
Reno Skydivers

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Hey everybody,

I moved to Reno recently and haven't found any fellow skydivers since I have been here. I am starting to go crazy not hanging out with skydivers :P. Anyone on here in the Reno area want to car pool to a dz or have a beer or two?


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I used to live in Reno; the skydiving gang is smallish, and it might be even smaller than when I lived there (2 years ago) due to some of them leaving the sport. I'll PM you to put you in touch with some of them.
And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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Check at Lake Tahoe parachute center or further, Mesquite parachute centre

Skydive Tahoe's been closed for years and Mesquite is 8 hours away. Most Tahoe jumpers head west to SkyDance or Skydive Sacramento as their nearby options.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Check at Lake Tahoe parachute center or further, Mesquite parachute centre

Like NW Flyer said, Tahoe is closed and Mesquite is 8 hours away. The closest dz's are around Sacramento. I am trying to find some locals in Reno to car pool and hang out during the week.

TiaDanger, I replied to your message. Thanks for all of your help. I am losing my mind not having skydivers to hang out with :P

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There are at least 3-4 fun jumpers from Reno/Tahoe area that jump at Skydive Sacramento. Come on down on a Sat or Sun and I'm sure you will run into them.
We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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