
Killer as hero

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20 minutes ago, SkyDekker said:

Yes, that must be why you keep checking me out.

Having seen your picture, I doubt I'd piss on you if you were on fire...

I'm sure you are a real hit with the southern trailer park rats though

Now SkyDekker. Calm down. Everything will be ok.

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1 hour ago, jaybird18c said:

They can treat Low T. Just saying. There are also groups. You don’t have to suffer alone.


You can pretend how you like but your obsession with male homosexuality comes across as projection. It makes me wonder if you didn't choose Green Beret's for the purpose. Go ahead and tell me I'm a fag or that I think like a girl or whatever is next up on your program of deflecting insults. I couldn't care less as neither are personal attacks to me. 

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15 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

You can pretend how you like but your obsession with male homosexuality comes across as projection. It makes me wonder if you didn't choose Green Beret's for the purpose. Go ahead and tell me I'm a fag or that I think like a girl or whatever is next up on your program of deflecting insults. I couldn't care less as neither are personal attacks to me. 

You’re insulting yourself just fine. You don’t need me. Good job!

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I’m wondering what would make the CEO’s and politicians wake up and pay attention to the masses? 

Democracy is broken for most of us in the west as the politicians have their snouts in the trough. So voting them out isn’t realistically an option. 

Essentially we need a revolution and course correction to redress the balance. Without living in lala land and believing that thoughts and prayers would fix it, what non violent options are there? 

Violence is distasteful, and certainly should never be the first resort. But, being honest this single event dominated world news for a few days and got people’s attention. 

It seems that Karl Marx pretty accurately summed it up with the bourgeoisie exploiting the proletariat. With what I’ve learned about Marx I do wonder why it’s such an insult? Unless it’s a desperate attempt by the elite to ensure people don’t think too much about the reality.

Taking violence off the table how do we get the attention of corporations board members?

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14 minutes ago, nigel99 said:

Taking violence off the table how do we get the attention of corporations board members?

Sometimes a question answers itself: we must send nicely worded letters commending them for jobs well done while observing in the softest possible terms that even the price of cake has risen impossibly to where all chance for a comfortable retirement with full bellies has vanished for the billions of people who aren't paid millions per year or more. Confirm that the slightest hard feelings are in no way held by those freezing to death in unheated hovels owing fuel costs or whose loved ones are dying horribly while health care approvals are awaited. Maybe include a nice box of Godiva Chocolates as a thank you for reading the letter. 

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5 hours ago, jaybird18c said:

But Russia collusion. That existed right?

Yes, it did.  Trump's campaign manager was found guilty of conspiring with Russia against the United States, and was jailed as a result.  Trump, of course, pardoned him; can't have Daddy Putin mad at him!

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9 hours ago, billvon said:

Yes, it did.  Trump's campaign manager was found guilty of conspiring with Russia against the United States, and was jailed as a result.  Trump, of course, pardoned him; can't have Daddy Putin mad at him!

“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.”



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2 hours ago, jaybird18c said:

“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.”



Do you have any idea why he didn't take a clear position on the obstruction side? Ever given it any thought? Ever wonder why that would be?

Edited by SkyDekker

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3 hours ago, jaybird18c said:

“Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find sufficient evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia to influence the United States’ 2016 election and did not take a clear position on whether Trump obstructed justice.”



Steele Dossier: ""the Republican candidate's campaign manager, Paul MANAFORT" had "managed" the "well-developed conspiracy of co-operation between [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership," and that he used "foreign policy adviser, Carter PAGE, and others as intermediaries."

In 2018, Paul Manafort pled guilty to conspiring against the United States in concert with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian agent.

Sorry!  Manafort admitted it.

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22 hours ago, jaybird18c said:

I believe in following the law. I believe in the presumption of innocence. I believe guilt must be proven in a court. I also believe, if guilty, the penalty should fit the crime. I believe the sentence should be carried out by the justice system and not vigilantes. I’m assuming that you were just being hyperbolic.

I already know - from first hand experience - how large health management organizations starve the wounded. I have also read of hundreds of similar tales of woe. Whether the decision to starve the wounded was made by a CEO or a faceless, nameless minion does not matter because the organization as a whole is guilty of starving the wounded.

But I suppose that enough faceless, nameless minions are involved in a decision, then no single minion is guilty.

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21 hours ago, airdvr said:

An annual ham dinner and chocolates?

Were you joking?

I hope that you realize the hypocracy of your statement. Jesus was born into a Jewish family, attended synagog and called himself a Jew. Most of what Jesus taught was just variations on the Jewish Old Testament. Most of Jesus first round of converts were not so much converts as they were merely born Jewish and were listening to Jesus repeat lessons from the Jewish holy books.

There is a scientific reason why Jews have a prohibition against eating pig flesh. Jews and Muslims do not ear pork/ham because the Middle East is too hot for pigs to grow up healthy. Plenty of diseases that afflict pigs are too easy to transfer to humans. Diseases like trichina worms can be easily absorbed when you eat tainted pig flesh.

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20 hours ago, jaybird18c said:

You mean like the Joe and Hunter extortion scheme?

If we lived in a world where that scheme existed, then yes. The President and his family running a cash for favours scheme that they have complete legal immunity for is exactly what you voted for. It’s what you wanted, it’s what you asked for. You can’t complain about the President actually taking advice from across the aisle.

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17 hours ago, wmw999 said:

Ya know, it’s people who use being a girl as an insult who make it quite clear that sexism is real

Yep.  I get that all the time on Facebook.  "What'samatta?  Sand in your vagina?"

Which I just find funny.  Calling me a woman is an insult?  I'm no better a skydiver than Eliana Rodriguez?  I'm no smarter than my old classmate Andrea Ghez?  She just won a Nobel in astrophysics.  I'm no braver than Hannah Betts?  She's a stuntwoman who used to work Special Victims crimes as a police officer in the UK.  I'm no more driven than Lindy Elkins?  Her mission to the asteroid Psyche just launched on an Atlas V.

I'll take it.

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3 minutes ago, jakee said:

If we lived in a world where that scheme existed, then yes. The President and his family running a cash for favours scheme that they have complete legal immunity for is exactly what you voted for. It’s what you wanted, it’s what you asked for. You can’t complain about the President actually taking advice from across the aisle.

With republicans, accusation is confession.

Remember when Trump called Mexicans rapists?

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5 hours ago, billvon said:

With republicans, accusation is confession.

Remember when Trump called Mexicans rapists?

Well…Jose Antonio Ibarra was actually Venezuelan, but yeah. Plenty of undocumented rapists freely crossing the border under Biden. Came through Mexico. Does that count?

Edited by jaybird18c

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12 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Plenty? So enough? Good and Plenty? I have yet to see the number, please tell us that number.

That’s a good question. How would anyone really know. Biden policy. Come on in!!

Laken Riley would argue, if she could, it took only one.

Edited by jaybird18c

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21 minutes ago, jaybird18c said:

That’s a good question. How would anyone really know. Biden policy. Come on in!!

Laken Riley would argue, if she could, it took only one.

Well then, are you willing to reassess your concerns about a flood of rapists crossing the border given that your concerns are based on fantasy? I'm curious, how many undocumented Mexican types have saved a documented someones life after crossing? 

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