Remster 30
We're not looking for pics...
Your basic metabolism, at that weight, would be about 2500 Cal. Only consuming 1500 Cal would lead to a rapid decrease of weight, even in a completely sedimentary lifestyle. You have your numbers wrong.
Snoa 0
QuoteWe're not looking for pics...
Your basic metabolism, at that weight, would be about 2500 Cal. Only consuming 1500 Cal would lead to a rapid decrease of weight, even in a completely sedimentary lifestyle. You have your numbers wrong.
Family has a history of thyroid issues. As I understand that affects how hard/easy weight is lost. Could also have a slow metabolism. *shrugs* I just know Im fairly active and dont eat too much. I always try to be healthy is all.
I guarantee at your size you are taking in a lot more than 1500 calories a day. . .probably 3 times that if you figured it out correctly.
Write down everything you eat & drink everyday for a week, go on the net and find a calorie chart. Cutting out snacks & soft drinks is an easy start.
Watch your processed sugar intake.
Exercise and hour every day, doesn't have to be all at once but that's the best way.
Get your heart rate up for at least 20 mins on the elliptical, any less is almost useless.
I'm 6'4" and was 245 at age 18 when I started jumping...there was no tandem or AFF back then.
I wasn't fat at all, I was a boxer & played football in college so I maintained that weight until my 20's when I dieted down to 205.
MUCH easier to skydive at the lower weight!
I've been jumping for 38 years now and one thing I've learned is that 'we' as bigger guys REALLY need to stay in good physical condition.
Hope you can find a place to get started and realize your dream...have fun and see you in the clouds!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
I guarantee at your size you are taking in a lot more than 1500 calories a day. . .probably 3 times that if you figured it out correctly.
Write down everything you eat & drink everyday for a week, go on the net and find a calorie chart. Cutting out snacks & soft drinks is an easy start.
Watch your processed sugar intake.
Writing stuff down is a great step. To really get an accurate calorie count you are also going to have to weigh and/or measure your portions.
Most people have a vastly inflated idea of what 4 oz. of meat or one serving or cereal is.
david3 0
QuoteIm not a ball of fat
You’re not fat you're just easy to see.

I guarantee at your size you are taking in a lot more than 1500 calories a day. . .probably 3 times that if you figured it out correctly.
Write down everything you eat & drink everyday for a week, go on the net and find a calorie chart. Cutting out snacks & soft drinks is an easy start.
Watch your processed sugar intake.
Writing stuff down is a great step. To really get an accurate calorie count you are also going to have to weigh and/or measure your portions.
Most people have a vastly inflated idea of what 4 oz. of meat or one serving or cereal is.
My wife is a monster health nut, we've been 'eating clean' for a couple of years now, she weighs portions...reads & understands labels. works out at least 2 hours every day...
When I saw what 90 days of eating right & exercise can do ~ I jumped right on the bandwagon with her.
I eat 5 times a day, know exactly what kind of proteins & carbs are going in and how how much.
No soft drinks, no sugar snacks etc.
I'm 220# right now, work out everyday ~ 1/2 hr. cardio & 1/2 hour on weights...I take in between 3800 & 4500 calories a day maintaining 220.
When we hiked the Caminio de Santiago trail in Spain this summer (507 miles in 30 days) I was taking in 15,000 calories and losing weight.
I've become very cognizant of what I eat & drink and am enjoying better health than I have in 20 years.
Writing down & analyzing what you are fueling yourself with is the major 1st step to understanding what's going on with 'the machine'.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
david3 0
My wife is a monster health nut, we've been 'eating clean' for a couple of years now, she weighs portions...reads & understands labels. works out at least 2 hours every day...
When I saw what 90 days of eating right & exercise can do ~ I jumped right on the bandwagon with her.
I eat 5 times a day, know exactly what kind of proteins & carbs are going in and how how much.
No soft drinks, no sugar snacks etc.
I'm 220# right now, work out everyday ~ 1/2 hr. cardio & 1/2 hour on weights...I take in between 3800 & 4500 calories a day maintaining 220.
When we hiked the Caminio de Santiago trail in Spain this summer (507 miles in 30 days) I was taking in 15,000 calories and losing weight.
I've become very cognizant of what I eat & drink and am enjoying better health than I have in 20 years.
Writing down & analyzing what you are fueling yourself with is the major 1st step to understanding what's going on with 'the machine'.
Do you miss the care free way you ate before? I do love to eat.
Do you miss the care free way you ate before? I do love to eat.
Ya know I really DON'T.
It's kind of a habit ya get into I guess, you understand what you're putting in has a real effect and 'hesitate' for lack of a better over eat or eat some crappy stuff you now 'know' are useless calories.
I've become a pretty good cook along the way and enjoy making meals that are both good tasting and good for you.
Once ya get away from the 'crap' food that's out there you actually develop a taste for 'clean food'.
Plus eating 5x's a day lets plenty of variety into the mix.
Today I'm cooking a dozen 4oz turkey burgers with onions, peppers & cajun spice ~ & 4 cups of brown rice...they'll be individually packaged portions in the fridge for the next few days as a near instant meal.
Our refrigerator is packed with Tupperware containing individual meals ready to nuke...the last meal of the day is always made fresh.
Tonite is fresh salmon & sweet potatoes...

My better half flys to Europe several times a month, 3 days trips...she packs a cooler to take with her so she can 'eat clean' most of the meals away from home as well.
After 30 years of bacon cheese burgers, sugar donuts and coke it took a couple months to get my 'tastes' realigned...but considering how my over-all health has improved it was well worth the change.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Snoa 0
QuoteWell, Im not counting snacks but I dont snack anyways. And when it comes to the elliptical machine I usually dont go for very long. I just set it to the highest resistance and go as hard as I can. And I could be miscounting calories, as it's hard to get a calorie count on some things, but I doubt Im far off.
I guarantee at your size you are taking in a lot more than 1500 calories a day. . .probably 3 times that if you figured it out correctly.
Write down everything you eat & drink everyday for a week, go on the net and find a calorie chart. Cutting out snacks & soft drinks is an easy start.
Watch your processed sugar intake.
Exercise and hour every day, doesn't have to be all at once but that's the best way.
Get your heart rate up for at least 20 mins on the elliptical, any less is almost useless.
I'm 6'4" and was 245 at age 18 when I started jumping...there was no tandem or AFF back then.
I wasn't fat at all, I was a boxer & played football in college so I maintained that weight until my 20's when I dieted down to 205.
MUCH easier to skydive at the lower weight!
I've been jumping for 38 years now and one thing I've learned is that 'we' as bigger guys REALLY need to stay in good physical condition.
Hope you can find a place to get started and realize your dream...have fun and see you in the clouds!
Thanks for the tips! Luckily I was introduced to healthy habits early on so being healthy isn't too much trouble for me. My doctor warned me in middle school to be healthier and exercise more, I took his advice and the before and after pictures speak for themselves xD Maybe I'm not lighter, but I gained weight at a slower rate and don't have nearly as much fat on me. And lately my doctor has suspected that I may have diabetes (going to get blood work done next week to find out) so I'm already monitoring my sugars, just in case. But it hasn't been that hard since I really only drink water and natural lemonade (Has about 1/4-1/2 the amount of sugar as a soda and has twice as much liquid), and the only thing I really snack on is all natural beef jerky :3 I guess I'm just really fortunate, I naturally crave healthy things and don't eat too much at all, 2 meals a day on average (A small breakfast and a decent dinner). I take great pride in my health, and since now I have a reason and goal to lower my weight (skydiving) should be a lot easier to get some more pounds off (Though I sprained my ankle REAL bad so cardio has been out of the question this past week >.<)
Snoa 0
Well, Id say those claims are a bit unfounded. I already follow a pretty rigid diet, eating about 1500cals a day (a relatively small amount for someone my size) and I do my fair share of exercising already, doing two hours of martial arts a week with biking, running, and hopping on the elliptical machine 1-2 times a week. And while I havent LOST weight, Ive certainly changed my proportions and changed a lot of fat in to muscle, especially in my upper body. That's why I was talking anout exercising a smidge MORE. Maybe cut down some additional calories and increase the amount I exercise. Im not some bum who stays inside all day, I mean yeah I enjoy my fair share of video games and being on the computer, but Id take being outdoors over that any day. Nah, Im just a large dude who was born to be built like an oak, not a twig :/
For starters it really would not matter if you are 245 of fat or 245 lbs of muscle you are going to fall very fast. If you happened to somehow get your license to skydive, the vast majority of your skydive’s would be spent alone as you would fall too fast for most skydivers. As for the wingsuit thing, once again that is a hug amount of weight and you would be falling too fast for most to want to skydive with you. Yes, they make giant wingsuits that would make you fall slow but it would take 100’s of jumps on the smaller ones to work up to the larger ones. If you think you are being singled out in life now for your size you have not seen anything as your weight will definitely be a hug hindrance in skydiving. It is not that skydivers are mean but when everyone is paying for the jump, most want to make the most of that money and skydive together(not try and chance after someone that is falling too fast).
Unless you are a power lifter, one thing you really need to stop lying to yourself at 245 lbs you are obese (you are not just a little over weight). I am 6’2” and I currently weight 225lbs with a 50” chest of muscle and I am fat(most all my extra weight is in my gut/love handle area). I am currently in the process of losing weight.
As for your workout and caloric intake that is really all left up to interpretation. When you are doing exercise it is important to look at the intensity of the workout too. When running, doing the elliptical, or biking, how long and fast are you pushing yourself. When you are done are you sweating and a tad exhausted or are you just on the machine doing an easy pace. I see lots of people at the gym that never break a sweat or even slightly push themselves are you one of them? From my understanding for best results you want to vary the speed, sprint for a section then go to a brisk pace and repeat that cycle. As for your caloric intake it is very important to look and the make up of what you are eating. Is there lots of lean protein in it, or is there lots of fat and sugars in it? Also it is important when you are eating too. Are you starving yourself most of the day and having 1500 calorie dinner? When looking at your calorie intake are you including what you drink too?
One last thing I personally have fought with my weight my entire life at 17 I weighed 278lbs. A year later I dieted down to 168 lbs. I spent about 8 years around 175lbs. I then got into working out and put on muscle and at a point some fat. The last 10 years my weight has fluctuated between 200 and 230. When I get up to the 230 I diet down to the 200 mark or as close to it as I can get and in the proceeding 2 years I get back up to the 230 mark. I know my ideal weight is 190 as I have been there several times. I also know that yo-yo dieting is not good and I am trying to find a better balance to stay at my lower weight too. Losing weight can be done it is just really hard work.
I have the same sized chest as you and it's all mostly muscle (I have a small layer of fat between my armpits and should blades). I have a size-able gut, since that's where nearly all of my body fat is stored it seems. I can still see my waist and the entirety of my feet when standing up though, which is better than how it used to be xD But in my family, everyone has a large belly, it's just where my genes have decided to store the majority of my fat I guess (I'm not saying I'm fat BECAUSE of my genes, I'm in control of that. But I'm not as much in control as where fat is stored).
When on the elliptical, I set it to the highest resistance and go as hard and as fast as I can for as long as I can. When I start to feel tired I turn down the resistance but try to maintain my speed. Sometimes I'll also sprint at a lower resistance for a few minutes. When biking or running I'm usually more cautious as I don't want to run somewhere and not be able to get back home (If you lived in my neighborhood, you'd understand), so I usually follow the same route and how confident I'm feeling determines how hard I'm going. Though lately I've been going for stamina since I have a decent amount of strength in my legs already (Don't have any fat on my legs, it's cut nicely, not to brag).
As for diet, I stick mainly to white meats, and lots of green veggies and fruits (Peas, carrots, green beans and strawberries especially. They're my favorite). I have a decent amount of pasta and whole grains, and I don't drink any soda (Except on rare occasions. The glasses of soda I drink per year are probably in the single digits). My main weakness is whole milk which I drink a lot of but I'm making the switch to skim/2% (Can't remember which is healthier at the moment), and for snacks I have all natural pork jerky. As for meals, on week days I have a glass of milk for breakfast (And fruit if we have any and I'm not in a rush), skip lunch because the school lunches are terribly unhealthy and I'd rather not eat, and then have a nice healthy snack when I get home. Something along the lines of jerky, crackers, or applesauce. On weekends I have lunch and it's usually a small Cuban sandwich which has pork, lettuce, tomato, onions, mustard and mayo. And when it comes to meals, my main rule of thumb is to eat until I'm no longer hungry, not until I'm full, and also to minimize carb intakes after 6pm or so. So I usually go to bed at least slightly hungry and if not then I make a habit of exercising when I wake up before breakfast (Usually not something too strenuous, don't have a lot of energy early in the morning and I don't want to get sweaty before I even brush my teeth). I've already had diet-discussions with my doctor in the past and he's asked me to write down and keep track of what I eat, he doesn't have any major complaints besides the whole milk. I suppose the area that needs the most improvement is more variety in my exercising since I mainly do cardio. I really just want to focus on my gut. I've gotten compliments on how my chest and shoulder area is built and on my legs, so my gut is really the only area I'm worried about. Though, my belly measures about 41 inches around so at least it's smaller around than my chest, which is another improvement. I used to be pear-shaped. Now I'm more of an upside-down trapezoid.
And all I meant by being more muscle than fat is that I heard that harnesses are less comfortable/have a tendency to slip or something if you're more fat than if the harness has something more firm to wrap around. And this isn't the first time I've heard about heavier people falling faster, but I don't get why that is? I mean, I'm a broad, wide guy so I would think I'd have surface area going for me.
My main weakness is whole milk which I drink a lot of but I'm making the switch to skim/2% (Can't remember which is healthier at the moment), and for snacks I have all natural pork jerky.
Go with non-fat milk...yeah yeah I know, looks funny and taste funky. Ya get use to it, it's better for ya. Check out the cals. in whole milk, 2% is better but only marginally. Ice cold non-fat milk is the bomb.
I also use unsweetened almond milk in coffee & in protein shakes (2 met-rx with frozen fruit every day)
Don't 'snack' on's a protein. Go with fruit &-or veggies instead, they process faster. Hand full of carrot sticks or an apple will do ya better.
Important to get at least 8 glasses of water a day...VERY important! If you are a bit 'hungry' drink a glass of room temp water, fills you up and cleans ya out.
And eat more than 2x a day as you indicated you do...your body wasn't designed to work that way. Eat every 4 process the food better, don't 'spike' your system (worried about diabetes?) and if you eat more often you actually lose weight!
By eating a light breakfast & a 'good' dinner, you are making your body store up calories because it's not sure when the next load is coming, ~and dinner should be 'lighter' than breakfast because you will not be burning those calories...get on a routine of something small every 4 hours with a protein & carb.
WRITE IT DOWN & keep track. in about 2 weeks your body will adjust to getting food on a regular schedule and if you keep about the same calories intake daily...just spread out, and do NOTHING more , you WILL drop weight.
Add a bit more exercise and the Lbs will start fallin' off ya!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
1) Please take advice on diet, exercise and nutrition from your doctor and not a bunch of guys on the internet. If you turn out to be diabetic, you'll need to take extra precautions when skydiving. Who do you talk to about that? A bunch of guys on the internet! NO! Your doctor!
2) Please take advice on skydiving from your skydiving instructor and not a bunch of guys on the internet.
Hmm. Keeping that in mind, you could probably find out about your fall speed in a vertical wind tunnel. Most of the ones I found will let you fly up to 250 pounds. Find one, call them, explain your situation and if they'll let you fly there, talk to an instructor there about finding out your fall speed.
At the very least, providing this information to your AFF instructors at some point in the future could prepare them for jumping with you. If you fall super-fast, they can put weights on to keep up (Yeah I know Galileo blah blah objects fall at the same speed... wind resistance doesn't work like that!) or set you up with larger instructors. And hopefully a canopy that won't explode or rip your arms off when you open at 170 mph. I never had a problem, and I think I still have some early jumps on the Neptune that show me going that fast. Uuggh... though now that I think about it, I'm very, very happy I never had to deploy a reserve at that speed *shudder*.
Our family doctor died of a heart attack, he was morbidly obese...
If ya wanna learn about diet, nutrition & with skydiving, ya might wanna try talking to someone that LIVES it.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Remster 30
Quote1) Please take advice on diet, exercise and nutrition from your doctor and not a bunch of guys on the internet.
Our family doctor died of a heart attack, he was morbidly obese...
If ya wanna learn about diet, nutrition & with skydiving, ya might wanna try talking to someone that LIVES it.
When I moved to Tucson, I went for a physical to a doc I found on the insurance website that was taking new clients.
Well, he told me I should loose 10-15 pounds and that I should make better eating decisions. The guy was at least 300 lbs. The only way that discussion would have been more surreal is if he had said the same thing while smoking a fat cigar and drinking a scotch.
I found a new docRemster
QuoteQuote1) Please take advice on diet, exercise and nutrition from your doctor and not a bunch of guys on the internet.
Our family doctor died of a heart attack, he was morbidly obese...
If ya wanna learn about diet, nutrition & with skydiving, ya might wanna try talking to someone that LIVES it.
When I moved to Tucson, I went for a physical to a doc I found on the insurance website that was taking new clients.
Well, he told me I should loose 10-15 pounds and that I should make better eating decisions. The guy was at least 300 lbs. The only way that discussion would have been more surreal is if he had said the same thing while smoking a fat cigar and drinking a scotch.
I found a new doc![]()
I've not had great luck with Doctors...
In college the sports medicine MD said my knee was damaged beyond rehab and surgery was required...
~I read up a LOT, put on swim fins and kicked in the water twice a day for 45 minutes, walked 5 miles a day and did light leg work-outs in the gym daily... two months later I was back on the field as a starter, I was stronger than ever & have never had knee problems since.
When I had major back surgery they told me I was not only done jumping but that I would walk with a cane the rest of my life.
~I walked out of the hospital unassisted & 364 days later started jumping again, that was 20 years ago.
Couple years back went in for blood tests with 'new' family doc, was having fatigue & skin problems...'just get more rest and use this topical on you skin.'
~got significantly worse almost immediately, turns out I have silicone blood poisoning, the ointment was silicone based. Could have done permanent damage.
When it comes to nutrition & exercise...we've literally got 4 shelves in the bookcase on the subject. My wife took classes at the local university and is an instructor at the gym, and we socialize with 1/2 a dozen professional trainers whom I consult often.
Not ALL Doctors are bad, but as with Skydiving pays to do your own research and keep in mind some are a LOT better than others.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
If you fall super-fast, they can put weights on to keep up (Yeah I know Galileo blah blah objects fall at the same speed... wind resistance doesn't work like that!) or set you up with larger instructors. And hopefully a canopy that won't explode or rip your arms off when you open at 170 mph.
Umm...1st you tell him not to take advise on the net, then proceed to give him a boatload of advise regarding his path ~ and from what I can tell, you hold no current or past Instructional ratings?
See a problem there?!
He's 245 not 345...I jumped 1500 times at that weight and never had a problem skydiving with feather-butts. Ya use the right jumpsuit & fly large.
What say we not scare the wuffos by planting seeds of canopy failure just yet.
I've had a terminal reserve deployment @ 310 pounds out the door (large flag demo) and the canopy (rated at 254) open quickly/softly and stable just as designed.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
I've seen a number of guys larger than me going through the course, or jumping regularly at my DZ. There was a guy last week who had to have been a foot taller than me! I didn't even know they made them that big! They were flying the king air that day, too. I had trouble with me and two instructors getting out of that door, and I was a foot shorter!
Personally I STILL have trouble keeping up with Mr. Floaty Pants, but that doesn't make it not fun to try! I CAN slow down, and I demonstrated that reasonably well in the tunnel here the other night, but I still need to think about how to do it. It doesn't just happen, like turning does.
There was a guy last week who had to have been a foot taller than me! I didn't even know they made them that big!
I met 'Bigun' at a boogie @ my home DZ a few years back...we'd conversed on here but never met in person.
Dood stands up and I had two thoughts~
Now THAT fucker is BIG -&- Hey I might know him!
Like shakin' hands with a catchers mitt!
Same thing when I met AggieDave first time in person...he was behind me in line at manifest, I turned around and there's this Coke machine with a head standing there. I thought to myself 'that boy is THICK...but I could catch him!' -
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
JohnMitchell 16
This sport still favors skinny people.
Jumping with a friend of mine this weekend who's added a lot of holiday weight. Even with the big jumpsuit he's falling out on each point. Really tough to do a donut on 3 different levels.
QuoteThis sport still favors skinny people.
Jumping with a friend of mine this weekend who's added a lot of holiday weight. Even with the big jumpsuit he's falling out on each point. Really tough to do a donut on 3 different levels.
Two words ~ Drogue Chute!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Amazon 7
QuoteThis sport still favors skinny people.
Jumping with a friend of mine this weekend who's added a lot of holiday weight. Even with the big jumpsuit he's falling out on each point. Really tough to do a donut on 3 different levels.
Needs a new V-MAX
Z-Hills can take care of you man.
'Cept when partaking in Combat RW...or prop startin' a Cessna!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Well, Im not counting snacks but I dont snack anyways. And when it comes to the elliptical machine I usually dont go for very long. I just set it to the highest resistance and go as hard as I can. And I could be miscounting calories, as it's hard to get a calorie count on some things, but I doubt Im far off. And I agree, Idk how I maintain it either, but I can upload a pic of mysekf if you want. Im not super toned or muscular, but you'd see Im not a ball of fat.
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