First post! Flat Spin!

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Well came across this forum while drooling over gear I some day wish to have.

Figure ill post my incident from last summer, it was a real pisser as I was on my AFF 4 jump. I had an hour earlier cleared my AFF 3 jump and was all giggles, I had enough cash for 2 jumps that day BTW.

My coach and I are going through the motions quite well as he later explained to me until apparently I forgot I had legs attached to me, I went into what we both guessed was 15 -20 über fast spins.

(Note) I'm now glad this happened because I learned I will NOT freak out in an "incident" situation as I (as I'm sure all) folks wondered prior to something going awry 6000' up

Well I waved off before Coach came in and risked his own butt and I pulled on my own. Then the fun begin with my line twists!
I quickly also learned that I DID in fact pay attention in AFF class! Spread the risers and kick like you're riding a bicycle!
The rest of my jump was uneventful except when I came in hot and barrel rolled my butt to the ground while angrily yelling profanities to Coach for my previous lack of brain capacity through a radio he could not hear me through but he was was laughing hysterically in the distance as he rightfully should have!

Long story short as I yearned for redemption I ran out of funding due to money issues at home, that was my last jump....
Since then I have saved and saved (lost and re saved) and now 6 months later I have a hand full of dough to throw at my AFF, hopefully pass and move onto my coached jumps ill be starting jumping again as soon as Colorado weather warms up and I get a tad of free time

Best regards, hope everyone gets a good laugh from this one
And btw I also was smart enough to buy myself some time indoors to keep my legs under control now

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you need to read the stickies at the top of this forum

Primarily "The purpose of this forum is to report, discuss and learn from fatal and serious non-fatal incidents."

Expect that a moderator will move or delete this as they see fit.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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My coach and I are going through the motions quite well as he later explained to me until apparently I forgot I had legs attached to me, I went into what we both guessed was 15 -20 über fast spins.

I hope your Coach explained to you how to get out of a flat spin. Apparently Felix's coach did not either.

This seems to be a forgotten skill.

To exit a flat spin go into a track. It only takes a second it that position until you stop spinning then you can go back to you previously unstable position and re-enter the spin or you can correct you body position before the spin begins.

Some folks who have had leg or ankle or even arm injuries have a kinesthetic issue with symmetry. This is where a good coach is invaluable. They can point out the asymmetry and show you how to correct it.

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Your time in the tunnel should be sufficient to learn not to flat spin. John Sherman was right in that any asymmetry can cause a spin. I usually see it caused by too stiff or rigid of a body position and a twisting at the hips or legs. RELAX! And learn to make turns, which will allow you to control your heading.

I had a couple of student jumps where I spun up. My instruction was to hit a rigid body position. Actually I needed to relax into my body position. Poor instruction struck again. ;):D

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It was a rookie lack of rational on my behalf. My jump coaches have made jumping exceptionally fun, I knew better than to stiffen up and forget my form. I'm thankful I was able to end the skydive on my own.

I look forward to time in the tunnel to learn safe practice. I hope few as few incidents as possible.

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Calm down there bud... He is sharing an experience. Something can be learned from every experience no matter how serious or not...

The thread was initially posted in 'incidents'...it's not an indecent - it's Skydiving. ;)

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Calm down there bud... He is sharing an experience. Something can be learned from every experience no matter how serious or not...

It was posted in the Incidents forums before the mods moved it here. It didn't belong in the Incidents forum
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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To exit a flat spin go into a track.

Only problem there, John - is this OP is reporting this on his/her AFF-4 jump. As you know, "tracking" is a TLO at that level, not even brought up yet, let alone taught/learned. I suspect the OP is merely mis-using the term "coach" here, in their post.
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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