
S&T News from USPA, 2/1/06

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Safety & Training Newsletter
A Bulletin for the training community
Vol. 6, Issue 1
February 1, 2006

Safety Day 2006
March 11 is rapidly approaching! Is your drop zone ready for Safety Day 2006? Each USPA S&TA is tasked with organizing Safety Day activities to help ensure that every drop zone possible participates. Free downloads of presentation materials and handouts are available at http://www.uspa.org/safety/safety_day.htm#forms.

New for 2006 is the USPA Fly To Survive DVD, which is currently in production. Each drop zone in the U.S. (with a known address at the USPA) will receive a free DVD, wall-sized posters, and presentation materials that can help each S&TA create a successful event. The 15-minute presentation outlines the “big six” points of canopy education each jumper needs to know to help reduce the number of canopy-related injuries and fatalities. The materials will be mailed the third week of February, arriving in plenty of time for your Safety Day event.

USPA lists participating drop zones on its website at http://www.uspa.org/safety/safety_day.htm#sddzs Each S&TA should make sure their drop zone is included on the list by sending an email to groupmbrs@uspa.org with the name of the drop zone, the website address and the date of their event, if other than March 11.

Chesley H Judy Award
So far, there have been only a handful of requests for the new Chesley H. Judy Safety Award. Surely there are more than a handful of deserving USPA members who should be receiving this prestigious award! Each S&TA or drop zone owner should choose a recipient and send USPA the name of the recipient, the name of the drop zone and a shipping address. USPA will mail it free of charge. All requests should be received by February 15 to allow enough time for the certificate to be packaged and shipped. Attached to this newsletter is an article which provides more information about Ches Judy and how the award was developed.

Course Materials
Course Directors are reminded that each candidate must possess a SIM and IRM dated within two years of the course, in order for the proficiency card to be accepted at USPA Headquarters. Use of outdated materials will lead to delays and additional headaches for both the rating candidate and the course director. Make sure the paperwork is correct before the course is finished, and everyone will benefit!

Accident Reports
S&TAs and Instructors are reminded to submit accident reports using the USPA Accident Report form which can be downloaded at http://www.uspa.org/publications/forms.htm#incident. Use of this form ensures that USPA receives the necessary information that may have been a factor with each accident, such as weather conditions or equipment problems. Non-fatal reports can be sent anonymously, however fatal accidents need to include the name and address of the deceased, as well as the investigator’s contact information.

Statistical information is stored in a database, but no information regarding the deceased or the investigator is stored electronically or otherwise. That information is removed from the report, and the rest of the paper fatality report is destroyed as soon as the annual fatality summary is published in Parachutist magazine.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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