
Yeah! Ninja Boots!

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My tunnel instructor was fine with it so I wore 'em in today's session. There's pretty much no point I ever have to take those things off now. I'm planning to wear 'em to my next job interview, too! Believe it!

Didn't take enough abuse the last time you posted about your goofy shoe fetish? ;)

Look he likes it, he really really likes it.

Come back and let us know how the surgery on your foot goes when you get it into a problem with the net and your goofy shoes. :o
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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***My tunnel instructor was fine with it so I wore 'em in today's session. There's pretty much no point I ever have to take those things off now. I'm planning to wear 'em to my next job interview, too! Believe it!

Didn't take enough abuse the last time you posted about your goofy shoe fetish? ;)

Look he likes it, he really really likes it.

Come back and let us know how the surgery on your foot goes when you get it into a problem with the net and your goofy shoes. :o

I'm just saying that there are some obvious benefits! They don't have laces and with my jumpsuit velcro over the hooks they're not coming off either. And they breathe well enough that you can actually feel the air running over your feet! Both the other flyers in there that day had to retie their shoes. With just a bit of bad luck, they could have sent a shoe up into the fan. I didn't even pop a hook out below the vecro, not even when I was back flying. I also made 5 exits from the tunnel with my feet on the net and did some walking on it and had no problems with snagging my toes.

I've also made about 50 safe landings on them now. I'm going to E-Mail the company and see if they'll buy me a ninja boot canopy! Corloss can keep Red Bull! I'll be the ninja boot advertising guy!
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Chances are that I can land my canopy barefoot while swooping, and fly barefoot in the tunnel, walk on the net, all of that good stuff multiple times without incident. Maybe even a whole 5 times!!!

It still doesn't make it a great idea, or confirm some sort of a safety factor.

But hey you are ahead of the curve, and you're avoiding the dreaded danger of an untied sneaker, the bane of all skydiving foot safety!!!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Chances are that I can land my canopy barefoot while swooping, and fly barefoot in the tunnel, walk on the net, all of that good stuff multiple times without incident. Maybe even a whole 5 times!!!

It still doesn't make it a great idea, or confirm some sort of a safety factor.

But hey you are ahead of the curve, and you're avoiding the dreaded danger of an untied sneaker, the bane of all skydiving foot safety!!!


On a skydiving holiday when I was pretty inexperienced I decided to buy some fairly flimsy shoes fastened with velcro. The rationale was not to look cool but was simply so I take them off quickly to remove jumpsuit and pack quickly - typically doing something like 10 jumps a day.

It seemed like a good idea until the wind shifted just before landing early on in the holiday and I had to make a down-wind landing in pretty strong winds. I thought I could run it out, and managed to do so, but hurt my heel pretty bad.

I spent the next 2 weeks on the holiday jumping (another 100 or so jumps) but chewing painkillers frequeently, went on a business trip when I returned to my home country... a week later when I got home I went to the hospital and found the heel was broken.. and according to the hospital I was lucky it had not deformed. According to them, such a deformity could have made getting shoes that fit very difficult for the rest of my life.

From then on, it has been a minimum of skate shoes or similar for me - something with a fair amount of cushioning should I need it. Plus a canopy course to improve my landings.

It taught me a lesson on a subject I had not really thought about until then. For me, going bare foot or wearing some kind of mad skillz kung-fu sock is asking for trouble. No matter how cool it may (or may not) look.

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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You know, one time I was in a pretty bad relationship. Girl kept cheating on me. Each time was the last time, and always with the same guy. She left me for him, then him for me, then she'd be in a relationship with the both of us, then just me, then just him, then me and him, and round and round we go. I was in a weird place in life back then, and was a real glutton for punishment.

Kind of like stirring the pot, then putting the pot on a boat and rocking the boat while stirring the pot. :D

You know I love ya, but re-hashing something that torqued everyone a couple of months ago... Jeez. You REALLY ARE a flying Rhenquest. :ph34r:

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There's pretty much no point I ever have to take those things off now.

Just wait. Your legs are the largest bones/muscles in your body, and that's why they are good for taking the bulk of the impact anytime you have to hit something. Reference the PLF as proof of this.

The 'catch' is that you feet are made up of some of the smallest bones in your body, and screwing up your feet (or a foot) can make trouble for you for the rest of your life. You count on them everyday for mobility.

So what you get with thick-soled, supportive shoes is that your feet get 'beefed up' to match the rest of your lower body in terms of impact resistance. When you forego those types of shoes, you leave your feet exposed to injury for no good reason.

I've done about 100 jumps barefoot, and aside from stepping on a bee one time while walking to get on a running CASA, I managed to get away with it. At the same time, I probably have an equal number of landings where either the weather, terrain, or just plain jumper error resulted in a pretty severe impact that would have certainly resulted in multiple broken bones in my feet if it wasn't for the thick-soled, supportive shoes I was wearing.

Look man, it's not a matter of 'if', but 'when'. Be ready.

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I'll be the ninja boot advertising guy!

Gave up on the Tampax sponsorship?

They cooled down on the idea when I told them Otter noise made my vagina hurt. Nevermind that it's a proven medical fact that otter noise makes vaginas hurt, but they still didn't seem very interested after that. I'm trying to find a company that will help me devise some hearing protection for my vagina, but I may end up having to leave it at home in a sound-proofed room.

For research purposes I'm going to have to set up a go-pro ninja-boot-cam to see if I can spot any problems during flight or landing. I'll have to figure out how to keep the ninja boots visible when the wingsuit's on. I might need two or three mounted in different places. The youtube video of me booting people in the forehead will also look pretty damn cool! I figure I could duct-tape two or three cameras to my leg and that should work great!
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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I'll be the ninja boot advertising guy!

Gave up on the Tampax sponsorship?

They cooled down on the idea when I told them Otter noise made my vagina hurt. Nevermind that it's a proven medical fact that otter noise makes vaginas hurt, but they still didn't seem very interested after that. I'm trying to find a company that will help me devise some hearing protection for my vagina, but I may end up having to leave it at home in a sound-proofed room.

For research purposes I'm going to have to set up a go-pro ninja-boot-cam to see if I can spot any problems during flight or landing. I'll have to figure out how to keep the ninja boots visible when the wingsuit's on. I might need two or three mounted in different places. The youtube video of me booting people in the forehead will also look pretty damn cool! I figure I could duct-tape two or three cameras to my leg and that should work great!

March 12th

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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My tunnel instructor was fine with it so I wore 'em in today's session. There's pretty much no point I ever have to take those things off now. I'm planning to wear 'em to my next job interview, too! Believe it!

Sack up and wear the full suit. It's not just great for skydiving, you could also go to the outlet mall by Loveland and give mallwalkers "occular patdowns".

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But hey you are ahead of the curve, and you're avoiding the dreaded danger of an untied sneaker, the bane of all skydiving foot safety!!!

I recently bought these:


The rationale was: they have the soil of a little boot, which helps when walking in the field especially this time of the year.
They have some decent reinforcement around the ankle, which helps with less than ideal landings.
The are, however, built on the top like a normal sport shoe, so that I don't risk hammering my buddys' heads off with a steel toe or the reinforced upper part of a "real" boots, while doing RW, and they also don't have any of the added tangle risks of normal boots.

I simply love them, I used them a few times in the tunnel and a few weekends in freefall. They're perfect for their purpose.
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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oh man... more "tactical" gear... :D

I can just feel my tiny HMA lines half-hitching around one of those ridges on the edge of the sole... but at least I'll go in with my cool shoe pinned to my face so it'll be the last thing I see :P

The 'real' problem is the gripper soles grabbing the turf...that's what they're designed to do ~ but at 20 mph ~ it's a good way to blow out a knee..or two.

Smooth soles!


I use these & have for years...ankle support, tough leather...can use a smoke bracket if needed & smooth soles for landing.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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My tunnel instructor was fine with it so I wore 'em in today's session. There's pretty much no point I ever have to take those things off now. I'm planning to wear 'em to my next job interview, too! Believe it!

Who cares, other than you?

You've been told anything with hooks and soft soles is a bad idea idea... if you choose to do it, fine. So what?

However, if you keep making a deal about it - how cool or innovative you are, you'll rapidly start becoming 'that guy' at the DZ. Believe me, you don't want that.

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Quote - "6. Ninja boot

The seperation that occurs when a man wears pants that are too tight and cause his testicles to bulge and become visible through his pants.

Not to be confused with camel toe on a woman."
Remember you don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing.

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This place is awesome - second week in a row I've had a particular question and there is already a discussion ongoing that I can jump into and start asking questions.

I normally jump in Aasics running shoes. I've been wondering lately about the sole and how good it is for jumping. The cushioning is relatively good, and there aren't very prominent ridges. I normally go out to the LZ before a jump and slide my feet around on the ground, just to check that they aren't grabbing too much for some reason. Lately, I've been wondering if there aren't even better choices for footwear. It seems the hip thing to do these days for walking and running is to go to a minimalist type shoe. Admittedly, I actually like them for cruising around town (about to get a set of merrel trail shoes), but I started thinking about how it would be jumping in them - my conclusion was, fun, but not prudent (especially at my level of experience), considering there isn't much benefit other than novelty.

With the potential compressive forces on a bad landing, it seems like more cushion = better, and skate shoes have been mentioned in many circles. Is there a consensus on which shoes or shoe types offer the utility for jumping?

One thing I don't hear much about is ankle support. Skate shoes don't offer much, and any non-hightop tennis shoe isn't much better. It almost seems like a set of chucks with a fatter sole would be ideal. Thoughts?

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