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Amazon 7
I am a master’s student in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism and I am writing a research paper on motivations for skydiving. I would like to know what made you start skydiving and why you continue to do it?
Thank you in advance for all who take the time to post.
I like getting high....
And since I am not into drugs.... ALTITUDE works for me
Phillbo 11
I was tricked into jumping :)'s not "All Consuming"
Some 200 jump chump asked me today why I have 38 years in the sport & 'only' 4000 jumps...
Told him for the first 1/3rd of that most dropzones only had ONE plane and it held FOUR people...the last 2/3rds I figured out there's a whole LOT going on OFF the dz!
I now totally agree !
It had become all too consuming with us, as the sport became profession.
After 7 years for me working fulltime during jump season. with no other ability for outside life, & Brad the past 12 years....we decided we can longer live ONLY in skydiving.
We aren't even getting many "fun" jumps in, any longer
He just took a M-F /8-5 job outside of skydiving.
I know longer will pack full time 7 days/wk.
We will now be part of the weekend warriors, only.
That will be contigent if there is something else we decide we'd like to do.
Too much & too many have been missed, while commited ONLY to the DZ.
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