
Rumor of someone throwing a record attempt. (Intentional screwing up to keep an existing record in tact)

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Heck one guy I know did a dime in the Fed-Pen & half the sport was horrified at how 'bad' he made us all look - did his time, came out a better man and changed the sport for the better forever!

Meh. The only difference between him and the rest of us, was that he was the one who got caught.:P
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Heck one guy I know did a dime in the Fed-Pen & half the sport was horrified at how 'bad' he made us all look - did his time, came out a better man and changed the sport for the better forever!

Meh. The only difference between him and the rest of us, was that he was the one who got caught.:P

What you mean 'US' Kemosabe? >:(

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PS: If Simon would have pulled it off cleanly I'd bet 90% of the people would be cheering for him now. Too bad for him, he didn't.

Wait, what are you saying? Succeeding in sabotaging a jump and potentially endangering people would be cheered? By who? And why? Records are made to be broken and being ass hurt because "your" state record might be broken is infantile.

The rules are what they are. If you find them unsatisfactory, feel free to lobby the USPA and or IPC. That's how you make a positive change.

I also find your use of the word "steal" fascinating. If people follow the rules and set a record, how is that "stealing"? Your idea of how records works doesn't seem to intersect with reality...

I think his behavior was a huge lapse in judgement and was a big "fuck you" to his fellow skydivers.

But honestly I also found some humor in it. Everyone's all serious and shit and all the sudden one jackass flips over and fucks it all up. Someones gotta agree it's kinda funny. At the end of the day though it was just a super disrespectful move

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******I'm more afraid of all the hatred I see appearing towards Simon. Yes he made a mistake and he did endanger people. While I do think some kind of measures should be taken by the appropriate people I also think more people should think about the reason that drove him to it.

There's a difference between hatred for a person and disdain for a person's actions. The mistake Bones made wasn't flying head up on a delicate, fast head down jump. His mistake was having the extremely poor judgment and the complete lack of respect for the safety and success of his fellow jumpers to do it in the first place.

That's what drove him and THAT'S the problem.

I've seen things like this happen a few times in the sport...

NOW is when the true character come out.

Some guys hang, work hard & regain trust, some head for the hills and are never heard from again.

Some ignore the lashing and just keep keepin' on, never addressing the situation...often they're still a pariah in some circles.

Heck one guy I know did a dime in the Fed-Pen & half the sport was horrified at how 'bad' he made us all look - did his time, came out a better man and changed the sport for the better forever!

Simon has given a lot to the sport, now he 'boned' some people in a big way...time will tell, but I'd bet he can make it right...I hope he's 'that' kind of guy.

^^This. Well-said, Twardo. I think most of us are hoping that.

(& at the same time, I couldn't blame anyone for not inviting him on a jump - much less a record attempt - again. Were I on that jump, it would take a loooong time for me to come to terms with it. Forgiveness for something like this is more likely to be earned than it is to be given blindly.)

Sad. Time will tell how it pans out, on all sides - but it starts with Simon first.
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I'm pretty amused by this Texas state record / Simon issue. I've only been jumping for 11-12 years now and so I wasn't around when free-flying really picked up, but I *do* remember, when I first started, seeing and hearing people attracted to FF because there wasn't any of the drama associated with RW and peer pressure and getting the right grip or turning the right point.

I really did tell my friends that it would only take a little time.

Once I saw freeflying going that way, got more into wingsuiting.

Then um, err, ahhh... :P
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Majorsky - this post is not directed at you, you just won the 'last post in the thread' lotto.

Nobody has any 'right' to be on any record at any time. As long as the jump meets the requirements for the record (location, size, pre-planned, correctly judged), any of the other factors are up to the organizer.

You want a Texas HD record that the USPA will recognize? You can do it any DZ in Texas, any time you want, with any group of jumpers you want (provided more than half are USPA members). Nobody 'owns' the records, or has any 'right' to them, their organization or planning. It's just that simple.

In terms of what Simon did, it was a dick move for sure. From what I saw in the video, it looked like a solid jump and all involved (aside from Simon) deserved the record and deserved to have their efforts as a 'team' rewarded. If Simon had a pre-conceived notion that there was something 'unethical' or 'unfair' about the jump, he should have simply backed off the load and voiced his concerns on the ground.

I don't think what he did was 'unsafe', or put anyone at risk. I saw the video, and while he was a little 'drifty', he kept up the fall rate and 'did no harm' in terms of making a safe skydive. The guy is an accomplished freeflyer, and could handle his slot head-up without putting anyone 'at risk'.

Uncool? Yep, 100%. Unsafe? Not really, I think people are just floating that idea because they're upset and looking to 'pile on' to what a bad guy he is.

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I don't think what he did was 'unsafe', or put anyone at risk. I saw the video, and while he was a little 'drifty'....

Unless of course you consider the infinite possibilities had his drifting triggered a bigger problem. Many incidents begin with something that seems benign.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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You arent missing anything but a lot of butthurt. It was a 6.5 minute video for a 30 second jump that included:

-mostly Facebook screen grabs of posts and PMs
-Ava Maria playing in the background
-a tiny little bit (30 sec of 6.5 min) of good flying
-more FB screen shots of skydivers calling each other douchebags
-more Ava Maria
-evidence the editor doesnt know skydiving gear very well

I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark. - Thomas Hobbes.

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