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Who will replace Biden?

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24 minutes ago, billvon said:

It's trolling.  He's admitted that at least twice.



9 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Seriously, so what? Sure he's fishing for reactions but just being sophisticated and subtle doesn't make it not trolling. We're all looking for a reaction of some type, that's reality. Also, just because a thing has an expanding internet definition doesn't mean it's just plain awful. Sure Brent is often jerking chains but as often he's proclaiming what he truly believes. Maybe others want to block him over the trivial difference but I'll take a little chain jerking to engage on the stuff he's really wrong about. How else will I change the world?


IMO Brent regurgitates Trump talking points which are endorsed by about 1/2 of current American voters.

Science, logic and facts are not the sole determinants of voters opinions.

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6 hours ago, brenthutch said:

Yeah, I get it, someone mentions Trump and the red mist ensues, blinded by rage you are unable to cite a single example of racism, misogyny, white supremacy or ammunition vending machines in the R’s platform.

The GOP is ardently opposed to teaching the truth about race relations in schools. Racist gerrymandering and voter suppression of black people is their core election strategy. Their worst anti-abortion laws are deeply misogynistic.

Just how little have you been paying attention?

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Hi folks like Biden was 'replaced' long before the first debate:  

New book on Biden by Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson reports a ‘cover-up’ about his decline

Jake Tapper Faces Backlash Over New Book on Biden's Cognitive Decline - Newsweek

Wonder when they'll do a book about the current incompetent?

Jerry Baumchen

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10 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi folks like Biden was 'replaced' long before the first debate:  

New book on Biden by Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson reports a ‘cover-up’ about his decline

Jake Tapper Faces Backlash Over New Book on Biden's Cognitive Decline - Newsweek

Wonder when they'll do a book about the current incompetent?

Jerry Baumchen

Unfortunately there must be some truth to people hiding Biden’s decline and that undermines the dems ability to take the high ground. 

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