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Tell me again how Trump isn't a Russian stooge?

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34 minutes ago, jakee said:

I'm sorry but I think you're falling into the trap laid by extremist politicians of setting impossible standards for anyone else to follow. The system isn't broken. The system is not robust enough to stand up to malicious actors like Trump, but it can't ever be, really. There will always be a case that if you elect enough people who don't care about the law, the leadership will be above the law. But the answer to this is literally as simple as voting for grown ups with some sense of public service. That's all you need.

Now ideally (IMO) this person would be willing to have serious conversations about the consequences of 40 years of increasingly pure neo-liberal economic policies and the need for imposition of responsibility for content onto the tech/media giants... but that's a wishlist for another day when the choice is between two grownups who haven't stated their intent to destroy the system. When the choice is between one normal person and one wrecking ball, under the normal person everything will work just fine. Maybe a little better, maybe a little worse, but absolutely fine. Handwringing about exactly who is the perfect person to oppose the wrecking ball has them laughing all the way to the ballot box.


You'll see this template from the extremists time and time again - create a problem and force the conversation to happen on their terms that the problem now independently exists and who can give you a perfect plan to solve it.... when the real answer is that we just need to stop enabling them. One of the best examples is election security in the US. The extremists lied and lied and lied about utterly absurd schemes - dead Venezuelan presidents hacking in via satellite FFS - then pushed through sweeping reforms to weaken what was in fact an extremely robust system on the basis that too many people had lost faith in election security. Again in that case anyone engaging in a conversation with those people about how the system can be better protected has already lost because they have accepted the fraudulent worldview.

jakee, spot on.

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10 hours ago, nigel99 said:

He voluntarily stopped driving at 65 or 70 and switched to taxis and public transport.

I'm 67 and embarking this morning in an 80,000 lb tractor trailer unit for a 1800 mile 4 day drive from Winnipeg MB to Thunder Bay ON then Macon GA. Then I have to drive back. It is my part time gig and I love it. When I get back I will start to work on doing the rigging to prepare for the season at the DZ I just took on a larger role in running. I am not and have never been a pilot though I do own airplanes. When I was a mere youngster of 50 I was actually quite lazy and just spent my time having fun. Maybe someday you will understand. That is if you are lucky enough to age in good health. Not everyone does. When you see me coming down the road watch out, I may be getting senile.

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My dad gave up driving at 77, but only because he had a sudden attack of wet macular degeneration, and lost some 60% of his usable vision. He said he drove once, and realized it was the dumbest thing he'd ever done. What I had noticed in him was a tendency before then to overestimate his reaction quickness; he'd had extremely quick reaction time, and he scared me driving a couple of times in the city after he was 70 or so.

Me, I've taken the AARP class, and generally keep the RV more at 65, if nothing else because it's far more relaxing. I have the energy still (most days -- getting over the flu right now) to walk 5-10 miles without preparing for it, and I can lift 50-lb boxes off the floor if they are reasonably sized and have handles (think banana boxes). 

I'd love the challenge of a new job. The thing is, I no longer want the responsibility of showing up every.single.day for a new job, and of not being able to take a trip whenever I feel like it.

But my earlier point about people who have a stake in the future should be largely enacting it is still my opinion. I agree that elders should be advisers, but not all of the people in power. Young people don't have as much to protect as old people do, and that changes your perspective I think.

Wendy P.

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11 minutes ago, David Wang said:

Man, these make me feel really grateful for being young and more intentional about taking care of my body. 

Hi David,

IMO you should understand that a lot of the health that you may/may not have in life is a product what your parents gave to you.  And, that you have no control over.

Many years ago, I read an article about people, what they are, etc.  In the article, it said that there was only one cure for baldness; that is to change your parents.

Wait another 50 yrs, you'll see,

Jerry Baumchen

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9 hours ago, gowlerk said:

I'm 67 and embarking this morning in an 80,000 lb tractor trailer unit for a 1800 mile 4 day drive from Winnipeg MB to Thunder Bay ON then Macon GA. Then I have to drive back. It is my part time gig and I love it. When I get back I will start to work on doing the rigging to prepare for the season at the DZ I just took on a larger role in running. I am not and have never been a pilot though I do own airplanes. When I was a mere youngster of 50 I was actually quite lazy and just spent my time having fun. Maybe someday you will understand. That is if you are lucky enough to age in good health. Not everyone does. When you see me coming down the road watch out, I may be getting senile.

When I was doing Ironman a few years ago the 3 guys in their 70’s had better times than me. But their times were much worse than the guys in their 20’s.

There will always be exceptional people. However, there comes a time to pass the baton to the next generation. 

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