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Marisan 0
For all of you that wonder why I'm putting myself through all this just watch this video.
Yes I know it wasn't caused by a HP Canopy but the footage on the ground is compelling
I just don't want one of you to be in this situation in the next week, month, year etc.
Sorry, still can't do clickies.
Calvin19 0
QuoteFor all those people that have sent me their ideas by PM.
There are some really good ones.
Can I ask you to post them on this thread so we can get some discussion going.
A simple canopy progression license, required independent of skydiving licenses, but cannot progress to a higher loading until these are demonstrated. They can have the A/B/C/D scale as long as that does not get too confusing. (Canopy Pilot A,B,C, or D[unlimited])
A- up to 1/1 loading: demonstrate full stalls on risers and brakes, full control input porpoising, coordinated wingovers, spirals to recover to a heading, patterns to a spot landing. 100' square must be able to show good judgement in landing patterns and traffic. flight and patterns and landings on rears, etc.
B- up to 1.5/1 loading: All the above (not rear landings) redone at 1.5/1 plus intro to accelerated landings,
C-up to 2/1 loading: All the above at 2/1 loading plus advanced canopy course AND swooping course if wanted. (can't swoop without)
D-2.5/1 to unlimited All above at 2.5/1 loading plus advanced swooping course.
Just my idea, it's incomplete.
There are some really good ones.
Can I ask you to post them on this thread so we can get some discussion going.
I won't post them without your permission.
Don't worry, the flaming doesn't hurt " that " much.
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