
The War Mongering Media

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Here's a haiku based on your text:

War-mongering eyes
Judge us, while hands bleed nations
Truth, a bloody lie

Quote :
"They deserve it. And it's not just that they lie about everything. It's like they lie about everything and then they have the nerve to morally judge us. Like if you just watch even just the last few weeks of the Trump election, they're not in the business of reporting the news. They're totally just in the business of making you feel like you're a bad person. If you don't fall in line with the regime, America has this giant war machine, right? Like we're just always at war. We're the most war hungry country in the world. Even if we're taking a little bit of a break from a war, we'll fight two more proxy wars while we do that. America looks back at the 90s, Bill Clinton, as the time of peace and prosperity. We call it peace because we only fought a war in like Serbia and had a blockade around Iraq and were like bombing the crap out of Iraq with a few other military interventions in there too. The UN estimated that Bill Clinton's sanction and bombing regime of Iraq, okay, everyone just thinks of George H.W. Bush's war and W's war, but Bill Clinton was bombing Iraq his whole time. He had a full blockade around the country. The UN estimated that 500,000 children died of starvation or malnutrition due to the blockade. Now I've heard people argue, by the way, that that number is exaggerated. Maybe it wasn't 500,000, maybe it was only 100,000. Let's say it's an iron town. So that's the time that we consider peace when we were just starving 100,000 children to death in Iraq and you, everybody in the corporate media, are in the business of every single one of those wars. You've sold them. Everyone, my entire life, the media has sold those wars and you're gonna morally look down on me? You're gonna judge me? Motherfucker, you're in the business of baby murder. Get the fuck out of here. You're looking down judging an American because I, maybe I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump or maybe I dare to question the results of the last election? Fuck you, dude. I just..."

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Negativity sells 100 times faster than love.

It is always easier to blame your problems on some outsider, instead of inventing ways to improve yourself and become your best possible you. That attitude leads to bullying, because bullies have abandoned efforts to achieve their best possible self and instead seek to improve their status by debasing others.

Warfare is the same attitude on a national level.

How well did that work for Adolf Hitler back in 1945?

How well did that work for the Argentine ruling military junta back in 1982?

How well is it working for Hamas today?

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