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460 jumps
0 chops

Note - for statistical purposes, you might want to limit your included sets to modern ram air rigs. For that matter, you might also want to exclude induced or exceptional cases - e.g. - canopies on fire, etc. ;)

Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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9248 jumps.

19 Breakaways from unexpected malfunctioning main parachutes resulting in a reserve deployments.

2 Reserve deployments in response to total failure of a main to be deployed after an attempted deployment.

1 Unintentional reserve deployment after main was already deployed.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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6 cutaways

3 tension knots on tandems
1 line over on a tandem that cleared the wrong way (control line ended up going all the way around the line groups)
2 packer induced spinning linetwists on high performance canopies.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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1. 2516
2. 4
3. a) 2 out. Student FXC misfired at 2,000'
b) Twisty up
c) Broken lines (Nekked)
d) Intentional. Jumped a round. Cutaway to my normal main. (Reserve not used.)
The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving

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Night pyro demo into the Kentucky Derby, pyro didn't work quite as planned. . .

thought to myself while looking up~ Nuthin' in the SIM about THIS!]

My favorite skydiving "stunt". One of those TV stunt shows. Jumper (Jeb Corliss ?) has a third canopy soaked in kerosene. Direct bagged out of the aircraft. He is flying the soaked canopy, pulls out a flare gun. Shoots his own canopy. It looked like the Hindenberg! Then he cuts it away and lands on his main.
The Society for the Advancement of Naked Skydiving

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Night pyro demo into the Kentucky Derby, pyro didn't work quite as planned. . .

thought to myself while looking up~ Nuthin' in the SIM about THIS!]

My favorite skydiving "stunt". One of those TV stunt shows. Jumper (Jeb Corliss ?) has a third canopy soaked in kerosene. Direct bagged out of the aircraft. He is flying the soaked canopy, pulls out a flare gun. Shoots his own canopy. It looked like the Hindenberg! Then he cuts it away and lands on his main.

Troy Hartman, looks like used a 5gal bucket to deploy an old BASE canopy

vid : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRbnhst5IGA

sig picture on his site http://www.troyhartman.com/

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"direct bagged" out of a 5 gallon plastic pail....

not jeb...

i think it was troy hartman... and Yes.. the canopy material disintegrated as the ribs, and binding tape, and suspension lines hung in there.... until it's aerodynamicity !!!! ( there's a good word for ya' ) deteriorated to the point that it all collapsed and started falling out of the sky...

pretty cool, as i remember seeing it... On Stunt Junkies???? maybe....??


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1. 918 jumps.

2. 6 cutaways.

3. 1 Tension knot.
1 Canopy exploded on opening.
1 Premature brake release.
1 Risers on right side tied together in a big knot by a premature brake release.
1 Lineover that cleared, but left a line burn hole through the canopy.
1 Linetwists.

The fourth was jump number 297, the rest were spread out more.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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1. 142
2. 4 malfunctions, 2 cutaways
3. First was jump #52, linetwists I could not kick out.
Second was a stepthrough that passed a controlabilty check so I landed it (my fault, I packed in a hurry to make the load).
Third was 9 broken lines on deployment that put me on my back in a violent spin, and fourth was my reserve on that same jump which had multiple linetwists that I finally got kicked out at about 300 feet.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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