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3 hours ago, base698 said:

I've acknowledged Trump sucks, is pathologically narcissistic, etc.  Despite that there are still numerous instances where he has been unfairly attacked starting from the launch of his 2016 campaign. 

But your definition of ‘unfairly attacked’ covers anything you simply choose not to believe, with no justification other than ‘because the media said it’.

4 hours ago, base698 said:

Kamala had plenty of instances where she was asked directly, from media that are sympathetic to her campaign, about policy positions which are third rails in 2024, and she bumbled them or said nothing to clarify how her view point had changed. 

Which Trump has never done either. He’d rather talk about being a whale psychiatrist than ever give an indication that he’s changed his mind on anything. 

The only thing he’s ever backed away from is abortion, by taking up the dishonest position that anti-abortion laws have nothing to do with him. You’ll be aware of this, since you have also taken an intellectually dishonest stance on the state of abortion laws in the country.

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8 minutes ago, jakee said:

But your definition of ‘unfairly attacked’ covers anything you simply choose not to believe, with no justification other than ‘because the media said it’.

I'll pick my two favorites:


- Him being racist for saying Mexicans bring drugs across the border during his announcement speech (in the face of 100k Americans dying a year) and Heroin supply chains starting in Mexico 


Edited by base698

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18 minutes ago, jakee said:

You’ll be aware of this, since you have also taken an intellectually dishonest stance on the state of abortion laws in the country

I don't recall discussing that here.  My body my choice, unless we can give the pharmaceutical industry $1 Trillion.

Edited by base698

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3 minutes ago, base698 said:

I'll pick my two favorites:


- Him being racist for saying Mexicans bring drugs across the border during his announcement speech 


When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


Not that I am very sure facts really matter to you.....

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6 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Not that I am very sure facts really matter to you.....

Are you going to take the position that none of the ones crossing the border are rapists? Or maybe that drugs aren't actually crossing the border and immigration is good?


6 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."


Not that I am very sure facts really matter to you.....

My mom died of an overdose. I care about that fact. If Trump used hyperbole to give attention on an issue, that's killing 100,000 people, I think that's pretty smart given it was ignored up until that point. 

Edited by base698

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2 minutes ago, base698 said:

Are you going to take the position that none of the ones crossing the border are rapists? Or maybe that drugs aren't actually crossing the border and immigration is good?

I am taking the factual position that crime rates among Americans is higher than among illegal immigrants (adjusting for the illegal crossing of the border).

Immigration is good. Growth is good. And as you likely soon will find out, WalMart prices are pretty decent.

4 minutes ago, base698 said:

My mom died of an overdose.

You're on a skydiving forum, I thought you knew all about personal responsibility.

In the end you are all socialists. You don't want the state involved, until you want the state involved. Big on personal responsibility, until it affects you directly, then you want other people to be responsible.

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4 minutes ago, base698 said:

Is California a democratically run state or is it a republican run state?

A post before this you claimed it wasn't a state issue.

Holding a federal government responsible for the decisions of a state government seems pretty stupid to me. Unless of course you want an authoritarian government.

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21 minutes ago, base698 said:

What's funny is it was propagating right wing Twitter before all that.  When Pelosi said it was racist to be concerned about it and photographed herself at a Chinese New Year festival. Right wing people were wearing masks in February 2020 and saying it was going to end civilization. In addition the Trump vaccine association at first to posting vaccine emojis to your profile.

Covid did more political flip flopping than John Kerry!

I didn't hear much from my right-wing skydiving friends about it (I'm a long-time Texas skydiver; most of the jumpers from the 70's and before are pretty hard-core right-wing). In fact, one of them early said that anyone who didn't wear a mask was an idiot; of course, after masks were no longer cool, he deleted that FB posting.

But Pelosi wasn't at the Chinese New Year festival, she was there two weeks later, and was preaching vigilance. But some people were already blaming China (Canada wasn't available at the time), and she wanted to show that the people in SF's Chinatown had no more to do with the new virus coming than anyone else. 

I was actually overseas during nearly all of February 2020; I flew back on the 28th. We made plans with relatives and friends to get together right after getting home, and everyone was interested. By the time those plans were to have happened (the following week -- 8-15), they were cancelling to socially isolate. It was that quick. I missed the buildup period before that. I do have a cousin who was in the Mardi Gras parade in Mobile; no one there was masking at the time according to her.

As far as health personnel being required to be immunized -- it's true of the flu, also (another sometimes-controversial shot). They also have to mask in many clinical situations, and it's been increasing over the years. I also remember the first dentist who masked before treating me. Lots of school personnel also had to be immunized; they're all in close contact with lots of people -- either people who are already sick or injured or old (medical), or people with terrible cleanliness habits (most children). Which would you rather leave to chance?

I don't remember reading about other companies that required the shot. Some might have had masking rules for people who weren't immunized (our senior center in bright blue Massachusetts did), but that's just shaming. If conservatives get to shame people for being gay, walking into Planned Parenthood (for anything, not just an abortion), or being transgender, why shouldn't they be exposed to ridicule for not wanting an immunization? I heard all over FB (and my old buds) how liberals are all traitors (except for you, Wendy), and they all want to murder babies (except for you, Wendy), etc. etc.  

Wendy P.

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Just now, SkyDekker said:

A post before this you claimed it wasn't a state issue.

Holding a federal government responsible for the decisions of a state government seems pretty stupid to me. Unless of course you want an authoritarian government.

It was both.  I pointed to the fed issue of the mandate which is what I've discussed most of this thread.  I tacked on the lockdown issue which is a state issue which you should have been able to easily understand what I meant given people talk about lockdown states and all of them are blue.

Again, I switched teams because of policies that I lived under.

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11 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

In the end you are all socialists. You don't want the state involved, until you want the state involved. Big on personal responsibility, until it affects you directly, then you want other people to be responsible.

Congrats! You've just invented democracy. Some people are authoritarian about certain issues and others are authoritarian about different issues. Everyone gets together every 4 years or 2 years and votes. You guys should really stick to this because some people seem to really like it.

Yes, I think heroin and fentanyl are beyond personal responsibility given only about 2% of people that try to quit it can.

Edited by base698

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11 minutes ago, wmw999 said:

If conservatives get to shame people for being gay, walking into Planned Parenthood (for anything, not just an abortion), or being transgender, why shouldn't they be exposed to ridicule for not wanting an immunization?

Most of the younger ones are cool with gays.  All the gays I know voted red, the couple I was best man for moved to Texas and his company with it out of SF.

One of the gays I know that voted red reports to Elon, so I don't know if he counts.  IIRC, the total gay vote to Trump was 12%.

Edited by base698

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7 minutes ago, base698 said:

It was both.  I pointed to the fed issue of the mandate which is what I've discussed most of this thread.  I tacked on the lockdown issue which is a state issue which you should have been able to easily understand what I meant given people talk about lockdown states and all of them are blue.

Again, I switched teams because of policies that I lived under.

also why blue states faired better than red states. Sorry you weren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good.


I think somebody once said something about ask not what the state can do for you, but what you can do for the state...or something like that.

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6 minutes ago, base698 said:

Congrats! You've just invented democracy. Some people are authoritarian about certain issues and others are authoritarian about different issues. Everyone gets together every 4 years or 2 years and votes.

Yes, I think heroin and fentanyl are beyond personal responsibility given only about 2% of people that try to quit it can.

I mean you could not shoot up heroine or use fentanyl. I will leave open the option your mother was forcibly injected. Hopefully she didn't start with a prescription opioid, cause you just voted for less regulation.

Again, you either believe in personal responsibility or not. When you pick and chose depending on how it works out for you, well then you don't have much of a backbone.

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8 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Sorry you weren't willing to sacrifice for the greater good

You can make that argument with a known risk profile in someone who has a risk of transmitting the disease. It's pretty difficult to make that argument when someone has no risk of transmitting the disease. No distinction was made.

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7 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

I mean you could not shoot up heroine or use fentanyl. I will leave open the option your mother was forcibly injected. Hopefully she didn't start with a prescription opioid, cause you just voted for less regulation.

Again, you either believe in personal responsibility or not. When you pick and chose depending on how it works out for you, well then you don't have much of a backbone.

Fully personal responsibility.

Some of us have not and never will touch chemical drugs. Fucking idiocy to do that.

Might as well stick a light up your ass or take horse dewormer.

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1 minute ago, base698 said:

You can make that argument with a known risk profile in someone who has a risk of transmitting the disease. It's pretty difficult to make that argument when someone has no risk of transmitting the disease. No distinction was made.

You are likely shifting timelines and using current knowledge to critique decisions made prior to that knowledge.


No doubt mistakes were made, but that doesn't equate to malice.

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35 minutes ago, base698 said:

Yeah, that was a disgraceful speech. Any politician on either side who said a fraction of the things he said during that speech would have been buried by the press. He claimed he wasn't talking about the neo-Nazis but also claimed that the people at the rally 'didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis', which is not true.

41 minutes ago, base698 said:

- Him being racist for saying Mexicans bring drugs across the border during his announcement speech (in the face of 100k Americans dying a year) and Heroin supply chains starting in Mexico 

Well I don't even know where to start with that being an intellectually dishonest statement.

Regardless, are Mexicans bringing drugs across the border? Is Heroin made in Mexico? If it is, how do you know?

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36 minutes ago, jakee said:

Any politician on either side who said a fraction of the things he said during that speech would have been buried by the press

He was buried by the press.  Maybe dog piled is a better word.  Snopes didn't publish that for 7 years.

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1 hour ago, base698 said:

So you don't find it funny that the politics around it switched 180

No.  I don't think that people who took the approach that they thought was best AT THE TIME, then later changed that approach when they learned more, is "funny."

At the beginning all we had was distancing, cleaning and handwashing, because we thought that it was transmissible primarily by contact, like most other coronaviruses.  When airborne transmission was discovered to be the primary vector we switched to masking, kept distancing, and reduced our emphasis on handwashing.  If we had learned it was almost all contact based we would have reduced distancing guidelines and increase cleaning and handwashing guidelines.  That would not mean the original people were "wrong" - it means that we learned more,

BTW again I STRONGLY advise you not to get your medical advice from politicians or political podcasters, and indeed it is best to ignore what they say.  Go with what the doctors say.

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