shropshire 0 #151 November 8, 2013 rrmtopoSince he's about to graduate college, would suck if his new employer asks to review his social media....... What moron would ever let a company do that? In fact what moronic company would ask such an inappropriate question? (.)Y(.) Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #152 November 8, 2013 shropshire***Since he's about to graduate college, would suck if his new employer asks to review his social media....... What moron would ever let a company do that? In fact what moronic company would ask such an inappropriate question? Lots of companies do. They'll search for what's publicly available, and even what's "private" really isn't that hard to track down either. Especially if you're out and about on the internets under your real name."There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 818 #153 November 8, 2013 Not any company I work for. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kentiy 0 #154 November 8, 2013 Kentiyvideo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mik 2 #155 November 8, 2013 skymamaEveryone, please remember that Simon is a member of these forums. The no PA rule still applies in this situation. Don't get yourself banned over this. Ah. So I guess this means that any "Scot Lutz is a dork" or similar comments will result in a ban? *********************************************** I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckakers 426 #156 November 8, 2013 normissThis isn't a screw-up! This was an intentional fuck you and intentionally put others at risk on the jump. People typically spend a ton of cash on record attempt trips. People would be expected to be pissed the hell off after someone pulled a punk move like this. I was happy to see they stuck him with the tab for the load too. His facebook comments clearly show he made a conscious decision to do this. He admitted what he intentionally did. He didn't "screw-up". yepChuck Akers D-10855 Houston, TX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SwoopinJalo 0 #157 November 9, 2013 He was a TOUCHER (Douche and Tool mixed) when I met him in San Marcos and everyone was like he is cool.......I CALLLED THAT SH*T hahahahaha Once a TOUCHER....ALWAYS A TOUCHER!!!! A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner. -GBC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mpohl 1 #158 November 9, 2013 Give the guy a break! You never made a spur-of-the-moment decision? Like talking on the cell phone while driving a car. Running a red-light? Thus, endangering other people's life? Folks! Get a life and move on!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oldwomanc6 58 #159 November 9, 2013 mpohlGive the guy a break! You never made a spur-of-the-moment decision? Like talking on the cell phone while driving a car. Running a red-light? Thus, endangering other people's life? Folks! Get a life and move on!!! Doing something (dangerous) with the intent purpose of screwing someone over puts it in another category.lisa WSCR 594 FB 1023 CBDB 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ranga2006 0 #160 November 9, 2013 Video of just the jump can be seen here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
format 1 #161 November 9, 2013 mpohl Give the guy a break! You never made a spur-of-the-moment decision? Like talking on the cell phone while driving a car. Running a red-light? Thus, endangering other people's life? Folks! Get a life and move on!!! I feel lonely following your advice. P.S. I love Texans What goes around, comes later. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yeyo 1 #162 November 9, 2013 Ranga2006Video of just the jump can be seen here. So today you created a youtube account and a account just to post this? Why would there be a headdown reserve deployment?...that was the cutaway handle. Anyway, the "cali pricks", the ones affected directly by this, they moved on and removed the videos. Why do you insist? Being an internet bully is worse than what he did. Turn the page already.HISPA #93 DS #419.5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckakers 426 #163 November 9, 2013 mpohlGive the guy a break! You never made a spur-of-the-moment decision? Like talking on the cell phone while driving a car. Running a red-light? Thus, endangering other people's life? Folks! Get a life and move on!!! Not even close to a fair comparison. Danger by ignorance or omission of thought is not the same as danger by intent and malice. Mistakes in skydiving are excusable. Intentional safety infractions are not. I know Bones pretty well. He is a very smart and talented guy. He didn't make a mistake. He knew what he was doing was fucked up and knew it would add unnecessary risk to the jump. He made a conscious choice and had plenty of time to reconsider his plan before taking action. What he did was willful and malicious. His actions are inexcusable. He has a very long road to being trusted again. For some, he will never get there.Chuck Akers D-10855 Houston, TX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckakers 426 #164 November 9, 2013 yeyoBeing an internet bully is worse than what he did. That is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read on this site.Chuck Akers D-10855 Houston, TX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crotalus01 0 #165 November 9, 2013 This question is for you Chuck - I am a belly flyer and have only done a few freefly "attempts" so I know jack shit except corking to belly is way bad. SO - Yeah it was a total dick move on Simon's part BUT did he really add that much risk to the jump? I wouldn't think a guy as talented as him would cork to his belly. Caveat that I saw the "potential" grab/touch to the cutaway pad but it was the cutaway not the reserve.. Anyways I can see it both ways. Dave Lepka opines there was no real endangerment on this jump. Do you see it differently, and if so why? Open question to any who would care to add to my education BTW. Regardless it was a shitty thing to do. I really hope he can redeem himself in some way. I do believe (most) everyone deserves a chance at redemption. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #166 November 9, 2013 Watch the vid...not what Bones is doing, but what the people 'around' him are doing. There is confusion and ad-libbing going on...a record attempt is the LAST place you want to see that. Chain reactions CAN get out of hand sometimes. ~Plan the Dive & Dive the Plan~ ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shropshire 0 #167 November 9, 2013 seems to me this thread is giving WAY TOO much attention to someone who seemed to be courting attention .. but what do I know? (.)Y(.) Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuckakers 426 #168 November 9, 2013 crotalus01This question is for you Chuck - I am a belly flyer and have only done a few freefly "attempts" so I know jack shit except corking to belly is way bad. SO - Yeah it was a total dick move on Simon's part BUT did he really add that much risk to the jump? I wouldn't think a guy as talented as him would cork to his belly. Caveat that I saw the "potential" grab/touch to the cutaway pad but it was the cutaway not the reserve.. Anyways I can see it both ways. Dave Lepka opines there was no real endangerment on this jump. Do you see it differently, and if so why? Open question to any who would care to add to my education BTW. Regardless it was a shitty thing to do. I really hope he can redeem himself in some way. I do believe (most) everyone deserves a chance at redemption. I will refer you to the folks who were on the jump. They are all highly experienced freeflyers and most if not all felt his actions were dangerous. Bottom line - this was a state record attempt, flying a very delicate, very fast formation. This was a jump that required everyone to be on their game and fly the plan. Bones did exactly the opposite. Adding the unexpected variable on a jump like this was dangerous enough. His drifting around and groping for grips just proved it.Chuck Akers D-10855 Houston, TX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #169 November 9, 2013 Just imagine what the outcome could have been if the guys next to him weren't such highly experienced jumpers who could react appropriately, or even if one of them was having an off day. Jump the plan, or pull yourself off. Anything else is unacceptable. She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kkeenan 14 #170 November 9, 2013 I'm not a fan of growing old, but it certainly gives one perspective as the years go by. Being an old belly flyer, I remember the emergence of free flying and the joy of the folks doing it. They proclaimed a New Age of skydiving, as jumpers would be free of the old constraints of "turning points" and "breaking records". People would now be allowed the pure joy of flying with their friends and enjoying the sky. "It's all good", was their mantra. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Today, VRW teams compete as vigorously as anyone for turning points and the quest for big-way headdown records is is as hard-fought as in the belly flying world. This occurrence, however, is a new twist. In the course of winning and losing skydiving records over the years, it has never occurred to me that anyone involved would display the lack of ethics to pull such a scumbag move. I guess it's not "All Good". Kevin Keenan_____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #171 November 9, 2013 >You never made a spur-of-the-moment decision? This wasn't a spur of the moment decision. It was thought out beforehand and defended later. >Running a red-light? More akin to getting up in the morning and thinking "you know, I'm not going to stop for any red lights today. Because I just don't give a fuck." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #172 November 9, 2013 I'm somewhat surprised that no one has brought up an Article 1-6 investigation from USPA. It is quite relevant. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjumpenfool 2 #173 November 9, 2013 DSEI'm somewhat surprised that no one has brought up an Article 1-6 investigation from USPA. It is quite relevant. This?... Other offensive conduct, which may not otherwise be actionable in law, but which nonetheless, may result in serious injury to persons or property or which may degrade the sport, are specifically set forth herein. It is recognized that every infraction of a USPA procedure, if enforced within the literal meaning of the procedure, may yield inequitable results. USPA is not a law enforcement agency but rather an organization dedicated to encouraging safe skydiving. B. Any USPA member shall be guilty of an offense justifying the imposition of the penalties set forth in USPA Governance Manual Section 1-6.4.C (below) who— 1. Willfully, flagrantly, or continuously violates the USPA Basic Safety Requirements 2. Aids and abets a willful violation of the USPA Basic Safety Requirements 3. Is so grossly negligent in his conduct or acts as to imminently imperil his fellow skydivers or aircraft or persons or property on the ground, or wantonly disregards the safety of himself or other persons 4. Engages in any conduct as a skydiver which a person of reasonable prudence would anticipate as being likely to bring public contempt upon himself or herself, or upon skydivers, or upon USPA 5. Engages in any conduct which reasonably jeopardizes the well-being of USPA 6. Willfully falsifies any document, certificate, or record connected with or relating to skydiving 7. Willfully and knowingly misrepresents any material fact in connection with any application filed with USPA C. Penalties: Any USPA regular member who has been found to have committed one or more of the offenses specified in USPA Governance Manual Section 1-6.4.B (above), shall be subject to one or more of the following: 1. Membership suspension or revocation 2. License suspension or revocation 3. Rating suspension or revocation 4. CensureBirdshit & Fools Productions "Son, only two things fall from the sky." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CSpenceFLY 1 #174 November 9, 2013 skyjumpenfool***I'm somewhat surprised that no one has brought up an Article 1-6 investigation from USPA. It is quite relevant. This?... Other offensive conduct, which may not otherwise be actionable in law, but which nonetheless, may result in serious injury to persons or property or which may degrade the sport, are specifically set forth herein. It is recognized that every infraction of a USPA procedure, if enforced within the literal meaning of the procedure, may yield inequitable results. USPA is not a law enforcement agency but rather an organization dedicated to encouraging safe skydiving. B. Any USPA member shall be guilty of an offense justifying the imposition of the penalties set forth in USPA Governance Manual Section 1-6.4.C (below) who— 1. Willfully, flagrantly, or continuously violates the USPA Basic Safety Requirements 2. Aids and abets a willful violation of the USPA Basic Safety Requirements 3. Is so grossly negligent in his conduct or acts as to imminently imperil his fellow skydivers or aircraft or persons or property on the ground, or wantonly disregards the safety of himself or other persons 4. Engages in any conduct as a skydiver which a person of reasonable prudence would anticipate as being likely to bring public contempt upon himself or herself, or upon skydivers, or upon USPA 5. Engages in any conduct which reasonably jeopardizes the well-being of USPA 6. Willfully falsifies any document, certificate, or record connected with or relating to skydiving 7. Willfully and knowingly misrepresents any material fact in connection with any application filed with USPA C. Penalties: Any USPA regular member who has been found to have committed one or more of the offenses specified in USPA Governance Manual Section 1-6.4.B (above), shall be subject to one or more of the following: 1. Membership suspension or revocation 2. License suspension or revocation 3. Rating suspension or revocation 4. Censure USPA doesn't have the backbone to do something like that anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjumpenfool 2 #175 November 9, 2013 CSpenceFLY USPA doesn't have the backbone to do something like that anymore. Maybe, maybe not. We are the USPA, remember. Members need to complain. An S&TA needs to talk to an RD. The RD can petition the USPA. If there are enough complaints, then maybe. But it stops with us, the membership. We have to act. Stop passing the buck off on the "USPA". Get off your ass (not aimed at Spence) and become a squeeky gear. IMHO as always. Birdshit & Fools Productions "Son, only two things fall from the sky." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites