
NZ Aerosports Split ?

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I've been out of circulation for a few years and have a question about what's happened with NZ Aerosports. Their canopies have always been great of course. My question has to do with an apparent split or divorce in the company and I can't seem to find the story anywhere. It looks like NZ Aerosports has rebranded themselves as Jyro, while an Icarus Canopies company is now operating in Spain. Their canopies look to be same or similar, with names like Safire 3 / Sfire 3 and Crossfire 3 / Xfire 3. They both appear to be doing well, which is good. Anybody out there know the story about what happened and why ? 

Edited by tbrown

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It's there in the thread:

"Let me get you guys straight on this subject.

NZ Aerosports in NZ (read Jyro here) started Icarus Canopies as a world wide company that would lease his designs out to other well known and already established parachute manufacturers. One in the USA (Precision Aerodynamics) and the other one in Spain (CIMSA).

Precision Aerodynamics stopped producing Icarus Canopies in 2001.

CIMSA had their agreement pulled about two years ago by Jyro. This was after they started re-designing Jyro's canopies and making their own designs and changes, but still using the Icarus logo/name brand.

So CIMSA (Spain) has come up with the Icarus World thing with Bill Legard. Basically Bill is going to warehouse ready built stock here in the USA and offer service for their canopies.

Fernando (who owns CIMSA) also owns BRS emergency parachutes that is located in Pinehurst, NC IIRC.This location will be a service center of sorts as I was told.

So to clarify, NZ Aerosports is the mother company that owns both Icarus Canopies and Dadielus Project. They are both located in Auckland, NZ and have nothing to do with Icarus World.

CIMSA (Icarus World) used to build Icarus Canopies under a License agreement, but no more and has come up with the Icarus World company to sell their canopies.

Clear as mud..right?


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Hey thanks. The first reply was incomplete for some reason. The second reply, while clear as mud appears to explain things. I'd only heard that something had happened and never saw an explanation anywhere. I've always held Icarus canopies in the highest esteem, even if I was jumping a Pilot.

Edited by tbrown
clean up a typo

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