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John Oliver and SCOTUS

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"Last Week Tonight With John Oliver" just aired its first episode of the year on HBO Max.  The topic was the corruption in SCOTUS. After skewering other justices first, he zeroed in on Clarence Thomas. Then at the end, he made this offer to Thomas:

A new $2.5M motor coach, and $1M/year for life if Thomas permanently leaves the court. And I think Oliver is serious, and would fund this himself.

This episode will probably be available soon on Youtube.

Edited by ryoder
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The problem with this is that even if Thomas leaves the court, since it is so close to an election, the republicans will block any attempt to seat a new judge until after the election because the people will not have a voice in who is elected to pick the next judge.

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1 hour ago, CygnusX-1 said:

The problem with this is that even if Thomas leaves the court, since it is so close to an election, the republicans will block any attempt to seat a new judge until after the election because the people will not have a voice in who is elected to pick the next judge.

They do not control the Senate at this time and therefore cannot do that. 

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I have heard a few times now that this is the worst SCOTUS ever. But this is not really true. The Dredd Scott decision was far worse than anything this court has done so far. Here is part of it, written by the then Chief Justice


Chief Justice Taney’s court ruling was one of the most bigoted in history, reading that Black people are “regarded as beings of an inferior order, altogether unfit to associate with the white race ... and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

The ruling basically stated that no Black person in any free or slave state could ever be considered a citizen. It basically made the civil war inevitable.

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1 minute ago, ryoder said:

Are you saying they geo-blocked it?

There are VPNs that can get around that.

Yes, someone else controls the broadcast rights here. It happens all the time. I considered VPNs but there isn't really that much to gain for the hassle and expense of a good one.

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43 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

I have heard a few times now that this is the worst SCOTUS ever. But this is not really true. The Dredd Scott decision was far worse than anything this court has done so far. Here is part of it, written by the then Chief Justice


Chief Justice Taney’s court ruling was one of the most bigoted in history, reading that Black people are “regarded as beings of an inferior order, altogether unfit to associate with the white race ... and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

The ruling basically stated that no Black person in any free or slave state could ever be considered a citizen. It basically made the civil war inevitable.

Another real piece of real history that people like Nikki Haley have to ignore when claiming that the US has never been a racist country.

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49 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

Chief Justice Taney’s court ruling was one of the most bigoted in history, reading that Black people are “regarded as beings of an inferior order, altogether unfit to associate with the white race ... and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.”

A true hero of the anti-woke.

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