
Investors bailing on green energy

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“Investors are fading on green energy investment funds due to worries about the sector’s ability to grow and the possible return of former President Donald Trump to the White House, Reuters reported Wednesday, citing analysis conducted by a firm called LSEG Lipper.

Funds that invest specifically in green energy companies and products around the world saw investment outflows totaling $4.8 billion during the first quarter of 2024, the largest amount in a single quarter on record, according to Reuters. Meanwhile, the S&P Global Clean Energy Index has tanked by about 10 percentage points this year while the S&P 500 Energy Index — a fund that features many oil and gas companies — is up by more than 16% this year so far.”

Looks like the money is doing the talking 

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Last year, for the first time, California ran its electric grid 100% on green energy.  It was only for a few minutes, but it represented something that deniers said couldn't be done - to run all of the state's electrical loads, the largest grid in the US, on renewable energy alone.

When it happened their response was predictable.  "A few minutes?  And just one day?  What a joke!  Wake me up when you can do it for hours, losers."

On 30 out of the last 38 days, California generated more than 100% of its power needs for periods of between 15 minutes and 6 hours.  The extra power went into batteries to service loads when solar output declined.


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It helps to have between one fifth and one third of your electricity imported from other states.  https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php?sid=CA#:~:text=California imports more electricity than,from outside of the state.
How is “energy transition” going to happen when billions of dollars are flowing out at the time you need billions of dollars to be flowing in?

Edited by brenthutch

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6 hours ago, brenthutch said:

It helps to have between one fifth and one third of your electricity imported from other states.  https://www.eia.gov/state/analysis.php?sid=CA#:~:text=California imports more electricity than,from outside of the state.
How is “energy transition” going to happen when billions of dollars are flowing out at the time you need billions of dollars to be flowing in?

How exactly does the Liberty University MBA program work? "The world installed 117 gigawatts of new wind power capacity in 2023, a 50% increase from the year before, making it the best year for new wind projects on record, according to a new report by the industry’s trade association."

You know that Tesla sales is a small part of the EV equation right? That there is a world outside the US right?

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16 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

You know that Tesla sales is a small part of the EV equation right? That there is a world outside the US right?

Global finance does not recognize borders but it does recognize winners from losers, and the winners appear to be oil and gas and the losers seem to be renewables.

Edited by brenthutch

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1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

Global finance does not recognize borders but it does recognize winners from losers, and the winners appear to be oil and gas and the losers seem to be renewables.


Global energy investment in clean energy and in fossil fuels, 2015-2023

I'll spell it out for you. Worldwide green energy investments surpassed oil and gas by 75% or $750 billion last year. Start some more B.S. threads but this is from the IEA. Its no wonder that you identify so closely with the GOP. Facts don't mean squat with them either.

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3 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

How exactly does the Liberty University MBA program work? "The world installed 117 gigawatts of new wind power capacity in 2023, a 50% increase from the year before, making it the best year for new wind projects on record, according to a new report by the industry’s trade association."

Can't use percentages. That part of math was not covered in his MBA and he struggles with them. You have to use terms like " a lot more" or "the best people say it is more than"...stuff like that.

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7 hours ago, Phil1111 said:


Global energy investment in clean energy and in fossil fuels, 2015-2023

I'll spell it out for you. Worldwide green energy investments surpassed oil and gas by 75% or $750 billion last year. Start some more B.S. threads but this is from the IEA. Its no wonder that you identify so closely with the GOP. Facts don't mean squat with them either.

My post was about private equity not government spending. I didn’t think I would have to spell it out for you. I was wrong.

(when I’m wrong, I admit it)

Oh and BTW, weren’t you complaining about all of the subsidies given to Big Oil?  When all this time it was renewables getting the massive hand outs.

Edited by brenthutch

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17 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

My post was about private equity not government spending.

Yeah, but you were being less than forthright on the cause and my suspicion as to why you didn't post the hyperlink to the Reuters' article. There were resource, logistical and regulatory issues for not meeting the financial goals - of which some day-traders will tuck and roll. It's a first quarter report.  

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20 minutes ago, BIGUN said:

You didn't post the article. You posted an excerpt which illuminated the point you were trying to make. 

My iPad has stopped letting me copy and paste links, no subterfuge intended. Full transparency, I copied from the Daily Caller (not Reuters) dated 4/10

(If anyone knows how to fix this I would appreciate it)

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38 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

My iPad has stopped letting me copy and paste links, no subterfuge intended. Full transparency, I copied from the Daily Caller (not Reuters) dated 4/10

(If anyone knows how to fix this I would appreciate it)

So, you're googlefu works to own the libs, but not for, "My iPad has stopped letting me copy and paste links."


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8 hours ago, SkyDekker said:

Can't use percentages. That part of math was not covered in his MBA and he struggles with them. You have to use terms like " a lot more" or "the best people say it is more than"...stuff like that.

Given Liberty requires as much Jebus as it does actual teaching classes, I wouldn't bee too surprised.


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