
PROskydiving Acquires DZ Tools

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PROskydiving is proud to announce the acquisition of DZ Tools and their suite of dropzone manifest software solutions - JumpRun and Departure Viewer.

By bringing JumpRun into PROskydiving, dropzones will soon have a version of JumpRun compatible with current operating systems as well as complete integration with PROskydiving's online reservation and gift certificate solutions. This integration will allow dropzones to seamlessly bring a customer's contact and payment information into their own manifest database saving data-entry time, staff overhead, minimizing mistakes, and reducing customer wait times.

We're very excited about the addition of JumpRun. We have big plans for PROskydiving and we look forward to rolling them out.

For more information about JumpRun or to learn about PROskydiving, check out www.PROskydiving.com/jumprun

Come see us at PIA!

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Is this another way to impose your sLyride affiliation and affiliated website on the Skydiving community? You may remember in the last thread that discussed your PROSkydiving website, how we exposed your affiliation with sLyride and how you intend to use PROSkydiving.com to get in between the customer and the DZO.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Skydiving community and the DZO's DO NOT NEED another (any) middle man! The same goes for the other sports like racing, balloons, shark diving etc.

**Note to ALL DZO's***

Do your own marketing!!!

Websites are cheap and there's plenty of readily available programs out there to help you do your own site, or maybe some of your jumpers will do it for you, and once you get it done, it's not hard to get ahead of sLyride and PROSkydiving in the search engines. You don't need a middle man to skim away your profits!
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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Is this another way to impose your sLyride affiliation and affiliated website on the Skydiving community? You may remember in the last thread that discussed your PROSkydiving website, how we exposed your affiliation with sLyride and how you intend to use PROSkydiving.com to get in between the customer and the DZO.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Skydiving community and the DZO's DO NOT NEED another (any) middle man! The same goes for the other sports like racing, balloons, shark diving etc.

**Note to ALL DZO's***

Do your own marketing!!!

Websites are cheap and there's plenty of readily available programs out there to help you do your own site, or maybe some of your jumpers will do it for you, and once you get it done, it's not hard to get ahead of sLyride and PROSkydiving in the search engines. You don't need a middle man to skim away your profits!

You have some really good points there, but due to the greediness of the middle men, and the laziness of the dzo's who deal with the middle men, whether it be Skyride, Pro or the others, this is a problem that will likely not go away any time soon.
As for your point about dzo's doing their own marketing, I've heard dzo's say more times than I can count that they can't compete with Skyride, so that's part of what I mean when I said "laziness".
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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I'm hopeful that a positive answer to the 64 bit question is forthcoming.

Beyond that, you wouldn't be concerned that an operation designed to allow an outside (geographically) entity cut into the limited revenue stream of a specific geographiac region, and siphon the money into their own out-of-town pockets, is now going to be 'behind the curtain' of a popular manifest and DZ operating software suite?

How long before they introduce the magic of on-line automatic updates? All they need is a back door to your jumprun program, and they'll take care of everything. Exactly what 'everything' is remains to be seen, but I can't see this as a good thing. They have already taken it upon themselves to 'install' themselves into the marketing program of DZs everywhere, and now they're going to have an inroad to the accounting at the DZs as well.

Whatever happened to the idea of Chicago-area DZs making money by selling skydiving services to Chicago area customers, or customers they can convince to travel to Chicago?

It's a slippery slope, and this step is in not in the right direction for DZOs across the country.

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WOW better ease up on that espresso. I have been using jumprun for years and never had a problem with support. We just started using Pro skydiving and have nothing but good things to say about it. If someone makes a good product and it works why should they not charge for it? I am sure it took a lot of time and money to build a program like that... JMO

May everyone have a safe and blessed Holiday:)

Larry Pennington
Skydive Suffolk Inc

Larry Pennington
Teach by the way you live

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What awesome news. Jump Run has been a standard for us for the past 8 years but we have to have a dedicated ancient stand alone computer to run it :)

Please, please for the love of gawd, please abandon the SQL database server. What a POS. That has been our biggest issue with JR. Would be nice to be able to run it on windoze-7 64 bit but would love to see that SQL database gone.

It is so nice to run a stand alone program (JR or even an accounting program) that is self sufficient and able to run on its own merits. It is really a lazy approach to hand off such an important part of your program (the database management) to another 3rd party in hopes it doesn't blow up (and when it does it is not YOUR problem, it is the SQL manager).

Build it good and people will buy it. Enough said.

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What awesome news. Jump Run has been a standard for us for the past 8 years but we have to have a dedicated ancient stand alone computer to run it :)

Please, please for the love of gawd, please abandon the SQL database server. What a POS. That has been our biggest issue with JR. Would be nice to be able to run it on windoze-7 64 bit but would love to see that SQL database gone.

It is so nice to run a stand alone program (JR or even an accounting program) that is self sufficient and able to run on its own merits. It is really a lazy approach to hand off such an important part of your program (the database management) to another 3rd party in hopes it doesn't blow up (and when it does it is not YOUR problem, it is the SQL manager).

Build it good and people will buy it. Enough said.

Abandoning SQL is not a good idea. Only if to go to some other relational database product. In any case, you don't have to run jumprun on an "ancient" computer. At my dropzone, the jumprun server sits in a closet on an old office computer and we have 6 different workstations and remote access running for our management staff.

I think it's an issue of understand how it all fits together to make the problems go away.

Also, DSE, the jumprun client runs on 64-bit windows vista just fine, I don't see why there would be a problem with Windows 7. I'll have to install it and try it. You can't run the SQL server that came with jumprun on that computer though, but we are also runing jumprun with a more current SQL Express version. Few bugs here and there, but mostly working.

I'm excited to see where jumprun goes.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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What awesome news. Jump Run has been a standard for us for the past 8 years but we have to have a dedicated ancient stand alone computer to run it :)

Please, please for the love of gawd, please abandon the SQL database server. What a POS. That has been our biggest issue with JR. Would be nice to be able to run it on windoze-7 64 bit but would love to see that SQL database gone.

It is so nice to run a stand alone program (JR or even an accounting program) that is self sufficient and able to run on its own merits. It is really a lazy approach to hand off such an important part of your program (the database management) to another 3rd party in hopes it doesn't blow up (and when it does it is not YOUR problem, it is the SQL manager).

Build it good and people will buy it. Enough said.

Pretty much all accounting systems or ERP packages use some sort of relational database like SQL, especially for multi client use. It would not make any sense in any way to get away from using an SQL server or any other relational database system. You belief in it needing to "run on its own merits" doesn't make any sense at all. It's better to use and established relational database system then attempt to recreate it. Also the whole reasoning for having a central database server is to allow more then one client to be running at the same time and using the same data.

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This is music to my ears. I am a fledgling tech geek/ third generation DZO. Over the 41 years we have been operating (19 that I have been working) we have tried just about every type of office organization, manifest system (paper & electronic), and a plethora of marketing ideas.

Some things worked okay for the time and some just did not. When manifests entered the electronic age with Manifest Master in the early 90's (at least at our DZ) it really started a ball rolling with electronic organization.

Unfortunately, the extended support issue has always plagued the DZ industry. After having used MM, Skywriter, JumpRun (4&5) I still longed for something more. Moreover, while you can "get your friends" to make you things you have to have the vision to imagine the complete model before anything can be created.

At that, I am not good. I just knew I wanted something better. In software, it seems there is always an answer, even to questions you did not know you had... expect for in skydiving.

I started working with the folks that have created PRO in 2005 and have had nothing but positive experiences. The PRO predecessor was a monthly paid service and offered everything that PRO offers, expect for the additional exposure and web presence. I was very happy with the product and very happy with the monthly fee.

When PRO arrived, I signed on without question. The new features and ease of use for this system allows the most computer illiterate users to breeze through the reservation process. Reports are easy and detailed.

Now with the integration of JumpRun and PRO, the ease of handling students and inputting their data will eliminate one entire step that takes at least 3 hours at my DZ on an average Saturday. That is a minimum of $30 in labor not to mention the multitude of things your office staff could be doing other than inputting data multiple times.

The Skyride comparison is completely unfair. The average cut out of a Tandem from Skyride or Soaring Adventures is approximately $50-70 from retail in my area. In just 16 Tandems, you have paid more to a third party reservation system than I did all year on PRO.

Please note** Whether or not a DZ accepts reservations from Skyride (or similar companies) is their own decision and I am not endorsing or dissuading the acceptance of this type of business, merely illustrating the facts.

PRO reservations (reservations made through either my site or PRO's site) were accountable for only 12% of my total business. So, I got this fantastic system for less than I was already paying plus increased web exposure of my company's name.

I realize this is a lengthy post but I have lurked many other posts about PRO in the past year and out of fear of retaliation did not post to defend a product that has created so much ease for me.

I realize there is much controversy about the loss of control of the independent businessperson (whether perceived or real) but rest assured the folks that create this product are not out to monopolize the skydiving industry.

These products are an answer from an operation that has been through the trials and tribulations that each DZO has had and still has in trying to run a more efficient and profitable business. I am so pleased to have been able to benefit from the fruits of their labor.

In closing, if you are a DZO I highly recommend trying out PRO and I am sure JumpRun 5.1 and 6 will be a joy to use at any operation.

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Do I understand correctly?

-With Pro you're paying 12% of your annual business.

-Joining up with Pro has increased your business enough to cover that 12% payout?

-Your annual bottom line has increased by joining with Pro?

-Your annual cost for using pro is ($50-$70 * 16) or ~$800-$1120?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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My apologies... I was so caught up with writing that I did not clarify.

- The 12% was in reference to total reservations booked. The total cost to PRO was less than one-half of one percent (0.004) of my total revenue in 2010. The total cost to PRO is 5.1% per reservation's total cost (example 5.1% of $230 = $11.73). I also use PRO on the administrative end (call in, walk in, etc.) to book customers, which costs me nothing and obviously, these types of customers are the majority of my bookings.

- There was no need to increase business to cover the cost of PRO, it pays for itself as these customers have a propensity to book/buy online so if you do not have the online option who's to say how many of those 12% would have bypassed my DZ and gone to one that had online reservations? Furthermore, any online reservation option would cost money, even if I developed my own product as I would have to pay out development costs, labor, personal time, hosting and e commerce costs (which start at 2.5% and go on up for your average small business for just the payment processing).

- My bottom line has fluctuated so much since the recession that it's hard to tell if PRO, or any other things I have done in the past 5 years, has increased (or decreased) my bottom line. I am assuming this is in reference to my speculation that the new JumpRun integration will save me up to $30 a day in labor costs, which in turn would affect my bottom line.(?) Please feel free to clarify if I have not answered this satisfactorily.

- I was hoping to dispel the myth that services like PRO (or TandemRS, etc.) are similar to the service that Skyride or similar companies offer. The Skyride or Soaring Adventures model directly drives you customers at a large cost per customer (anywhere from 22-30%), whereas PRO is a comprehensive model that is very customizable and can be used in many ways that only costs you if the customer books online. In short, there is no similarity to the two types of services, monetarily or in principle.

What PRO costs me is not what it will cost you unless you have the exact same amount of PRO reservations and charge exactly what I charge. However, I have given the figures that one might need to calculate costs and decide whether PRO is a system for them.

Please feel free to message directly for further information; I don't check the forums enough to respond in a timely manner.

For now, I have Christmas presents to wrap!;)

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Or, you can use a modern day replacement for JumpRun, RealDropzone http://www.realdropzone.com and pay only 1/2 of a % for each customer, instead of over 5%. Yeesh guys. I've had a tough time selling $0.95 per tandem. Good luck selling $10.00!!!

Before anyone rattles on about marketing, take a look at what a GOOGLE or BING search returns for "Chicago Skydiving", and tell me how great of a marketing benefit Proskydiving is giving to Chicagoland Skydiving Center - 5th on the list.

The first three, mind you - are websites hosted with RealDropzone (Skydive Chicago runs this product), legitimate search engine optimization at its best.

Not convinced? Try some chicago based keyword variations. If you're interested in a full featured application to manage your tandem reservations AND manifesting, you don't need to wait for JumpRun 6 and lock yourself into over 5% for online reservations... You can use RealDropzone and pay only $0.95 cents per tandem AND it is available now.

I'll be at the USPA's DZO Conference in Reno. See you all there.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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I will say that Matt's product is really nice, but I want to clarify some differences: With PROskydiving, the products are a la carte. You can run PRO and/or JumpRun independent of each other. Also, with our system, you are only paying for sales that originate online, not every tandem that comes thru your DZ. Also, you need to cut our percentage rate in half as we are covering all of the credit card fees - fees that the DZ would incur even if they set-up an e-commerce solution themselves. So, we are essentially charging about 2.9% per online transaction.

If you choose not to use the plug-in feature and just want the best scheduling tool in the industry, it's yours to use - free! Just ask to be a featured PROskydiving DZ and we'll set you up with your login.

With PRO, our services can be set-up in minutes. There are no implementation costs, no monthly fees, no contracts - just pay for what you use.

With regards to JumpRun, we are taking things to the next level. JumpRun has been (and still is) the fastest, most stable, and robust manifesting solution out there. With our new version, we will be integrating some amazing features. Imagine if you customers' Facebook pages updated automatically when they signed their digital waivers, when they manifested on a load, etc. Integrating our activities and social media is going to take our sport to completely new heights.

It's coming...

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As with jrpraeters earlier post, I too have lurked these discussions and am hesitant to get embroiled in the heat. But we are a new DZ and I cannot say enough good things about our experiences with PS. We use JumpRun5 and are frustrated with many outdated features. The fact that Doug is taking on the huge task of updating it as well as integrating it with PS res system is cause for celebration! Yes- it costs us 2.9% more than if someone calls us and books over the phone. But thats $5.70 worth of my time that I will gladly pay. That is more than covered by the fact that it sends a confirmation email immediately, a reminder email prior to the tandem, a thank you email and unlimited other follow-up drip marketing emails that you design yourself. This feature alone is priceless. And the best part - if someone does call and book over the phone- we still get all that completely FREE! I can't imagine the cost of developing this system which is designed specifically for our industry and the ongoing cost to keep it (and now JumpRun) current. I have no problem with a business making a fair profit - otherwise this product would not be available at all.

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My product will do the same thing that ProSkydiving is doing for you, and for only $0.95 not $5.70, so you can keep the extra $4.75, or lower your prices and pass it around. Additionally, the reservation system is integrated into the manifest solution, which is integrated into the jump monitor... So you'll be saving much more than that cash - you'll be saving even more time! I hope to demonstrate this to you in Reno!
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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During my demonstration during the DZO Conference luncheon I significantly dropped the pricing model of RealDropzone. Our fees or now only 0.35% the price of a student jump, or only $0.70 for a tandem priced at $200.

Additionally I am now able to disable certain functionality of the product so that I can directly compete on pricing with competing products such as ProSkydiving. For anyone looking for an online reservation solution ONLY, I will beat any offer you have with ProSkydiving.

Also, ProSkydiving can be run in parallel to RealDropzone without conflict, so if you're already signed up with them, I challenge you to compair the difference for yourself, accepting reservations on YOUR OWN website where you are not competing with yourself for website traffic and search engine preference.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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Does it track pack jobs, gear rental, counter sales, USPA membership, reserve repack dates and waiver re-signing dates?

RealDropzone tracks USPA membership, reserve repack dates, and waiver re-signing dates. It does not currently track pack jobs but we're building this functionality into it sometime in 2011 for Skydive Columbus. There is a work-around you can use in the current version using a "fake plane" to track packjobs but it is not ideal.

Gear Rental and very basic counter sales are currently possible however we don't have a full retail sales package that tracks inventory numbers, barcodes, and advanced tax senarios at this time. It is high on our list.

As soon as we have finished with 2011 new dropzone installations (We're welcoming Skydive New England, Skydive Long Island, Skydive Columbus, and Snake River Skydiving to the RD subscribers list) We're also deep into talks with 4 other dropzones 2 of which may be looking at may-june implemenations. After these businesses are up and running with our current functionality we will shift gears and focus on enhancements. The top two enhancements at this point are advanced facebook event integration, automated friend invites, automated facebook customer wall follow-up posts, and a more advanced retail sales product.

If you would like a demonstration of my product, please email me at mattchristenson@realskydiving.com and we can set up a 90 minute teleconference where I can demonstrate the product to you one-on-one.

Also, we've reduced pricing for the full online/offline enterprise package since recent posts, and are able to provide an online-only solution to match competing products and pricing. For more detail see www.RealDropzone.com
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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We are an existing DZ, and spent over a year looking into current and future manifest software. We chose DzManager (http://www.dz-manager.com/Pages/Default.aspx) because of the great flexibility, fully integrated web interface, fully integrated barcode and MiFare customer cards and relatively cheap TCO.

We are currently implementing DzManager and the although it takes some time setting up, it is extremely powerful in its automation and self-service features (both online as in "kiosk-mode" at the DZ). This way we need less hands on the manifest, who can spend more time on our customers / members.

We have used JumpRun! for 13 years (4.0 / 4.2 and 5)
The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

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Good luck... It took me several months of trying to get the damn software to install it properly (they gave me a link to a dropbox that's somehow corrupted and wouldn't let me install.) It took me driving to another dz and copying their disk.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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could you give some tips on a probleme that i have in re-installing JR5
on windows XP sp3 when i run the database maintenance it give me a error 13

can't find the operating system

Don't have any particular experience with that. There is a video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbwB0p2ujR0 that might help??

I personally have only ever manually installed mssql express and moved databases around via backup/export. What I have going on is likely vastly different than most dropzones.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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