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labrys 0
QuoteI'm not sure why it's okay to have it on the hand that will pull the reserve handle
The reserve handle is less likely to entangle with a altimeter (no hackey, bridle, or PC to snag). It's also accessible with either hand.
wolfriverjoe 1,523
QuoteQuoteI'm not sure why it's okay to have it on the hand that will pull the reserve handle
The reserve handle is less likely to entangle with a altimeter (no hackey, bridle, or PC to snag). It's also accessible with either hand.
Good points. Thank you.
"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
labrys 0
QuoteGood points. Thank you.
No problem. It's also worth pointing out that even if you *did* somehow get your alti stuck on your reserve handle, you could probably still pull down and deploy. Way different than having your PC wrapped around your wrist.
wolfriverjoe 1,523
QuoteQuoteGood points. Thank you.
No problem. It's also worth pointing out that even if you *did* somehow get your alti stuck on your reserve handle, you could probably still pull down and deploy. Way different than having your PC wrapped around your wrist.
Yeah, the thought that the reserve handle is a ripcord not a throw out occurred to me.
"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo
excaza 1
QuoteThough fwiw, when I do AFF, I wear mine on my right hand. It's fairly unnatural to have it over there, but I have a neptune and I got sick of students trying to tear the thing off my hand when they reach for the BOC.
Hey, that's how I failed my level 2. Turns out altis feel kinda like handles

BIGUN 1,345
QuoteAnd completely OT - Who wears a watch nowadays anyway?
Unfair. You have a time on target.

JohnMitchell 16
1- Well, you have to wear it somewhere!Quote
I'm not sure why it's okay to have it on the hand that will pull the reserve handle, but that's the way I was taught, and the way everyone else does it.

2- It doesn't matter if the reserve ripcord entangles with it. You just need to pull it, not throw it.
3- By the time you pull your reserve, you should be done looking at your altimeter.
4- When I started, the altimeter was on top of the reserve. But then they put the reserve on the back, behind your head, and it made it really hard to read the altimeter then.

JohnMitchell 16
I know several that still use that. I have one for my wingsuit and occasionally wear it on regular loads too. Used to be you never looked at your own altimeter doing RW. You would just glance around at everyone else's chest mount altimeters.QuoteHave you considered a chest mounted altimeter ?

QuoteI know several that still use that. I have one for my wingsuit and occasionally wear it on regular loads too. Used to be you never looked at your own altimeter doing RW. You would just glance around at everyone else's chest mount altimeters.QuoteHave you considered a chest mounted altimeter ?
I had a buddy in college that had one mounted on the front of his helmet...didn't do HIM much good but the rest of us were grateful!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
JohnMitchell 16
One of our tandem video guys used to do that. Very handy indeed.Quote
I had a buddy in college that had one mounted on the front of his helmet...didn't do HIM much good but the rest of us were grateful!

That plus, (from pchapman) Having the alti on your left allows you to start reaching back to pull with the right, while still checking the alti with the left.
Left-handed pull? Alti on right.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239
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