
Chest strap or leg straps first?

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Plus at JSC we have a longish walk to boarding point, loose legstraps make walking easier.

and you get your gear check after tightening them, or is it different for students and A licences? [:/] CI at SCT cr@pped someone out a while ago: "when you have a D then maybe you can walk out to the plane with loose legstraps"...

Sorry, i just saw your reply now...

It's different for students for sure.

Our static line students gear up in the club house (including tightened leg straps) and we check 'em out there and again at boarding point. It's been a while since i did AFF but i assume it's the same: leg straps done up for the walk.

A licenses i don't know about but ever since i've owned my own gear, i've done it that way. Rig on in the club house, chest strap done up, leg straps tightened at boarding point.

As for me, I don't really get gear checks from other people anymore, except for the occasional pin check. I still however do my 1000ft gear check that i was taught on my FJC. Granted there are tings i leave out and other stuff i have added now that i'm jumping camera and wings a lot.

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I do leg straps 1st, then chest strap.


1. You may survive a dive without a chest strap. The same is not true when the order is reversed.

2. When wearing a wingsuit, the legstraps are inside the suit by the time you're getting to your chest strap, so again, leg straps first.

As for AFF at JSC, prior to getting gear, the student is given a jumpsuit to put them at a projected speed of 115 - 125 MPH, goggles (round neck) helmet that fits. Checked for hooks on shoes, jewelry etc, then given gear, and asked to check canopy size, AAD and ripcord equipped. All JSC gear is checked by the DI prior to removal from the store, and out of date reserves are prevented from leaving store.
My students walk out with all straps threaded through, and all straps loose (It's a 400 yd walk). I beleive students should be as relaxed and comfortable as possible. Goggles round neck, alti on. I usually carry helmet for the walk so that their arms are free to practice drills. Once at boarding point, tighten up and tuck away. Once the student is satisfied their gear is OK, they come to me to be checked out.

Check is

1. Helmet present,
2. goggles (Still around neck)
3. 3 rings (R)
4. RSL attached,
5. 3 rings (L)
6. Chest strap correctly routed, tight, loose end tucked away.
7. Cutaway handle clear and secure
8. Reserve handle in place, swage on cable
9. Leg straps tight, loose ends tucked away
10. Ripcord (Yes, we still use them..) clear and secure
11. (Round the back now..) Cypres on
12. RSL correctly routed
13. Reserve pin in place
14. Reserve closure loop good
15. Seal in place
16. Free movement on reserve cable
17. Close reserve flap
18. Main ripcord OK
19. Main closure loop good
20. Close main flap
21. (Over Left shoulder to get correct POV) Alti zero

22. Plane on final, put on and fasten helmet.

At 1000ft, equipment check, Helmet, (Remove) 3 rings x 2, Chest strap, handles, leg straps, main deployment device.

5000ft - Alti check - "In the zone" (Minimal variance)

2000 ft prior to exit, goggles on, helmet on and fastened. 3 rings x 2, chest strap, handles, leg straps, main deployment device, cypres on, pins in place, flaps closed, Instructors pick up grips.

Regardless what you do, having a system is a good thing.
No system introduces the possibility of variables, and variables are usually a bad thing when what you've been doing so far has kept you (and your students) alive.

It's the year of the Pig.

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2. When wearing a wingsuit, the legstraps are inside the suit by the time you're getting to your chest strap, so again, leg straps first.

I completely forgot about suit jumps :$

That would be the only time i do my leg straps up first.

Now that you've said the way you do it with students i remember tightening up lstraps at bpoint on AFF with you. I also remember Clyde telling me to do them up tight or i'd have flat head kids :D

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