah it's far away (4ft) or so but's still a freaking spinning prop!
Shame too....she was really cute!
Very few cute girls in the world! We must protect them at all costs!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
chuckakers 426
QuoteOK but look, it's a loud spinning hunk of metal!
Logic dictates one should now walk into LOUD SPINNING HUNKS OF METAL!
Well....I don't know. I do feel bad for her but....I can't help but wonder? Even in the dark you can hear right? So what now? Do DZ's have to install LED lights on the props to keep people from touching them when they are spinning?
I'll be honest with you, when I was doing my AFF jumps the one thing I worried about was sticking my head too far forward on the strut to have it taken off....yeah it's far away (4ft) or so but's still a freaking spinning prop!
Shame too....she was really cute!
Very few cute girls in the world! We must protect them at all costs!
The sound of the prop isn't typically noticed over the sound of the running engine, but that doesn't really matter. In the case of people not familiar with being around planes, the bigger issue is the invisible nature of a spinning prop combined with a lack of knowledge about safety near aircraft.
In this case - as is often the case - the young woman had cleared the aircraft but turned around to thank the pilot for the ride when she was struck. Additionally the accident occurred at night when a prop can be even more invisible.
Houston, TX
billvon 3,031
Invisible loud spinning hunks of metal a few feet away from a deafening engine. They are actually very easy to miss - which is why even pilots walk into them sometimes.
Imagine this test. You are in a dimly lit room. There's an unmuffled F1 engine sitting on the floor, running. You can't even hear yourself think. Someone tells you "there's an invisible blade spinning somewhere in this room - and the room is on fire! You have to get out now!" Would you find such a situation a piece of cake?
shah269 0
No really never thought of the engine being louder than the prop.
Still shame....very cute girl!
Now we will all have to install little LED lights on the ends of the props.
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
billvon 3,031
Won't work in the daytime, unfortunately. And nothing lasts very long on the tips of props.
Maybe some chemiluminescent paint on the front may make them more visible at night, but IMO that's not as much of a problem as unescorted personnel walking around a flight line... (at night none the less)
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message
tbrown 26
I see that all the time at some major California dropzones I will not name. Pilots too, climbing in and out of their cockpit door. Makes me cringe every time because it just has to end badly one of these days. I don't want to be there to see it - or to have to wash the bloodstains off my rig and jumpsuit when it finally does happen.
Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !
pchapman 279
One news source;_ylt=AjbZZiei1ljtFgnaXSVGWdbNt.d_;_ylu=X3oDMTRvcWdnM2V1BGNjb2RlA2dtcHRvcDEwMDBwb29sd2lraXVwcmVzdARtaXQDTmV3cyBmb3IgeW91BHBrZwNhOTYxZTc3NS03NTI3LTM3YmEtOGIxMy0wYTYwYTNiODJmOTcEcG9zAzEEc2VjA25ld3NfZm9yX3lvdQR2ZXIDMWZiMmU4ZmMtNDEzOC0xMWUxLThhZTgtMWNjMWRlMDM1MGY2;_ylg=X3oDMTNoMHZmZWwxBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDNzAyZWYyYzItOWEzZi0zMDZmLWI3NGItMmU4ODI4OTAzZjYxBHBzdGNhdANwb2xpdGljc3xkZXN0aW5hdGlvbjIwMTIEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdlBHRlc3QD;_ylv=3
Quote"Upon noticing that she was exiting in front of the strut, the pilot leaned out of his seat and placed his right hand and arm in front of her to divert her away from the front of the airplane and the propeller," the report states. "He continued to keep his arm extended and told the passenger that she should walk behind the airplane."
When he thought she had walked away behind the plane to safety, the pilot says he "returned to his normal seat position," "looked to the left side of the airplane and opened his window to ask who was next to go for a ride," according to the report.
Edit: The NTSB's language is slightly different:
QuoteAccording to the pilot (as he recalls the event), after landing from the planned 20-minute flight, he stopped the airplane on the ramp with the engine running in anticipation of taking another passenger to view the holiday lights. He opened the door on the right side of the airplane expecting a friend to come out and assist his passenger in deplaning. After he opened the door, the passenger started to get out of the airplane. Upon noticing that she was exiting in front of the strut, the pilot leaned out of his seat and placed his right hand and arm in front of her to divert her away from the front of the airplane and the propeller. He continued to keep his arm extended and told the passenger that she should walk behind the airplane. Once he saw that the passenger was at least beyond where the strut was attached to the wing, and walking away, he dropped his right arm and returned to his normal seat position. The pilot then looked to the left side of the airplane and opened his window to ask who was next to go for a ride.
normiss 817
Given one is from an ABC news reporter and the other is from the NTSB and direct investigation by them, I'd say the language difference is minimal. Same even, considering sources.
One day ur a model, next day u have limbs gone.
Props scare me...
~~Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above he cannot see the kingdom of God~~ (Jn3:3)
wolfriverjoe 1,523
Quotewow...that must suck.
One day ur a model, next day u have limbs gone.
Props scare me...
Yup. An un-guarded 5 foot diameter blade spinning at 1000 RPM (I'm thinking in terms of a 182). The math has the tips moving around 180 miles per hour.

I've always told the students and observers and anyone not familiar with the plane that "The large spinny thing on the front is not your friend."
Personally, I like to keep everyone out of an arc from wingtip to wingtip, the length of the wing. Think of a circle the size of the wingspan. with the area in front of the wing being the "No Go" area. And it's a No Go area at all times that the airplane is being used, engine running or not.
"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
riggerrob 643
A hat and dark glasses made it impossible to see the extent of her head injuries.
Let's endeavor to prevent this sort of accident on a DZ during 2012.
Krip 2
QuoteI don't mean to be rude....but...Darwin?
Paging Darwin?
Hi gorgeous that spinning thing in front of the aircraft doesn't care how cute you will kill you if you are lucky!
God. See we need to find all the cute girls in the world and hold them tight so they don't kill themsleves!
Hi 269
Still at it.

Shah? King of kings

269 probably your DOB
Im my book your offically #2.
If you don't know what that means ask a 2 YO
if you can eat his #2.
PA? I'm old enough to be his daddy I would be ashamed to claim him.
DNA test? get a court order if you waant to test my DNA who knows who your daddy is. If the man you think is your daddy and he read syour crap I'm guessing they would refuse to claim you as a relative.
Hope you have a long life fruitful life and buy your nice cars. to bad with your attitude even If you had as much $$ as Tiger Woods you might get what you think you need. But when your $$ runs out they will dump your sorry ass.
Have you tried therepy? #2 you have a serious problem. But you already know that. Sorry I asked your perfect and everyone else is screwed up except your concept of the perfect women regardless of her I.Q.
riddler 0
QuoteLauren Scruggs, the model who lost a hand and an eye when she walked into a spinning plane propeller, has reportedly rejected a $200,000 settlement and is suing the plane’s insurance company for an unspecified amount.
The 23-year-old model and fashion blogger from Plano, Texas, has filed court documents in Dallas suing the company insuring the plane owned by defendants Shell Aviation and Michael Shell and piloted by Curt Richmond. On Dec. 3, 2011, Scruggs ended up losing her left eye and had her left hand severed by a spinning propeller when she walked into it after exiting the plane under darkness following a flight to view Christmas lights in the Dallas area.
In her claim, which was first reported by, she states that the insurance company, Aggressive Insurance Services, “verbally offered’’ to pay her $200,000 for the accident. The company claims that it has a maximum limit of $1 million total coverage for each plane, including a $100,000 sublimit for each passenger. Since Richmond was covered by an extra policy extending to other planes he flies, the company offered a $200,000 payout from the combination of the two policies, saying it was the maximum.
However, in court documents, Scruggs disputes her status as a “passenger’’ in the eyes of the insurance company. The policies define a “passenger” as “any person, other than the pilot, who is in the aircraft or getting in or out of it," according to her complaint. Scruggs claims she was not a passenger because “she was not in the aircraft or getting in or out of it at the time of the incident.’’
According to her complaint, Scruggs said “she had completed her exit from the aircraft prior to the time of the incident and was physically located on the tarmac when the incident happened. Until struck by the propeller, she was not in physical contact with the aircraft after her exit."
Scruggs is asking for the court to define whether she was a “passenger’’ or not under the insurance company guidelines. If she is not found to have been a passenger, she can presumably reap a higher payout for the accident.
sacex250 0
First of all, she's not suing the insurance company, she's suing the pilot/owner of the airplane who is covered by the insurance company. Of course, when the accident first happened she and her family clearly said that they didn't blame the pilot for the accident.
Second, the claim that she wasn't a passenger is also ridiculous. Insurance companies have tried this tactic also, and lost. One insurance company tried to deny a claim to the family of a scuba diver who drowned because he couldn't climb back onto a dive boat saying that since he wasn't a "passenger" on the boat at the time his death wasn't covered. The insurance company lost on that one.
toolbox 0
QuoteThere is nothing natural about a speeding train either,but I still know it would be a bad idea to jump in front of one(unless you want to end it all).
And yet people get hit by trains alot,because THEY ARE STUPID!
You can call me an asshole if you want,but walking into a spinning prop is pretty stupid.
As far as all the pilots who walk into spinning props,well you do not have to be a genius to be a pilot,but a crap load of money definitley helps.
Problem is,money can not fix stupid,at least not with present medical technology.
BobMoore 0
QuoteMaybe she should be suing the asphault company who laid the asphault down. She was on the asphault wasn't she ?
Yeah, but it wasn't their phault.
chuckakers 426
QuoteQuoteMaybe she should be suing the asphault company who laid the asphault down. She was on the asphault wasn't she ?
Yeah, but it wasn't their phault.
Damn Bob, that's phuckin' phunny!
Houston, TX
QuoteQuoteMaybe she should be suing the asphault company who laid the asphault down. She was on the asphault wasn't she ?
Yeah, but it wasn't their phault.
You have been found guilty of a terrible pun. You are hereby sentenced to drinking a beverage of your choice, you hilarious bastard.
chuckakers 426
QuoteQuoteQuoteMaybe she should be suing the asphault company who laid the asphault down. She was on the asphault wasn't she ?
Yeah, but it wasn't their phault.
You have been found guilty of a terrible pun. You are hereby sentenced to drinking a beverage of your choice, you hilarious bastard.
Houston, TX
Paging Darwin?
Hi gorgeous that spinning thing in front of the aircraft doesn't care how cute you will kill you if you are lucky!
God. See we need to find all the cute girls in the world and hold them tight so they don't kill themsleves!
The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!
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