
Things I look for when visiting a new DZ.

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I used to live in an area with several DZs in the general vicinity and once I got my A license (and my own rig) I started venturing out to explore new places, meet new jumpers and just well... because I could...

In these "explorations" there are several things that I tried to do before I ever even got on a plane. Sometimes I had to press to answer my questions but most of the time I could get a local instructor to help.

1. After taking care of paper work with manifest I'll usually if someone can show me around.

2. Check out the landing area (I like to observe at least one load land before I go to the plane) I like to get an idea of typical wind directions obsticals, Altitude (i.e. is it substantially lower or higher then the take off altitude)

e. g. One of the dzs I've jumped at had a huge landing area but some of it had squirrelly winds because of tall trees adjecent to the field and typical wind directions. There was clean air but you had to know where to land.

3. Look at an arial view of the landing area (and if possible get someone to point out the DZ from the air too.)

e.g. My most recient new DZ has a grass strip in the middle rural Ohio... there are cues to where the DZ is but you need to know what to look for and I got a great briefing before getting out at that dz.

4. Take care of the normal important things when you show up at a dz in the morning. Look at winds, figure out what direction jump run is likely to be in and get an idea about what kind of seperation you need to have (The type of aircraft is an important element in this determination).

5. speaking of which... I like to see the aircraft... so I can get an idea of what kind of exits I can do, expected airspeed, you get the idea. (I've jumped, Beach99, King air, Super Otter, Cesna 182, Casa's, etc... and each of these typically have different exit characteristics...

6. Standard equipment checks and such...

7. I'm also likely to enquire as to what kind of beer everyone likes (since I don't drink it...)

I'm sure I've missed some things, as I haven't visited a new dz in a while (for that matter I'm approaching almost 3 months w/o a jump [:/])

What do all of you look for when you first arrive at a new DZ?
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I think that's a great list and fairly complete. I, too, have done a lot of DZ-hopping and I like to get the lay of the land before I get in a plane. Very rarely have I had any trouble getting someone to give me a briefing; I've found most DZs very welcoming and safety-oriented and willing to help make sure visiting jumpers are safe.

Thanks to DZ.com I can usually look for familiar faces at a new DZ, as well. I'd say that's the *first* thing I look for. B|
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Good stuff, Scott...you missed one thing..checking out the skybabes....:D

I would add
-meeting instructors and the DZO/DZM.
-talking to the pilot
-checking current winds aloft data
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Good stuff, Scott...you missed one thing..checking out the skybabes....:D

I suppose there are safety issues here... :D for me at least... women are dangerous... :o:D


-talking to the pilot

Although that is something I like to do... I don't always get the chance before I get on the plane... and I know at least my current dz some times will have a couple of different pilots throughout the day (Often including the DZO.... B|) and I have almost always at least gotten a good look at the pilot before taking off...


-checking current winds aloft data

This is actually part of my normal dz visit activities...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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In reply to "What do all of you look for when you first arrive at a new DZ? "

get the gear check, DZSO briefing, manifest set-up ,buy jump ticket bit out of the way.
Find a place to crash (not literal )
If poss. meet the owner/operator /CI / 2IC / I's/ JM's / manifeters / regulars / caretaker(s) /pat the dog / stir the swell head(s):ph34r:

Then it's just get out and play in the playground,
meet old friends, make new ones, avoid real hassles , read the norticeboard , look at the photos, check the goilsB| & dodge their insecure boys;),

oh left out GO FOR A SKYDIVE ASAP.!


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Good stuff, Scott...you missed one thing..checking out the skybabes....:D

I would add
-meeting instructors and the DZO/DZM.
-talking to the pilot
-checking current winds aloft data

one other, someplace for his dog:)


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good ideas...an overview of the area above which we soon hope to be under canopy, is essential...:|
I would also step back and observe...
I'd be looking for how students and First timers are being treated.
I'd be watching the staff members to see if they are
I'd be figuring out who the experienced fun jumpers are and whether they have smiles on their faces, or not...
Then I'd mosey over to the plane to say hello to the pilot in command and see what sort of attention to detail, is being practiced....
Then I'd politely wait my turn at the manifest window and happily pass accross some cashola in exchange for lift tickets..
Then I'd do my best to spend the rest of my time there,,,,, with a big smile on MY face..:)B|

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My most recient new DZ has a grass strip in the middle rural Ohio... there are cues to where the DZ is but you need to know what to look for and I got a great briefing before getting out at that dz.

I jump at a DZ that sounds just like this. A good idea is to ask an instructor on your load who can point out the DZ and landmarks on the way to altitude.

Asking the instructor to do it may interfere with their work with their student, but they will know who's capapable of steering you in the right direction. You may end up asking the biggest knucklehead in the plane without an instrucotrs refferal.

All the briefings and aerial photos cannot replace seeing the real deal from the plane. This isn't really directed at the OP, just an extension of what was already good advice.

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All of the DZs I have visited have been great at giving comprehensive briefings. I like to make sure I am not first out the AC door so I can get a view of the landing area with a local jumper setting up the pattern.

I will usually bring some candy or nibbles to leave at manifest for everyone to enjoy. Brings a little good will, and it never hurts to keep manifest happy.

I also bring some beverages to share once the beer light goes on. You can learn a lot about the DZ then as well.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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Look not only at the landing area but alternate outs as well in the event you are unable to make it back to the LZ. For instance, at Spaceland there is 130 acre landing area surrounded by fields so there is an abundance of choices but in Deland there are a lot obstacles with limited outs in comparison. Being at 2000 feet looking for a place to land after a long spot can be much less intimidating if I had become familiar with the surrounding area.

Also, when walking into manifest for the first time take a 12 pack of Heniken or Corona to the manifestors and they will give you the VIP treatment while you are there.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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I'm a newbie, so what I pay special attention to is the briefing I get as a newcomer. Is it a comprehensive walkthrough of the pattern with aerial shots and everything? Is it rushed? Are my questions welcomed as an opportunity to tell more, or are they brushed off?
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
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- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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How well are their airplanes maintained?

Since paint is usually the last thing DZOs want to spend money on, shiny paint is usually a good indication.
Also check for puddles of oil under parked jump planes. Rare under turbines, but mandatory under radial engines.

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And if they are USPA GM. if not, Why?
1-Cuz they never had been one
2-or didn't want to rejoin
3-or were they thrown out on their ass forever because of a long history of busting FAR's and BSR's.
Oh course asking the DZO, I'm sure you'll get a real answer to that one....

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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My most recient new DZ has a grass strip in the middle rural Ohio... there are cues to where the DZ is but you need to know what to look for and I got a great briefing before getting out at that dz.

I jump at a DZ that sounds just like this. A good idea is to ask an instructor on your load who can point out the DZ and landmarks on the way to altitude.

One of the TIs organized a fun jump for me... and helped point out the important features.


Look not only at the landing area but alternate outs as well in the event you are unable to make it back to the LZ. For instance, at Spaceland there is 130 acre landing area surrounded by fields so there is an abundance of choices but in Deland there are a lot obstacles with limited outs in comparison.

That's something I forgot... usually I'd do that at an aerial map.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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