
100th Skydive

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Jumped my 100th skydive this weekend! I jumped with my instructors and coaches. We formed a 9-way diamond. On the jump were myself in center, Luciano Colle, J.P. Furnari, Chuck Akers, Jeff Holzaepfel, Janus Hyder, Tash Higman, Nicole Black and Ryan Smith. We jumped over Skydive Spaceland on March 15th...my 82nd day in the sport.
Chad B Hall
Woo hoo!
My goal is to make every jump a fun and safe one. Blue skies!
Some of my videos...

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And I'm sure you missed that big ass f-ing cloud underneath you by the FAA required 2000' lateral clearance. ;):D

Because there are a lot of names on that list of participants that would NEVER break and FAR!;) It must be industrial haze....

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Actually it was pretty clear and we barely caught the edge of that cloud. Here is a shot from the beginning of the formation. It really was a camera angle that looks worse than it was. :)

Chad B Hall
Woo hoo!
My goal is to make every jump a fun and safe one. Blue skies!
Some of my videos...

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Why not naked?

That means double the beers.

And cold is not an excuse.
You have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to tell you how Fu***** stupid it is.
Davelepka - "This isn't an x-box, or a Chevy truck forum"
Whatever you do, don't listen to ChrisD.

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And I'm sure you missed that big ass f-ing cloud underneath you by the FAA required 2000' lateral clearance. ;):D

Because there are a lot of names on that list of participants that would NEVER break and FAR NEVER break and FAR intentionally!

Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Naked not allowed. Too many tandem families and kids everywhere. :$

Well, there are ways around that. You can go to the plane in just shorts, take your shorts off inside the plane once away from all the spectators. Land at the far end of the landing area away from the spectators, and have a trusted friend waiting for you with your shorts, which you can don before walking back to the hanger.

If your trusted friend turns out not to be so trusty, just wrap your parachute around you until you get back to extra clothes.

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Im surprised Luciano didnt touch your taint during free fall, Im still in therapy for what i had to do to get my A :P

Yeah...we've done a 69 exit but he has yet to touch that taint. :$
Chad B Hall
Woo hoo!
My goal is to make every jump a fun and safe one. Blue skies!
Some of my videos...

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